Tia's Thread - Motherhood!!!

Today I am making post on Motherhood since Sunday is Mother’s Day. Now, motherhood is an amazing thing. When a woman becomes a mother, she immediate devotes herself to her baby. The pain of labour instantly becomes forgotten holding the tiny bundle of joy whom she only felt within her, but didn’t meet until now.

There are many mothers in the world who are making their child’s life filled with joy, love and laughter each day. There are also mothers who open their arms, heart and home for someone else's child. With such mothers, you always know that you have a place called home.

So today let me tell you a story of such two mothers. They lived far away from each other.

They had nothing in common. Their language was different, cultures were different, lifestyles were different and the world they lived in was different.

One had a little blond haired, blue eyed baby boy. Let’s call her Mamma O. And the other Mother had a dark brown haired, deep brown eyed baby girl. Let’s call her Mamma M.


These two kids grew up in two different world, with two different life experiences. 

No one expected them to meet. But one day, they did. Just like that. By fluke.

They fell in love and told their mothers about the person they loved.

Mamma O took one look at the girl and opened her arms and heart and said, "Welcome, darling."

Mamma M, didn't even meet the guy except in skype. But she also opened her heart and said, "Welcome to the family, my dear."

Mamma O and Mamma M had many reasons to nitpick on the differences and try to find a way to make their differences a hindrances in their children's lives. But instead they looked into the similarity between them - they were both mothers and they both wanted their children to be happy. So if their chosen life partner makes them happy, then that was enough reason for both of them to love that said life partner forever.

The two kids got married and live happily ever after with two mothers always by their side, loving them, supporting them, guiding them and yet letting them make their own way on their own terms. 

That's it. This is the story.

It's a simplest and easiest story you will ever read. 

A story where mothers did what they were supposed to do. They respected their children's choice and welcomed their children's life partner and were happy for their children instead of trying to ruin their lives.

You'd think that this simple story will be everyone's reality. Because what could be simpler than watching one's children happy? But it's not. 

That's because when mothers start to behave like God and start making decisions of their children's lives, that's when both their motherhood and their human compassion is lost. Then they start to believe that they have the right to create destiny of their children. 

But we all create our own destiny. A parent has the option to refuse to be part of it until the children prove that their choice is right by making their relationship a success. But they don't have the right to make or change their children's wish, fate or life choices.

In our culture, we revere parents and they should be respected and treated well. But the problem arises when we start to worship our parents. Because you see, we worship God who is always right and can do no wrong. 

But parents are human beings. They can be right and they can be wrong. If we become blind to the human side of the parents, then they can't correct their wrong and they are burdened to be always right which no human being can ever be. 

In my opinion, when human being are worshipped like God (be it saints, scholars or whoever), it take away their best quality any person has to offer. Their humanity. Because divinity is good in religion. But humanity is the ultimate treasure of the human race.

The day a parent loses their humanity for trying to hold onto their fake divinity, that's the day they lose their bond with their children and turn into a demon trying to protect that fake power over their lives. 

But it's also the children's responsibility to make sure that their parents remain their parents and their mind and heart don't turn into stone. After all their parents guide them when they are wrong, why won't they do the same? With due respect of course.

You can worship stone, but they can't give the warmth of home and hearth which defines Motherhood.

Today I am wishing all mothers who embrace their motherhood, their humanity and let their children fly without hindrance in the open sky and wait with their arms open should they fall a great day.

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women and specially to my two mothers, Mamma O and Mamma M... You two have set a high example to follow when I have my own children. I hope I can be half as great mother as you two have been to us. 

I love you!!!

P.S. Today our blog has completed a whole week. I created this blog last Friday and started my first post. I am happy to report that we have 12,950 views in just a week and today isn't even over. Congratulations to you all. We have created a place of open communication, togetherness and free speech. Group Hugs to banta hain guys...

EPISODE:  The episode starts with Sonakshi telling Bijoy that there is nothing between them and nothing can happen either. Their relationship is finished.

Bijoy says: If that's the truth, then I am not going anywhere.

Sona: And I won't have let you go either.

They hug.

Me: So it's clear from today's episode that Bijoy asks Sonakshi to tell the truth and Sonakshi says that they have no relationship anymore.

Bijoy is assured that he doesn't have to watch his daughter making the same mistake again decides to stay by his daughter's side.

Like Bijoy, I am taking Sonakshi on what she said. Let's see if she sticks to it.

At Dixit house, Dev comes running down the stairs, fit and fine, energy level 99.9. He is looking for Sonakshi. He asks Elena where is she.

Elena says that she went back. She offers to call her back.

Dev says that no need. He will talk to her later. 

Ishwari sees Bhaiya's energy level and thinks that no one can lie to a mother but Dev had been lying to her. He has something in his heart and he is saying something else. 

Me: If you know that much, then why not show how generous mothers are and stop blackmailing him? Didn't you say you are a mother? Do mothers blackmail their sons even after knowing what they want just to flex their power on them?

And Bhaiya, couldn't you have at least pretended to be sick for one day? Honestly, that's why people should stick to the truth. Much less hassle to be consistent.

You have the guts to lie to your mother. But you don't have the guts to tell your mother the truth and to tell her to stop forcing you. 

Bhai wah!!! Himmat dikhai bhi to kis cheez mein...

(Wow, you showed courage, but for what reason)...

Bhaiya says: You could have asked me for anything. But what have you asked? And on top of that your condition and that to when there is Khatri in one side, Suhana in another, Sona is the other and you have now surrounded me from all four sides. I just can't... I can't...

Me: Well, you are the one who keeps sitting in the box and closing the lid, Bhaiya. All sides can be open for you if you used your brain for once. 

Let's see. Sonakshi will find the family today or tomorrow.  Once the family is found and they forgive you, Khatri is powerless. That solves Khatri. 

Sonakshi makes no demand on you. Nada. That side is always open.

Suhana just asks for you to be by her side which most of the time you are willing to do anyway. So that side is also solved. Once she becomes an adult, that side is open forever.

Now remains the only boxed side - your mother. If you had just told her that if she won't acknowledge you as her son if you don't marry, then it becomes moot point for you to stay in that house hence you are leaving Dixit house forever. The moment you start to move out of that house and follow her decision to stay out of your life, she'd have changed her mind. 

But by falling for her blackmail, you just gave her the opportunity to forever put a leash around your neck to drag you around where she wants to take you.

You are honestly the biggest moron to ever live. People curse their bad luck. You invite bad luck.

Golu comes there running. 

He says that he came to do what big people does. 

Bhaiya: Fight?

Golu: No, to solve it. Talk and all...

Bhaiya: Discussion...

Golu: Yes. Or I'd have left in anger, no?

Bhaiya: I am sorry Golu. It was my fault. But we were just kidding.

Me: Not we, Bhaiya. Just you.

Golu: Suhana also said sorry to me.

Bhaiya: I know. I didn't come, no? But you know naa how important you are to me and how great friends we are.

Golu: Are we friends again?

Bhaiya: Yes.

They do their handshake/hi-five/thingamajig...

Me: Bhaiya, just in case you were wondering what unconditional love looks like, just see how Golu loves you. All he wants is for you to be happy. He doesn't keep conditions, apply force, keep grudges. Now compare this to your mother's so-called love and you will see what a big lie that is. Your mother only loves one person. That's herself.

Golu asks if he still have fever.

Bhaiya says that no. Why?

Golu says that he is looking tired and sick.

Bhaiya says that must be because of the weakness from the fever...

Me: No, Golu. That is called Ishwari-itis. It's worse than cancer. It's eats brain cells and makes people dumb. Run before you get it... 

Golu says that he can't lie to him. He has seen him sick and well. Either he is sick or sad.

Me: Bhaiya, just see. This little kid can tell how poisonous your mother is. You were happy before and in moments, she came and made you sickly or sad (or somewhere in between) claiming that she wants your happiness. Wow, this is the first time someone claimed that they want someone's happiness while sucking their happiness dry.

Bhaiya says: He is absolutely fine.

Golu says that he won't say anything if that's his answer.

Bhaiya thinks what Maiya says. Still his alarm bells don't ring.

Anyhoo, Bhaiya comes down and Mami calls him to eat with her and Ishwari.

Bhaiya asks if Ishwari ate.

Me: Agar kha bhi li hogi, to bhi thodi hi bolegi? Yehi to leverage hain.

Ishwari is silent. 

Bhaiya asks her again...

Mami asks to Ishwari to eat. 

Ishwari says that she is not hungry.

Dev asks what is she doing?

Ishwari says that her health is not good. She will go and rest.

Dev keeps calling and Ishwari walks away.

Me: Isn't it funny that in the past 7 years, Ishwari never did any hunger strike even though Bhaiya didn't come home. But the moment he started to give her attention, she grabbed his neck. Didn't I say then that you should be careful with people like these? The moment you hold out a finger, they will grab your neck.

Guess what would have happened if Bhaiya had got angry and said that if she wants to be stubborn, then fine. He doesn't have to watch this. If she doesn't want to acknowledge him as her son, then he is living this house forever.

No, guess it.... Ishwari would have ran after him and cursed Radha. Not to mention, her emotional blackmail would have stopped permanently. 

That's what I kept saying. Bhaiya, grow a spine.

Dev sits down tired. 

Radha asks if he is feeling well. She offers to bring him medicine.

Dev says that he is fine.

Radha asks him to do as his mother wants.

Dev says that he can't do this.

Radha tells him to put away old memories and move forward in his life. Ishwari had given him two choices. He can either marry Sonakshi or let them find someone. But whatever he must do, he should do fast before Ishwari starts questioning Sonakshi.

Bhaiya gets scared thinking of what chaos his mother did last time. 

Radha says that he knows that Ishwari can do anything for his happiness. She can also go begging for him. And if Ishwari goes to talk to Bose family, then even he knows what will happen.

Bhaiya is even more scared.

He asks if Ishwari told her that she will talk to Sonakshi?

Radha makes faces and walks away leaving Bhaiya scared.

Me: Oh dear God. Your mother is like a malignant tumour that is threatening to burst any moment. No one should live their life petrified that what their mentally imbalanced psycho family member will do. Yet, you think you have a normal family. How? Meet some people and ask if they live in permanent fear of their life might get ruined any moment by their own family.

Dev calls Sona but Jatin picks up the phone.

He asks if they are going somewhere.

Jatin says that Sonakshi is still at home. There was a problem, so she could not leave yet.

Dev asks: Problem? What problem?

Not sure if Jatin Bhaiya said anything or not.

Anyhoo, Bhaiya comes at Bose house and peeks through window. Sonakshi is combing her hair when she hears Bhaiya's hissing and knocking on the window.

She asks what is he doing there?

He asks her to come out. He wants to talk to her.

She said to wait. She is coming out.

Bhaiya looks sick (Me: I guess he is sick then? Hard to tell sometimes).

Sonakshi comes out and asks why did he come here? What if her dad sees him?

Me: Ummm... So what? Technically he is also supposed to be in Bose house along with Suhana. Bijoy can't say anything.

She sees him sick so checks his temperature: You are still sick, no? Look you still have fever. You don't listen to me, naa. Do you have doubt on me? If that's the case, then...

Dev: It's nothing like that. I just want to talk to you.

Just then Bijoy calls: Sona.

Sona: Coming. What's the big deal that you came here without calling?

Dev: I can't talk to you here. Can we talk elsewhere?

Sona: I am already late. I reached late and it took time to make Baba understand and I should have left for Gurgaon before. But I...

Dev: Sonakshi, I know you are doing it for me. And if I am late telling you this, then.... Just come with me...

Sonakshi hesitates, but then agrees seeing his expression.

They both decide to go by car. Sonakshi doesn't even bother informing anyone that she is going out by call or text.

Bijoy comes looking for Sonakshi expecting her to be around. But she obviously isn't. 

He brought Pati sapta for his darling daughter (Bengali mini crepe like sweet wrap filled with coconut or kheer filling. I prefer kheer filling, just in case anyone wants to send me some)...

Asha asks why is he shouting? 

Bijoy says that he is looking for Sona.

Asha says that she got a call and went out talking. She had meeting to go to. Must have gone there.

Bijoy says that her bag is on the couch. She won't go anywhere without the bag.

Asha says that she must have gone somewhere. She will come back. She is not a child.

Bijoy thinks.

Me: No worries, Baba. You calm down and eat your treat. You can't protect your child from everything. She will either have to learn to protect herself or will have to face the consequences.

In the car, Sonakshi is wondering what is going on. She asks what did he want to say.

Dev stammers. 

Suddenly their car stalls. They wonder what happened and it's tire puncture.

Bhaiya goes to fix the tire but gets sick. Sonakshi says that he is not well. She makes him sit leaning against the front.

Bhaiya sits down and stares at Behena. Sonakshi goes to fix the tire.

Bhaiya wonders that Sonakshi knows how to fix the tire.

Sonakshi says that she knows.

Bhaiya asks when did she learn?

Sonakshi says that someone taught me. 

Bhaiya asks who?

Sonakshi says that last 7 years. 

Me: Bhai wah. Pichle saat saalon ne gadi chalana nehin sikhaya, lekin tire change karna sikha diya. Yeh to wohi baat ho gayee ki kisine swimming nehin sikha, lekin swimming pool maintain karna sikh liya. 

(Wow, last 7 years didn't teach her how to drive. But taught her how to change tires. It's like someone can't swim, but knows how to maintain a swimming pool)

Sona asks what did he want to talk about?

Bhaiya: Someone asked me something of which I had no answer. I don't even know how to react. I thought to discuss this with a friend. You know me. When I looked around, there was no one. I just thought of one person - you.

Sona: You believe that I have answer to your questions?

Bhaiya sits down besides Sonakshi: You know me more than anyone else in the world. No one knows me better than you. You promised to be by my side forever and you left me. According to me that it's not necessary to know someone well to fall in love. But to leave someone, you need to know them very well. 

Sonakshi looks at Bhaiya.

Me: Me too. Are we back to the same song?

Bhaiya gets up.

Sonakshi asks: What is it? You are looking tensed.

Bhaiya: Today, my Mummy asked me for something. She wants us to get back together again. We get married again.

Sonakshi looks at him shocked: What did you say?

Bhaiya: At that time I said no. But to be honest, I didn't know what to say at that time. Mummy wants me to get married because she can't see me alone.

Sonakshi looks at him.

Me: I know, right? (*SNORT*) She can't see him with anyone else either. Lol... 

Sonakshi asks Dev: And you? What do you want? Do you need a life partner?

Dev: This question is very difficult, Sonakshi. Sometimes I think that I am happy, everything is fine. But sometimes I feel very lonely.

He sits down and looks at Behena: You made me realise that whatever Mummy says, I get it. Then yes, I also think that I need a life partner. Someone who supports me and be by my side. 

Sonakshi: Then you know the answer.

Me: Wow... Okay. Remember, Sonakshi accused Bhaiya of mind control? Well, Bhaiya is the one controlled. Ishwari is controlling his mind through the power of her suggestion.

Let's see here. Season 1, Bhaiya decides that he doesn't want children if that means losing Sonakshi. He also convinces her of the fact.

Maata says that she wants kids so he has to have kids.

Bhaiya suddenly decides that he wants kids more than anything else and goes to pressurise Sonakshi.

Season 2, they both agree that them being together is a bad idea. They both claim that they never want to be married ever in their life. 

But Maata says that Bhaiya isn't happy unless he is married. (Of course she will make his wife and him very unhappy after marriage as well)

Bhaiya now thinks that he needs a life partner who supports him and stands by his side. No mention of what he will provide the said life partner and what he is willing to do for that woman. Just the list of demands.

So I guess, we are back where we started. Enjoy the puppet show.

Dev: I only know that I am confused right now. Maa said that if I am not willing to marry you, I should marry someone else. Can you believe it? Maa said it?

Sonakshi looks at him and then turns back to her task. 

Me: Lol... Her expression says it all. Yes Bhaiya, she can totally believe it. She has experienced your mother's brand of manipulation, remember?

Let's see again. Here's translating the actual meaning behind the dialogues,

Bhaiya: My mother wants me to marry you. Well, not you only. But more like any woman with the necessary equipment (that means overy, not brain) will do. Can you believe it that you are an optional choice for me, the son of the Goddess? How lucky can you get?

Sonakshi: Decency prevents me from answering that very insulting proposal. Let me think how in polite language I can tell you to where to offer to send you and your mother.

Sona is about to lift the tire out and gets hurt.

Bhaiya rushes to see: What happened? Is it hurting?

Sona: No, I am fine.

Bhaiya: But I am not fine. What about that?

Me: Umm... How's that behena's headache? Go ask the source what about that. And by source I mean your Mummy.

Sonakshi goes to get the tire: Dev, I think whatever aunty thought is right and her tension is right too. But we know that we can't have anything between us. We have realised it, right? We can't be more than friends. And if we become more than friends, then...

Dev: Then we will get into fights.

Sonakshi: One day we will be happy...

Dev: And one day we will be fighting... And Suhana, we can't do this to her.

Sonakshi: Right.

Dev: Sonakshi, you didn't answer my questions. Should I marry someone else?

Me: Are you frigging kidding me? You are the one who said that he wants a life partner. Why are you asking her? Oh good Lord, kya ratti bhar bhi akal nehin diya iss aadmi ko?

(Oh good Lord, didn't you give even a little brain to this man?)

Sona: If you get married to someone else, my dad will be the happiest person ever. Today he asked me to swear. I said that nothing can happen between us.

Dev: Well, then?

Sona: You should marry someone else.

Dev: How can you be so sure?

Me: Is he kidding or is he that stupid? Didn't he say two seconds ago that his Mummy wants him to marry and that they won't work out but he wants a life partner too? Then how can Sonakshi not be sure? He already gave all the answers. 

Sonakshi: You know the truth as well. But you wanted to hear from me. I gave you all the answers and your problem got solved. You shouldn't just do this for auntyji. You should do it for yourself. 

Dev: If Mr. Bose asks you to marry someone, what will you say?

Me: How's that your business, Bhaiya? You plan your wedding.

Sona: He already asked me that many times and I said no. And if he asks me again in future, I will say no then as well. Because this decision had always been mine. 

Me: Ai ai ya... Laga diya mirchi behena ne. Bhaiya, jal to bahut rahe honge aap. Hain? Aap hi ke ghar mein aap ghulam aur apne baap ke ghar mein Sonakshi apni marzi ka malik. 

(Ai ai ya... Behena put chilli powder on Bhaiya. Bhaiya, you must be burning pretty bad, eh? You are a slave in your own home and Sonakshi is the mistress of her own will in her father's home)

Dev: Of course. Strong and independent Sonakshi Bose.

Me: Sounds like Golu, no? Kuch jal raha hain kya? (Is something burning?)

Sonakshi: The decision you took, it won't be less than a milestone for us.

Dev: For us?

Sona: Hummm... I mean along with being good parents, we will be good friends too.

Dev: Friends...

Me: Bhaiya re, aap to friendzone mein chale gaye. Us gali se koi return ticket bhi nehin milta...

(Bhaiya, you got friendzoned. There is no return ticket from that area).

Sona gets up and touches his arm: Dev, I am happy for you. This will be a new beginning for us where we will have no place for our past. 

Sonakshi smiles.

Dev: If you are happy, then sure. 

Me: Hain? Aap bhi khush ho jao. Maata ki chali aur aap ki bhi naiyaa hili. Aur kya chahiye? Bas Sonakshi naamki bakri nehin mili doobara halal karne ke liye. But koi nehin, yeh nehin to koi aur sahi. Maiya ne ab bakri ki demand ki hain, bhandara to dena padega.

(Hain? You too get happy. Maata got her wish and you also got your boat moving. What else do you want? Just the goat named Sonakshi wasn't available for sacrifice. But so what? If not her, then some other woman. Now Maiya has asked for sacrifice, you gotta slay someone naa)

Sona: From now on, our ways are separate. 

Bhaiya nods.

They look at each other.

Sonakshi goes back to the car. Bhaiya keeps thinking. 

Me: What did you expect, Bhaiya? That was the shittiest proposal ever. Hey girl, my Mummy says that I gotta marry. I am giving you the first pick. Do you wanna dance again on my Mummy's whim? Tell me fast, I have decided that Mummy is right and I need a new caretaker. I also have to post the ad and start interviewing candidates. Seriously?

Radha got a headache. Vicky asks what happened?

Me: I hope brain tumour happened.

Radha says that Dev had said no to marry Sona. But still went after her. He got tired of calling her name in the house and now went after her.

Vicky tells her that he himself refused to marry Sonakshi. Why is she taking tension?

Radha worries that Sona might take this opportunity to jump back in Dev's life. Ishwari already gave permission. They might have made a mistake to suggest this.

Vicky consoles her that nothing will happen like this. Everything will happen according to plan.  

Me: Of course it will go according to plan. Bhaiya is hardly unpredictable when it comes to his Mummy.

Anyhoo, Dev and Sona leave from there when she suddenly sees someone and asks them to stop the car.

Dev asks what is it?

Sona says: There are two ladies there.

Dev asks: Who are they?

Sona: You know them as well. One minute. It's the women from the pictures.

Dev: Oh yes, this is the same family naa?

He is about to jump out. 

Sonakshi asks him to have patience so that they don't make any mistakes.

They decide to follow them. 

They see them going inside a home which is Khatri's home.

Dev is about to go. But Sona says to first find out what are they doing at Khatri's home.

Inside, those ladies (mother and daughter/Dev's new prospective guilty bride) are begging for money from Khatri.

Khatri says that he wants to help them, but can't. He knows that their sister-in-law needs money for treatment. But that woman (Ishwari) has refused to help. 

He badmouths Ishwari in front of them.

Bhaiya gets angry hearing this from outside. 

Khatri claims that Ishwari has got him arrested and her son has beaten him.

The ladies cry.

Me: Sahi kehte hain. Har kisiko apni karmon ki sazaa yehin milta hain. Ishwari is manipulating Dev, Khatri had been manipulating Ishwari. Uparwale ke ghar mein sab ka hisaab ek jaisa hota hain.

(It's true that everyone pays for their crime in this life. Ishwari was manipulating Dev and Khatri had been manipulating Ishwari. Everyone gets their due equally from God)

PRECAP: Dev is telling Ishwari in anger: By what right did you teach me about truth? You don't make your home by ruining others'. You are not mother, you are a thief. I worshipped you like God, but now I am feeling ashamed to call you my mother.

Ishwari is crying pitifully.

Me: And imagination is running on full speed. Maata ka brain se kya kya daily soup type scene nikalta hain naa? Yeh daily soap ki CVs kyun nehin ban jaati? Drama to achhi imagine kar leti hain.

(Maata comes up with such daily soap scenes naa? Why doesn't she become CVs of daily soaps? She has good imagination for drama)

No Rules. Yay!!!


  1. happy mothers day to u tia what a beautiful thread ...so true mothers are more than god .
    god can't be there everywhere so parents are created .
    i still remember my mom's hug the warmth that gave me.
    the last time she waved me goodbye in the airport 2013 may2th thats the day she saw me last while waving me goodbye my eyes were blurred god knows what i felt that i will see her the last time alive i wanted to go back but couldn't because my hubby was waiting in usa .i spent time with her for 3 months that year because she was unwell .
    those days she shared her childhood to her secrets of life which she never shared in her life since we were busy in school, college ,work and then marriage after that got to stay london then move to usa life went off in full speed so less time to share her life .so she shared those secret thinking i need to know because she some how knew she won't live long ..after that within 4 months she was no more ...
    i really miss her but seems like she travels with me conveying that she is with me through some signs she just conveys me to just move on ...
    we as kids just take mother for granted we fight ,we get irritated some times but when that space gets empty we realize the importance of mother .
    but some how i still remember her warmth in her hug ur tired body gets healed up traveling 19 hours to go to india once u hug ur mom its worth it no one comes close to mom's hug so precious...

    1. Aww shailaja. A big bear hug for you. Always remember she's there for you, in good and bad. Don't remember her with tears but with happy memories and laughter. Cause she brought happiness and courage in your life

    2. Ah Shailu, a big hug to you my dear. True, no one can fill loss of a parent. But just think of how proud and happy she must have been for you to see you happy and settled with your own family. I am sure no matter where we are, our parents always watch over us like an guardian angel.

    3. I don't know what to say. Hugs a real tight one. And you made me cry after a long time reading something. Nothing can replace our mothers. Nothing more warm than mothers hug

    4. thank u guys big hug to u too

    5. tia such a cute pix yaar kaha se kaha kismat connection god bless u both

    6. Awww... Thanks Kavi and Shailu. Hugs back to you as well. :)

    7. Remember her with a smile Shailu...*hug* for u

  2. I don't think those are your real pics right? Lol

    My mom is a big part of my life. I am sure for everyone else's too but when we are grown in a nuclear family we understand it better. Dad was never close so mom it was- my best friend, my confidant, my happiness, my conspirator. I don't tell her enough but I hope she knows she's is a big part of my life and whatever I am good bad or ugly it's cause she has stuck to me all these time.

    Ok enough emo atyachar lol. Today epi was okayish I guess. Once again highlighted the difference between parents, in Sonas life her dad was a bigger influence than mum and Dev is kinda like me, mom is his whole world but I would like to think I am better than him cause I never thought my mum is flawless or a goddess. She's a human like all of us. Sona saying the decision of marriage was always hers to which dev is like of course u strong independent- for the first time I felt he is envious of that title cause he himself,being the man of the house could never have that freedom or strength of her. An irony cause we woman are inferior in society but in show it's like men are under the thumb of woman and for all the wrong reasons. She got everything in last few years whereas his growth is non existent- no being polite with Sona doesn't cut it. He wanting to marry for mom and Sona once again gently telling him he should do it for both mom and himself. He wants her and this time his brain protesting it. And still this day he don't get why Sona left and keeps blaming her for that. In his head she left cause she knew him fully and decided she didn't want it. No. She left cause he didn't change and stood by her when she needed him the most. And show probably won't address this. They showed Sona accepting Ishwari will always come first for dev and she always second. What about dev? Will he get he doesn't really need to put them numerically...1 for mom 2 for soha and so on. He just needs to balance.

    Precap no way in hell dev will say these things. Issueworry having dramatic​ hallucinations lol

    Sorry about the ramble

    1. Yep. Those are our real pictures. The little boy is my husband (not then, but when he grew up) and the little girl is me. The hands are also ours from our wedding. Haven't watched the episode yet. Will watch and then respond. :)

    2. Omg really??? Let me see them again awww

    3. Urm... take a look at her profile picture on the Facebook page she still has that baby face!

    4. OMG..so thats truly u...how sweet of u to share those with us...muahhhhh
      May God bless u both with happiness always...lots of luv

      My mother is my pillar of strength, there are two persons in this world who know everything abt me....my mother n hubby. I share everything with them everything. She is Gopi bahu of our family. Never hurts anyone. Unless I ask her for advice, she never gives only listens to my rants as she knows I know how to deal with it....LOL. We learnt to be so cool from her only....there is nothing that bothers her terribly. She takes it all in her stride. Might not be the best mother, cant claim that but yet she is one of the most important persons in my life.

      This Sunday, cooking dishes for my mother and for her mother...all their fav dishes at home...saluting motherhood with my beloved nani and mama.

    5. So I saw the episode. Avengers, you are absolutely right. Women might get oppressed in the society. But some men are oppressed by the people who they should be able to trust. At least oppressors are easy to face because you know that they are your enemy. But manipulative women like Ishwari twists knife in your back while feeding you Halwa soaked in fake motherhood.

    6. Ha ha, Kavi. Yes, I haven't changed much. I still have most of the same features. I guess I am stuck with this baby face for life.

    7. Thanks Gauri. A loving mother is worth her weight in Gold. Hope you have a great day with your mother and grandma. I miss my mother here in Canada. But at least we talk everyday. Mother's Day and special occasions are harder specially since I know she won't be around. I can't wait to have her here in Canada.

  3. tia my dear you are blessed with magic when it comes to words. I repeat again maintain a journal of all your writings some day you are going to write a best seller and I am definitely pre ordering. Our first teacher doctor, repair person, healer, super chef and super hero and they keep on playing the role for us through out their life time and beyond. Indeed mothers are our fairy. Your baby picture is cute.
    About the episode I want to say something which annoyed me as person who was taught to change tyre by an extremely irritating big brother who was a strict teacher, how the hell did sona pull out the tyre without loosening the bolts and pulling them out and she is definitely not hulk to just sit down and loosen up the bolts some one her size and weight has to use their whole body weight by pushing it down using their foot.
    It bothered me could they not have got that small details correctly.
    And supriya ji is a wonderful actress that wierd expression that she gave at that dining table creeped even me out.

    1. Thanks Kavi. Lol. I will let you know if I ever write a book. Lol... About Sona, well, she can't even drive and she knows how to change tires? Seriously? It's like someone can't fly a plane but knows engine maintenance. How is that even possible? *Snort*

    2. Yay!!! Two readers confirmed. Thanks Shailu. Lol.

  4. Making a separate comment because I have severely criticised sona. Today she mouthed the correct dialogues and she clean bowled dev with dry and clear logic. Hopefully her character is shown as some one who sticks to it. End game is going to be dev and sona but hopefully unlike season 1 sona will go back to dev only after he shows her a good reason to get back together. Like some solid introspection and redemption. Erica and shaheer did an excellent job in that scene. I guess once in a while we get to see that whole initial mature love story with that tag line
    " kya kothe hai aur kya paathe hai jab dilo ke faisle dimaag se lethe hai!"
    And yes precap might be mathas dream kathri might have given her a heads up. Otherwise dev knows the truth for some time now. He would have reacted much earlier.
    And cvs have indeed surprised me again those women where indeed genuine cases. But if ishu asks dev to get married to that girl or something as someone predicted then we will be back to square one.
    And for the first time dev looked and sounded jealous of sona when he mouthed that strong independent woman dialogue.

    1. Yes, today Sona surprised us all. The way she was giving Bhaiya googly eyes, I was wondering what is going on. But you know what I think? The moment Bhaiya said that his mother has given him option of Sona or anyone else and he also thinks that he wants a life partner now that his mummy said so, Sonakshi made up her mind then and there.

      There is no point banging your head against a wall that is not going to change ever. And Bhaiya is a dead end.

      He will always be his Mummy's puppet and Sonakshi doesn't want to ruin Soha's life in the process.

      Bhaiya was jealous of Sonakshi. But he is holding the lock to the leash around his neck. The difference is that he expected Sonakshi to take it off. But how long will he continue to rely on others to fix him? He has to either stand up for himself, or he has to shut his mouth forever.

      I hope he won't expect Sonakshi to pass on this news to Suhana. Nope. This is his mother's demand and his decision so they will have to pass on that news and accept whatever decision Suhana takes. If that means that she will again move to Kolkata with her grandparents, then that is what they will have to accept. Not that it matters to Ishwari. This time she can get medical tests done on the new broodmare to check if all the necessary equipment are functioning right.

  5. tia today i am happy sona again made us proud but wondering again when will she zero down our hope again .
    did u observe one thing tia when sona was changing the tier she got hurt and said its ok then instantly diaper boy said what about my pain thats needs to be ok and the look sona gave was priceless as if she was saying "e lo isko iska pain hi dikhta hai"selfish dev types ....lol
    other scenes was boring golu again came running isn't dev lucky to have ppl like sona and golu are there for him whenever he needs them ...
    precap---dream ๐Ÿคฃof mataji hamara itna ache din nahi aya hai jo dev aise baat karega wo bi mataji se na never if it comes true then party karenge monday ..pepsi ke saat

    1. Lol. I know, right? I swear I could see Sonakshi mentally rolling her eyes on Bhaiya. She will probably thank her fate for escaping his and his mother's toxic equation.

      Yep, on Monday, we can watch Maata's imagination wala drama with Pepsi. Maata ko koi sunata hain to bada mazaa aata hain. I know, I am sadist. Lol...

    2. pepsi, fast forward :) button.... can't bear 2 watch her!!


  6. Amazing analysis and yet full to funny
    Best of u

    Me: Bhai wah. Pichle saat saalon ne gadi chalana nehin sikhaya, lekin tire change karna sikha diya. Yeh to wohi baat ho gayee ki kisine swimming nehin sikha, lekin swimming pool maintain karna sikh liya.

    Lol tia kuch bhi dikate hai na sona detective now tier replacing machine what not

    Enjoy the puppet show.

    More than puppet show show turned humorous horror show

    Bhaiya: My mother wants me to marry you. Well, not you only. But more like any woman with the necessary equipment (that means overy, not brain) will do. Can you believe it that you are an optional choice for me, the son of the Goddess? How lucky can you get?

    Lol tia mother- son same jelabi types of logic and talks but want others to follow there shitty rules

    Me: Are you frigging kidding me? You are the one who said that he wants a life partner. Why are you asking her? Oh good Lord, kya ratti bhar bhi akal nehin diya iss aadmi ko?

    Seriously dev is not in his senses he needs to eat kadha+ halwa

    Me: Is he kidding or is he that stupid? Didn't he say two seconds ago that his Mummy wants him to marry and that they won't work out but he wants a life partner too? Then how can Sonakshi not be sure? He already gave all the answers

    Itna smart hota uska family uske sat hota aur ma bi place me hoti

    Me: Ai ai ya... Laga diya mirchi behena ne. Bhaiya, jal to bahut rahe honge aap. Hain? Aap hi ke ghar mein aap ghulam aur apne baap ke ghar mein Sonakshi apni marzi ka malik.

    Wahi tho rani zasi rehti hai sona aur dev dobi ka kutha na ghar ka na ghat ka

    Me: Bhaiya re, aap to friendzone mein chale gaye. Us gali se koi return ticket bhi nehin milta...

    That was bang on friend zone Maza Aya na but not sure how long writers always trick us for the moment we are happy

    Me: Hain? Aap bhi khush ho jao. Maata ki chali aur aap ki bhi naiyaa hili. Aur kya chahiye? Bas Sonakshi naamki bakri nehin mili doobara halal karne ke liye. But koi nehin, yeh nehin to koi aur sahi. Maiya ne ab bakri ki demand ki hain, bhandara to dena padega.

    Hamesha mataji ki hi chalti hai but this time sona ki bi chalgayi aab bhandar dev nachega mataji ke hunter ke taal par shadhi mubarak soha ke bappu

    Me: What did you expect, Bhaiya? That was the shittiest proposal ever. Hey girl, my Mummy says that I gotta marry. I am giving you the first pick. Do you wanna dance again on my Mummy's whim? Tell me fast, I have decided that Mummy is right and I need a new caretaker. I also have to post the ad and start interviewing candidates. Seriously?

    Tia are u kidding me was it a proposal it was as if teacher scolded asked parents to come meet her and kid goes and tell it to his parents
    Ma be ka ma be kaha mujhe dobi ghat jana chaiye tu kya chati hai types
    E diaper kaab badlega bhai

    Dev and ishwari always are in high toxic state what they have in there system they expect other ppl should dance to there tunes
    Frogs in the well ....

    Precap agar chach hai to party meri taraf se tia lol

    1. Lol... Thanks Shailu. Aapke liye Chach bhi rakh denge. Is mein kya hain? Lol...

  7. Happy Mother's Day in advance... Hope you create a post on it! I will like to talk about my mother role in shaping my life on that post :)

    Now for today's episode!!

    OMG woman!! how do you bring so much humor from a supposedly sad episode? For me, the episode went from meh to hell yeah.

    I knew Sonakshi was able to take her decisions and she still loves Dev but does not trust her(sissy Dev), but Dev did not frantically run behind Sonakshi after she rejected her proposal. WTW!! mofo has really grown up.... Its good she has friend zoned her. Good for us and good for him. Time for some empowerment.

    I guess the precap is indicating towards Dev empowering himself and I, for a change, don't think it is Ishu's venomous pathetic dream....

    Tia, some psychology for u!!

    Dependant personality disorder
    Narcisstic personality disorder
    Borderline personality disorder
    Paranoid personality disorder
    Emotional dissonance
    Surface acting
    Deep acting

    1. This was the post I made on Motherhood. But we will see if I have time on Sunday, I will try to make a post.

      Yep. Sonakshi was always capable of taking her decisions. Bijoy never forced her for anything. He just wanted to know what is in her head without any bs. Once she said it, he accepted and moved on.

      I don't think that Bhaiya is capable of standing up against his Maiya considering he is a willing victim of her blackmailing. So more likely the precap is a dream.

      Oh my, I know the first four. And believe it or not, I had wrote a post way back when Dev and Sona fell in love and Ishwari came to know about it, saying Ishwari seems like a mental patient of Borderline Personality Disorder.

      At that time I had been told that she is normal and I should not throw around psychological terms wily nily because of the stigma attached to it.

      But see? I am not the only one who is thinking that. You are a student of psychology and you are also thinking along the same line.

    2. Tia, I agree that he is a willing victim. In current situations, he is but he wasn't during the marriage time. This has to do with narcissistic abuse and something which we can call hypnosis effect (forgotten the real term).

      I only discuss the disorders with you as people consider it against the so called romance portrayed on the screen. So, lets keep this between us and let the people enjoy their shoddy romance.

    3. We gotta call spade a spade so you and me are aware that this show is not about a normal couple with not so normal parents excluding Bijoy. Glad we know our psychology.

    4. Exactly Tia, I know we ought to set some limitations so that people do not ruin the decorum but it should not be done in such a way that people feel oppressed and compelled to conform with your views. I guess they need to learn what is autocratic leadership style and how to get way from it. Hence, the Nazi treatment.

      I am not upset because of the ban. I am upset because I wont be able to talk to my friends on IF.
      I only went there to talk to them or comment on their posts but forums couldn't even handle it.

      BTW, nice pics there. I am sorry tia but your husband was cuter. I guess I am inclined towards your husband. Don't worry, I an not gay, just an admirer of exquisite photography which can explain my propensity.

      Tia, the bloopers I pointed out were

      How about driving the car when the car is still jacked up and spare tyre on the road?? Welcome to blooper world.
      Secondly, Sonakshi was able to lift a tyre which is of the size of that of a tractor? We gotta ask her for her special skills??

      Now tell me how is this offensive or even mocking??

    5. Snort... Turns out, the only thing you are allowed to do there is make gushing posts these days.

    6. Lol... No worries about calling my husband cute. I know I married a cutie. :)

  8. Ah say what? Now people can't even talk about bloopers? Wow!!! I had told you that had I let the mod get away with bullying me then, she would have kept coming back after me for one reason or another. I am glad that I stood up for my dignity.

    Lol. Don't do anything illegal. Honestly, what will you get by hacking into an entertainment site? Instead, drink a tall glass of drink and let it go. It's their loss.

    They wonder why there are views in the forum, but there is not much posts or activity. How will they get activity by silencing freedom of speech? Who will dare to express themselves there. It's like frigging Nazi occupied Germany there.

    Anyhoo, I have made this platform naa. So say what you want. Point out bloopers, call Ishwari alien, who cares?

    We are here to speak out mind.

  9. Nice post tia.. too bad i cant open the. Log from my office computer:-(

    All I can say is Sonakshi's "NO" for Dev's/Ish's Proposal is not driven by her promise to bijoy. like she said ... she has the freedom to make her own decisions. and she has the confidence that she can make her parents agree to her decisions even when they have concerns. we cant say the same about Dev.

    Sonakshi still feels for Dev but only as a Friend, troubled EX , father of her daughter... She killed all her feelings for him as a lover/husband... Clearly Dev still wants to do what his mother wants.. Sonakshi may need more time for this friendship to turn to Love... but Dev/Ish didnt leave that option.

    Dev made it very clear that she is just an option that Ishu gave him - if not her then someone else. Love doesnt work that way. it is ok to move on after a failed marriage but dont claim that you still love your EX so much (like Dev expressed when he was on truth serum) and then say that sonakshi is just one of the two options and that he too wants a companion. Sonakshi doesnt have any option - everything has been decided already... They both agreed that they cant reunite as nothign has changed.. one day they will be happy and then some conflict with Ishu comes around and then they will be miserable again and this time soha will also be impacted...
    Then Dev wants a companion and mom suggested if not sonakshi then some other girl... so Dev just wanted to get a go ahead from Sonakshi incase she doesnt want to get back together... very similar blackmailing and forcing to agree to what they want (like the infertility track).

    I am glad Sonakshi said No and also clarified that it will be her decision whether she wants to remarry someone else or not... she wont be forced by Bijoy or anyone else. I guess that shows the difference. It is time for Dev to stand up for what he wants instead of always trying to live up to the expectations of his mom and struggling with the options and putting up with the emotional blackmailing. He should definitely stop acting like a lost puppy. if he cant stand up for what he wants then honestly he should not think of marrying any other girl as it would be injustice to that girl.

    Sonakshi needs time ... thats all... she is scared the her life with go on repeat mode with no change in Ishwari and Dev ... this time Soha will be part of that whirlpool. Now Dev should have handled it himself with Ishwari - told her that sona is not ready and ask for time... it is not like Dev is hitting menopause...
    it is as simple as that... just tell ishwari .. he will get married but only to sona ... and tell her to backoff for now... what is the urgency .. i dont understand... some one who waited for 7 yrs ... had to make a decision overnight especially when he is meeting and spending time with sona daily...

    How come he is lonely... with Sona and soha in his life 24/7 ... yes sona may not get married to him or sleep with him but she is there for everything else... so how is he lonely...is that the only thing he is missing out .??

    I just hope Dev takes a stand for himself and buys time and then work on the rootcause for the failed marriage.I also hope that Dev just said all this to see how sonakshi feels and goes back to ishwari and saying a firm NO on monday... ummeed pe duniya kayam hai... lets see

    1. Lavanya, no one hits on the core issue like you. I completely agree. What Dev said was so offensive that I am surprised that he didn't get a slap from Sona. I'd have.

      This is what I heard.

      He basically told Sona,

      1. My mother wants me to marry - you, some random chick, Chandni from Chandni Chawk, whoever.

      2. Now that Mummy said so, I also want to marry. Because I said that Suhana is all I want. But it's not. I also want to get laid because in current arrangement that's the only thing missing that might explain my sudden desire for life partner which did not occur to me in last 7 years.

      3. I will give you the first chance to refuse since you already had my kid. You got 1 hour.

      4. If you refuse, do you mind telling me that I can go ahead and get a new caretaker/hot chick for me? I mean, I don't wanna look like a jerk after making ruckus over Jatin and claiming that I will never get married, now myself wanting to get married because Mummy said so of course.

      5. Oh and since you agreed. Could you also confirm that you will never marry so that I know that you are forever lonely while I get to have everything. Am I not the best lover ever?

      Upcoming: Thank you for letting me off the hook. I know I had said to you and Suhana that whatever she wants, she will get (as in her parents together). But now that I have broken that promise too, could you please go be the villain of the story and tell her that you refused to marry me and told me to marry someone else so that I can remain super hero in her eyes who can do no wrong?

      Mummy said that she will understand. Because we all know that it's everyone else's responsibility to be understanding to Mummy and me while we never bother to make any effort for anyone.

      Kuch Rang Selfishness ke Aise Bhi...

      I know you are still holding on to hope. But I have no hope on Bhaiya anymore.

    2. Just because i know devakshi is endgame and i want to see how cvs do justice and show character growth in dev ... i am holding my hopes .. but it is going to be painful if dev continues to act like a lap dog of his mommy

    3. I know, sweety, I know. I remember how long you kept hoping and how during infertility track your patience finally broke. As long as Dev jumps through the hoops at the crack of Mummy's hunter, he can't be of any use for anyone else - not Sona, not Suhana, not any other woman.

  10. Excellent post there dvlanya. if I am not wrong, this is exactly the same writing you posted on the forum, right! I wanted to comment but the ban hampered me from commenting on it.

    Regarding talking to sona, he said all those things so that he can expect a different reaction from her. Like many in the forum,Dev thinks that Sonakshi is looking for Ishwari's approval. But, all she ever wanted was for him to stand for himself rather than for her. If he stands for himself, he will decipher what is wrong and what is right.
    And he is not considering Sonakshi as an option. The smug attitude is a facade to hide his feelings (surface acting). He wants to get back with Sonakshi desperately but Sonakshi made it clear that it is not possible, so he taunts and shows as if she is just an other option for him (male ego). The one minute silence and him standing alone showed his real emotions.

    He knows the root cause but is unable to fix it as he is unable to get out of his guilt complex. Hence, he needs the empowerment.

    1. After Dev ki Deewangi, Ishwari told Dev to go get Sona ... he did, he went to her office and she refused, that scene was very similar to today's except today she didn't say just because you and your mom are ready doesn't mean I am ... it was implied though in her refusal and body language. The only reason they got married was because Ishwari begged ... I remember she also gave Sona some property to show Sona was a daughter of Ishwari too... but then made Dev sign the pre-nup not sure I understood that.
      I hope Dev gets a chance to do what the writers didn't do the last time ... win back Sona and Bijoy's heart. I think the writers rushed this part to get the marriage TRPs.
      I think once Sona and Bijoy are won over, the work on Ishwari should begin ... but with this Khatri track it might be backwards where Ishwari all of a sudden loves Sona and then she begs for Sona again... I hope this is not what happens. I hope the writers go back to the original plot of this serial at least in its final days.

    2. Yup thats me... i agree with what you said. But can dev stand by that point that sonakshi is not just one of the two options for him infront of his mother and ask her to not interfere.. if he cant then i cant believe that he has no option but to agree to marry another girl..

    3. You know lavanya !! He actually did stand on his point that he is not looking for marriage infront of Ishwari. But Ishwari can not look beside herself as she is a narcissist.

      Dev wants to get back with Sona only if she wishes to get back. So, he is not considering to marry unless Sona says yes.
      But then again, the guilt complex can change his view. It has not uptil now.

      Regarding interference, I told this to tia as well that his emotional abuse has reduced but for complete extirpation, he needs to get rid of guilt complex. If the precap is true, it means he has got ridden of his guilt. If he gets himself out of it, he will see that Ishwari is wrong and is a narcissist, which will make him take a stand against her.

      Please someone recommend BH's name to the producers so that I can become characters' psychologist and help them out....

      Property and Ishu... No No NO... that never happened... Ishu loves her money as it is an enshroudment for her from the society... Ishu does not like sharing anything....

      The marriage was rushed by Asha and not by Ishu. Asha wanted to end the emotional dissonance faced by Sona which resulted in emotional exhaustion (engagement fiasco), so she made Sona accept that Dev mother will be his priority and his love for his family was the thing that attracted Sona.

      Dev needs to win Bijoy more than Sonakshi since Bijoy was the one who was affected more by Dev's slap incident. Sonakshi will get her trust once Dev stands for her and this will help Bijoy to reduce his justified hatred towards Dev.

  11. Cvs are adding scenes where dev is hurting golu repeatedly and favoring suhana... golu forgiving him easily with out any effort from dev... also dev keeps repeating "you know i live you so much"...

    It looks like a repeat of sona- dev - ishu scenes.. where dev keeps on ignoring sona and hurting her for ishwari and then sona forgiving him with out any effort from his side...

    Looks like gocha are heading for a breakup soon... i hope they wont hurt golu too much...also suhana telling golu that dev doesny know how to balance relationships.. i am positive golu is going to announce to dev one day that suhana was telling the truth ... may push dev to realization??? As of now i dont see any realization on his part how he is hurting golu...

    1. You have got an excellent point. I had mentioned in my post long ago when in the initial days of season 2, Dev was all the time hanging around Golu. I had said that I have doubt that he will be able to balance between him and Suhana when he comes to know about her. And that's exactly what is happening. As you said, he is treating Golu and Suhana like Sonakshi and Ishwari. I don't want Golu to be hurt. But he is a child and he can't be expected to understand a grown up. For once Bhaiya has to be understanding for someone for a change.

    2. The only difference is that Golu is understanding and does not hold grudges. So even if Dev is unable to balance, Golu will come back to him after some time. But Golu will get hurt during the process and sissy Dev will keep ruining lives.

    3. Golu is understanding now.. just like sona was until the infertility track ..if dev keeps on doing the same and take golu and his understanding and forgiveness for granted then history will repeat and he will lose golu

  12. I wish dev asks ishwari why she wants him to get married ... if it is for his happiness then he should let her know that he is the happiest he has been in a long time now that he has suhana. he should let ishwari know that getting married isn't going to impact or enhance his happiness.
    also, dev knows that ishwari didn't completely accept sona, i wish he asks her if she would accept any other girl ... or would he also have to break up with her the way he did with sona.

    1. I wish what you are wishing too. But I doubt that will ever happen. But hope springs eternal. So let's see. May your optimism win. I will be happy if it does. :)

  13. Ahaaa....hilariou lines on Dev-Sona convo...haha.

    I'm happy ...happy with yday epi,bcoz of what Sona said. Finally, I saw some maturity.
    She loves him...ok, but she has accepted his faults and also the fact , as DD said, people dont change. Unless Dev shows her otherwise, he'll be friend-zoned. I absolutely loved everything Sona said.
    And she didnot lie. She is thr for him as friend, she forgave him to let go of past-bitterness for Soha, she cares for his family but she has suppressed her feelings as a lover/lifepartner towards him...as the result of what happened 7 yrs earlier. Thats the sign of a very strong woman.
    I guess its a Mother's day gift for us.
    She did not lie to Bijoy. Bijoy never forced her to re-marry either. Just wanted to confirm the status quo of her relationship with Dev. He trusts her. You dont have to strong independent woman to have freedom in your own house. Dev is self made independent man too, but he forgets why he cant call himself independent, its not something to be jealous of about Sona, rather think why the situation is different for her and for you. Got to do with your parents. Bijoy never blackmails. Ish does whenever she gets the chance. But Dev is Dev...probably will remain this pappu way till they end the show.

    Honestly, I still doubt what he wanted from her. TO her that he shud go ahead and marry someone else. Yeah...he wanted to see if she is affected or not...is jealous or not. Such a kid still.

    Precap: If its real, I'll party for sure...but I doubt after a day of Mothers day, they will give us this....its Ishwari's imagination for sure. Dev's reaction will be exactly the opposite.

    1. I agree. Sona impressed me yesterday. In fact, yesterday I saw when she gave up on Dev finally. He came to her and basically admitted that despite all his previous claims, now that his mother thinks that he has to get married to be happy, he also thinks that now he wants to get married. His mother generously allowed him to extend that first claim to Sona since she has proved her fertility by giving birth to Soha. But if she says no, there is no shortage of women out there. So what's her decision?

      Sona's look at Dev spoke volumes. She gave him the look we reserve for someone we pity.

      Two sentences yesterday were killer - 1. If you want to marry, do it for yourself, not only for your mother. 2. Baba asked me about marriage before and he may ask me again, but my life's decision has always been mine.

      Dev's jealousy of Sona's Independence and strength of conviction were very visible yesterday. But as you said, the key is in his hands to open the lock to the leash. But he wants her to snatch the key from him and forcefully release him like Ishwari applies her force of blackmail to put the leash on his neck. All these while he himself wants to remain the innocent man two women are fighting over.

      But Sona finally realized that this is one hopeless and thankless job since the person she has to fight for will never fight with her but always be a dead weight on her back. So she has finally shrugged the dead weight off her back.

      Kudos to powerful women!!!

  14. Today was bitter sweet

    End of an era for sona : promise to daddy and oh the spineless one makes her the most spineless proposal.

    She was smart and loved her answer and yet ....
    My heart went out to her - she knows she loves a stupid immature guy and has to deal with that .

    DUFFER dev --- no words today . Can't get duffer-er :) :)!!!

    1. Sorry I hit the button before I finished --- you know as a woman, however mature sona is --- dev never once thought it may hurt her

      Ofcourse it must have and yet she stood up for herself !! Hence --- I empathize. I made such a decision once and today I could relate to how in real life that "saying No" becomes

    2. Not just too words but the most difficult words to say. Thought Erica did that well

      Jatin ---- please come rescue this damsel in distress from dev

    3. Jatin oh Jatin ---- please come to the rescue !!

  15. Transition of Dev from Ishbot in the episode to calling her a thief in precap.I wonder did he finally snap.How I wish that happens.I am expecting too much.
    Aww...photos are so cute

    1. Thanks. :) I kind of doubt that it's a real scene though. I strongly believe that it's Ishwari's imagination. Dev already knows about the theft and he now worships his mother even more.

  16. I feel that to understand characters, one should see beyond the obvious, beyond what is just told, to see the expressions and to know that there are other things behind which can only be understood if we read behind the lines.

    Don't forget that these two characters had a bitter experience the way their marriage ended, it was a very traumatic experience for both, the question here is not who was wrong, who was right, or who was more wrong than the other, the bottom line is the outcome! it was a dream (Devakshi) that shattered badly and it hurt so much leaving some deep wounds, so obviously both of them would be very cautious in the way they approach each other this time when it's about them getting back together. Both want to be together (I'm talking about what the heart really wants and not what their mind says), they love each other but at the same time they don't want to jump into a relationship like the last time, I guess Sonakshi's stand is very well understood, we knows why she won't say yes, she knows almost nothing has changed when it comes to what made their relationship break, Dev on the other hand is worried about Suhana, neither does want to hurt Sona again, nor does he want to force her by intentionally showing his love, he feels that she doesn't see him as a worthy jeewansathi, the way I interpreted the Dev's dialogue "you can fall in love with someone without knowing them, but to leave them you must have known them very well", is that Dev knows Sona loved him but when she came to know him fully, his flaws and his shortcomings she couldn't accept him and keep living with him, so he thinks Sona doesn't see him as worthy of her love. Yet now he tried to see how she would react again to them being possibly together especially if Ishwari has no problem (we know she has plenty!), but he just got it confirmed that Sona is still very much firm on her stance, when he was talking about a jeewansaathi, it was about Sona only (in his mind), then he didn't say about the other girl thing yet, his sahara and saathi I guess were about Sona (in his mind), and she is never an option to him, she is very much ruling his heart, he was basically testing waters what Sona would think about the whole thing, proof (for me might be wrong) is that he couldn't grasp him being only a dost to her, and he felt sad that she is ok with him marrying another woman and them going separate ways forgetting completely about the past, and when he said can you imagine mom told me to marry another woman if not you, I didn't feel he was saying that Sona is an option, he was actually expressing his shock surprise ki how his mom thought he can choose another woman who is not Sonakshi, he wanted to see if Sonakshi would have the same reaction as him but alas for him he was shocked to see that Sona is ok with it (or so she made him think), his "how can you be so sure" might not have been him looking for a green light from Sonakshi, but to see whether she is really sure she doesn't want him and is ok with him going away from her.

    Actually I played that conversation many times and in no instance did he say he wants to marry another woman, even the question do you think you need a jeewansaathi came from Sona and it followed him saying mom thinks we should marry again with no hint of him to the other option given by his mother, actually I think since he asked the wame question once himself and Sona refused it (his confession and Sona's reaction the other day) so here he asked again the same question using my mom said while actually he is the one who wants to see whether Sona's answer would change this time.

    1. I don't know I might be just blabbering here, might be wrong, but I feel there is much to that scene than meets the eyes, just because it has Ishwari mentioned all the time doesn't mean that she is the one controlling the situation, yes she might be a part of Dev's important angles but there are other important angles that Dev is taking into consideration including Sona and Soha, he is very cautious as I said in his approach this time, he doesn't want to mess up things for any of the important women in his life!

      I know Ishwari has been wrecking havoc in Dev and Sonakshi's life, and even viewers now get irritated at the mere mention of her name, but that doesn't mean that she is the only one controlling the dynamics here even if it seems superficially that she is, there are things which are at stake for Dev, which include his fears for Soha and for Sona and for his ownself

    2. That's​ fine hun. You can share anything you feel like here.

      I read your comment. Here's what I am having problems with. There are some glaring proofs that I can't ignore.

      1. He only decided to approach Sonakshi because his Mummy said so after they had already talked about how bad they would be together and how their fights will ruin Suhaana's life. So it's not as if he didn't have any clue about what Sonakshi's decision would be.

      2. Every time Dev came to Sonakshi since their first break up was for his Mummy. No exception. He might love her, but she has to get approval from his mother who can change the approval rating any time. As if she is not a woman, but a toy that he needs his mother's credit card to buy.

      3. Until now, Dev was claiming that he will never marry and that he can do anything for Suhana and since Suhana wants her parents together, that's how it would be. He also asked Sonakshi's support in this. Sonakshi agreed. Now that his Mummy is making demands, now what promise to Suhana and what Sonakshi's wish? Now he wants a wife who will support him and take care of him while he does what? Mummy worship and dance to her tunes?

      So he did the same thing as before during infertility track and he did it again.

      4. I don't know why he will be shocked to know that his mother wants him to marry anyone. May be shocked because his mother actually letting him bring another woman. But considering how many girlfriends he had in last 7 years, it's not a stretch of imagination. He wasn't exactly pining in loneliness in last 7 years and definitely he wasn't hanging out in chess group. He was spending his nights in hotel room with random women and now he will spend his nights in his room with one woman. He proved that he doesn't need to be in love with a woman to have a relationship with her. Then why would he be shocked or why would he expect Sona to be shocked? There's nothing shocking there.

      5. If he really just wanted only Sonakshi, marrying another woman won't even be an option he would consider regardless who suggests what. But Dev has already came with that option in mind that he needs a life partner, Sonakshi gets the first pick since she is his first preference but his mother offered him plan B too.

      At that point, Sonakshi decided to let him go. Because unlike Dev, she only wanted Dev to be happy. Since his mother gave him an option and he also wants a life partner but Sona never wants to go back to him, then there is really no alternative decision left. It has already been made.

      In my opinion, in true love, there is no plan B. And if you have plan B, you don't love enough.

      Anyone who is in love, they will tell you that no matter who says what, they can't imagine anyone as their life partner except the person they love. That's why Sonakshi couldn't go through her marriage with Ritwik despite million tries, that's why she could never fall in love or date or have another relationship with someone. Because​ even though she believes that she will never be happy with Dev, she also knows that she will never be happy with anyone else.

      It's not the same for Dev. For him, Sonakshi is an obsession, an option. She is not a necessity or exclusive relationship. So that's why I said that he came there with his decision made. Sonakshi had no real fight left really. Either she would have to accept Ishwari's puppet who will always change his mind the moment his mother changed hers and in the process hurting her father who has seen her making wrong decisions for this man twice or she will have to step back and let him go. So she let him go. Who stakes their future on someone who has no free will and is controlled by someone else?


  17. Another thing which I find unfair acctually is when people make it sound like Dev is some desperate (physical instinct wise), I know he did a lot of mistakes, I know he hurted Sona a lot, but he was never a despo, emotions always mattered to him and he is not the kind of men who would marry only for that purpose! I know Cvs showed him as a casanova post leap I don't understand that either, it was completely out of character, very very distasteful but I guess it was in his misconception that he should do everything he didn't do before for himself partying, enjoying life with all its aspects and not only slogging for other people (I guess he could have done better things to cope up with his pain in a more constructive way, the way he has chosen wasn't either the right way to bring him real peace of mind), but everything stopped when Sona came back to his life and even before leap he was very much a serious guy, in no case he was shown as a despo not even with Sonakshi, he gave much more importance to the emotional side, even when he used to talk about her beauty he used to insist on her inner beauty (her soul, her heart). Don't think I'm defending Dev here, but I just believe in being fair, I won't deny or condone anything bad he has done, but won't either add things he hasn't

    It's the same as the slap incident, that one was really blown out of proportion, while I understand very well Bijoy's feelings, he was accused of being thief, obviously he would be hurt and he has all the right to, but while he might think Dev did the slap on purpose too since his family already accused him so slapping must be something their son can do too, I can't understand neutral viewers, if we play the scene once again it would be obvious that Dev didn't slap Bijoy intentionally, he turned to say wait since he was disturbed by Bijoy shouting while he was trying to talk to his mom, and didn't gauge the distance that Bijoy was so close to him, so when he turned back in hasty way in the movement his hand accidently landed on Bijoy's face, it was not like he did it in a fit of anger because he coudln't control it!! So when people bring that incident as being one of Dev's unforgivable faults I fail to understand it, yes it had terrible consequences but the bottom line is that he didn't do it intentionally unlike other incidents where he turned a blind eye and favored one side over another though again his intentions were never bad but yes he is accountable in those incidents because then he took decisions which were unfair

    1. I agree. His intentions weren't bad. But there are a certain undeniable points. May be his slap to Bijoy was an accident. But he was also ferociously angry the day he shouted at his mother for breaking Sona and his marriage. Yet not once his hand accidentally swung in her direction.

      Even at Bose house in season 2, he raised his hand as if to slap Bijoy but folded it in the last moment. That was also not accidental but a clear threat.

      So I don't think it was completely unintentional. He may not have anticipated the slap. But considering how his arms swung, there was no other outcome to be expected.

      But anyhoo, Bhaiya now has full right to do as he wants which also his Mummy has approved. Sona is free. I hope he passes the news to Soha himself and not put it on Sona and blame it on her. Soha needs to know that despite her dad promising her that he will live with his Mummy, how suddenly she is getting a new Mummy with them out of her best Dadi's home. She needs to know now, like Golu, that nothing her father promises is worth banking on. His words are worth nothing.

    2. You know what is striking !! He didn't think how a new woman in his life will affect Soha !! I mean she just came into his life and she is still learning about him.

      This is what I mean by spineless ! He can't think for himself -- always confused ??

  18. There are MILs like Ishwari who are possessive and insecure because of DIL but relationships still thrive or can thrive irrespective of such insecurities, you just need a supportive husband. Even if Ishwari cannot be changed, I feel if and only if Dev accepted his mom's insecurities and shared this with Sonakshi things would have been different, Sona was never in his team that's why Sona felt like an outsider. He chose to be a lone captain of the ship maneuvering rough seas where he miserably failed.

    1. Exactly. The only reason why woman will fight for her marriage is if her husband makes it worth her while. If the husband does not stand by her side, then who will she fight for and why? Everytime Maiya crooked her finger, Bhaiya started performing like her trained monkey. Who will bet their life on this circus?

  19. One last thing, these are my opinions, I don't say people should think the same, nor do I have the right to, I just try to see things from a different angle, I might be wrong, I'm myself in a continous process of trying to understand things, I know it's not worth it, it's just a show, but for me to have a pleasant viewing experience, I need to relate to characters, so I try to understand them instead of judging them, I mean I don't expect them to behave according to my set of values or the way I expect them to, it's their story not mine

    And sorry for the long essays, once I start I keep typing whatever comes to my mind and end up with these scary lengthy essays!

  20. Ok one last thing, don't throw chappals (lol, lot of blabbering) Sona behaved exactly the way a mature sensible woman would have behaved, she loves him yes, yet from what she understood from the whole situation and other circumstances, nothing has changed, a- She again thinks suggestion came from his mom, b- she asked him if he himself thinks he needs a life partner c- she isn't ready, even her dad isn't ready to accept Dev d- she can't take any risks as Suhana too is at stake, so she just saw his marriage as an end to her turmoil, a painful end but it would finally give a final closure to any hope of togetherness and determine their final equation.

    Still that doesn't mean that her decision echoes with her heart and with what she really wants deep inside

    Never say never, who knows what future has in store, life might suprise in a way one would have never imagined. Few things are absolute in life!

    1. Very Few things are absolute in life, rest are all relative

    2. No worries hun. Feel free to share your opinion. This is an open discussion platform. So no one will try to impose their opinion on you. :)

    3. You are right in that she knows rationally --- nothing changed and there is no chance of a fruitful relationship so she said No!! And rightly so

      Yet it probably hurt and that's why I thought Erica was very good in portraying that this was not an easy decision and the stoic expression said that! Now she has to watch Dev with some other bimbo -- poor gal.

  21. Happy Mother's Day to everyone in advance. It seems like I'm the only one roaming around. ��
    Anyways, it's universally true that there is no substitute to a mother. I often wonder that how can a person love so much. I believe that no one can love someone better than parents,especially better than a mother. I won't deny to reveal that I'm one of those adolescents who needs to know a great deal about life. Hence its obvious for me to make blunders but even then my mother would always be by my side and give a helping hand. I swear if I had been in my mum's place I would have lost my patience there. But she,with her extraordinary endurance have always been there. The power which a mother carries within her is simply amazing. But unfortunately this show has lost that notion. It is a shame to see mothers like Ishwari who keeps ranting about her sacrifices,her rights,her desires.....and the list doesn't end. If Ishwari really had been a true mother from heart which always boasts around for she would have understood Sona and then accepted her without any conditions . But no , she needs someone to blame and hide her own mistakes. Just to show family drama Cvs detoriated ishwari's character to such a level that I'm speechless right now. SHAME ON YOU Cvs.

    1. Thank you. There are so many amazing mothers out there who are an example of selfless love. That's why it makes me mad to see such a disgraceful example of selfish woman on screen being justified on the occasion of Mother's Day. Ishwari said that she is not a woman, she is a mother. But she is neither a woman nor a mother. She is a selfish piece of trash who should never have any relationship because she only uses them for her own purpose.

      Why don't CVs show what a great mother Sona is to Soha? She couldn't have asked for a better mother. Sona's every decision, every thoughts are for her. It makes me really really mad like you to see mothers like Ishwari and Asha who only care about their wish about their children's life over letting them make their own life decisions glorified on screen.

  22. Happy mother's day Tia and everyone out here. Beautiful post.

    I am so happy Sona said NO. You go girl! The way Dev started Ma is saying we should get married. Ma is saying if it is not you, he should get married to any other girl. It was kind a slap to Sona. She asked what is his opinion and seeing him confused and inclined to have a jeevansathi, she took a decision althought it hurt her beautifully shown by her physical hurt while changing the tyre. But she brought out a new tyre, new milestone. And aslo gave Dev a fitting reply that her father also asked her to get married but she is capable of taking her own decision and is not dependent on her father's decision. I think she gave suitable hint to Dev. Now lets see if he has matured enough to take the hint!

    Golu is such a sweetheart. He is a child still came for a 'discussion' with his BigCha. He is too generous. Hope he does not get hurt further by his BigCha.

    1. Thanks Jas. Yes, Sona left him with clear statements. But I doubt Bhaiya got anything. He seems to be the original dumb head. How can the same person continue to make the same mistakes and learn nothing from past disastrous outcome?

      But yes, Golu is an amazing child. The only selfless person in Dixit household. Everyone else is selfish there.

    2. BHAIYYA --- kuch Samaj nahi aya... confused hi rahega. Isn't it sooo true though --- when people don't want to accept a reality or deal with a situation: they say "I am confused".

      He wasn't confused - he was feeling blackmailed; he wanted SONA to say Yes I'll come back to you.... and the whole I don't wanna be alone was to get a reaction outta her. He was straightforward about what his mom said to him - but manipulative because he wanted a particular answer from her...

      but was shattered when she said "OK move on "

  23. Oh My God Tia!
    That was the best write-up ever!! Like, you made me speechless with Awe.
    And with Awwwwww too!
    Like, are they really you both! Oh my God! *squeals*
    Gretia Forever! You are right... The simplest and the most beautiful of love stories!

    I want to repeat what I have already said-- You, your family, your in laws And Jeeju are my ideals!!!! Just stay happy forever! I won't ever have this kind of family face any trouble.. Cuz we have a deal! *Says looking in the sky at God like Joey Tribbiani*

    P.S.-- Sorry for my absence. Can't comment on the show.. totally lost interest. But hey, you have got to check out this RARE Wattpad novel I am reading on a romance with The Victorian era in backdrop. The female lead is a headstrong feminist and suffragist. Free-spirited and fiery. And yes, witty. Full of s-a-v-a-g-e sarcasm. The humour is too good. And there are a lot of facts about the era.

    And a GUY wrote this story of a feminist. Oh, btw, it's name is 'Storm and Silence'

    1. Ha ha... Thanks Ananya. I am sending my wish with you for your Joey Tribbiani. There. Hope it gets fulfilled. Thanks for the recommendation. I will get the book and give it a read. Do you know the name of the author?

  24. So how does it work for SUHANA? She supposed to celebrate her parents anniv and then hear dad wants to marry someone else ?

    There was a spoiler with a hospital scene --- I thought this may be SOHA overhearing GKb and Ishwari ?

    Dev and sona nowhere to be found

    Alternately DEV collapses with fever and full on drama bcos he will hallucinate asking for SoNa ????
    I feel this is the time that Sona needs her bestie the most

    Jatin - where art thou ?!!!

    1. Suhana is supposed to understand Bhaiya. Maiya said so. Besides, now that her best Dadi ever has made her tantrum, her best Dad ever has to do his monkey dance. It's not as if Suhana will be given any options like Sonakshi was given any options. I hope then Suhaana will finally see the true reality of the best family ever.

      Oh really? Well, Sona can only be his bestie caretaker. But she can't be his life partner ever. Because Bhaiya will always need someone to steer him like his Mummy by fighting with his Mummy. He is like Peter Pan. Forever an impulsive boy, never a man.

    2. I hope they have a line for Soha that goes:

      Papa - aap acne mummy ka kaal rakho; mein apni mumma ka kyal rakhoongi"!!

      And IF it is Dev in hospital as some are suggesting since Shaheer is away ---> then also, I hope SONA focuses on herself. After all --- she has friend zoned him!!

      I really want to see DEV grow up !!

  25. Tia , you're famous in Twitter land as well...thnx to Fried Chicken...LOL

    I'm very happy for Sonakshi. She showed that she learnt. She defo loves the duffer dixit but holds her ground when it comes to him and his mom. I 'm happy she didnt go running back to him...yet.
    Surely she'll flip tomorrow but I can understand her emotions then. Atleast she refused with a no-nonsense attitude. Moreover, even if Asha convinces this time, I doubt she'll say yes. I'm happy that she is in control of her life. She does what she decides to or what she wants to. She is clearly not ready to put her faith on this duffer again and duffer still doesnot understand . He only thinks of petty small things like jealousy and re-marriage to break Sona's shield. Sadly, he still does not understand her fully yet. The day he will I doubt he'll have it in him to go and get his love....thats a herculean task for the nanhi jaan...he always got Sona without ever doing himself anything...lets see if tht will be the case this tym too.

    1. Lol. Really? What? How? Why? Give me the details. I am not in Twitter.

      Dev the duffer thought that if he can make Sonakshi jealous, she will come running just like he did and be under his mother's thumb again. He forgot that this is the woman who was willing to stay back and let him marry Natasha for his happiness. So if she can sacrifice her love for his happiness, go back to the hell she escaped from for Suhaana's happiness, then why will she go back to him knowing that between his mother and himself, they will ruin Suhaana's and her life again?

    2. So where does one go on twitter gauri?

    3. You r the "IF writer" on twitter. hashtag #krpkab, you can see posts where the IFwriter is discussed since she made Dev as Fried Chicken. And we, this,group give rotten gyaan. The show is abt Devakshi, if we dont want them together, we shudnt watch it then...LOL...Hilarious discussion btwn two fans on twitter.

      I guess I'm everywhere but just not active enuf...but sometimes I do stalk and get the most funny things..hehehe

  26. Tia, the precap is not a dream sequence as it has been confirmed by the actress playing Elena on her Instagram chat (News on Insta). Finally, the day we were waiting for. Dev due to stress fever will have a nervous breakdown and end up in the hospital

    1. Really? Are you sure it was Dev and not Ishwari? Because I thought I saw Ishwari appearing as if she is going to faint in the end of the precap. Well, whoever ends up in a hospital, more guilt trip is on the way. If Ishwari gets sick, then more guilt trip on Dev. If Dev gets sick, then Ishwari will blame Sonakshi. I can bet you on that.

    2. Don't know about the hospital scene but I think it will be Dev as the actor is not available or so I've heard...
      I don't give a damn who blames who. The sadist in me wants either of the two ending up in the hospital

    3. OK -- BH --- then tho BACK to ASD Dev (attention seeking Dev) --- hallucinating for Sona. Ish will ask SONA senti-why are you hurting my son etc etc!!

    4. Then, Sona should say that I can not hurt a man who has no heart. Remember Mama Jee told her that he is stone hearted.

      And when will Sona's middle fingers come to work??

    5. LOL ---- !! Re-marriage track and SONA feeling J --- I can't take. I can take SONA finally realizing all that is good IN her J :)

    6. Sona agar jealous hui bhi, phir bhi koi problem nehin karegi. Because his mother told him to marry, he said he wanted to marry, they both agreed that they are bad for each other and also they might ruin Suhaana's life. So even if Sona dies alone, she won't ever bother Dev. And that's what I want.

      For once, Dev has to stand up for himself and Sona in front of his mother. For once he has to prove that Sona is not so easily replaceable in his life. Every time his mother asked him to leave Sona for her, he did. He left her during first break up, he left Sona when his mother found out about her infertility, he again doing the same thing. Sona had stood up for him against her dad. But Dev has never told his mother that if Sona isn't in his life, then no one else will be either.

      So until he keeps treating Sona like a replaceable item, I don't want Sona to ever ever go back to him.

    7. Didn't Sona feel jealous during Natasha track? Of course she did but she was magnanimous enough to let her love live the life he wanted for himself.
      This is why Dev needs to stand up if he really cares about Sona (Tia and my thoughts resonate on this issue). So unless Mr D-less stands up for himself and not for Sona, we can not enjoy the shoddy eye locks and superficial romance. He needs to stand for himself to look through his mother's abuse which she calls love.

    8. I agree -- sona will never go and fight even if she feels jealous or bad. She will respect dev's choice !

      So that won't make sense - poor soha !!! How will she deal with this having just found her dad ?

      What makes sense is only dev standing up for his love and getting asha and saurabh and Elena on his side to help him !!!

    9. Just to make sure the news is true, I watched the Insta chat and guess what, she did not say anything related to Monday's episode. So the news was a piece of shit. So lets see if it is true or not

  27. Tia rumors are floating that revamp is going to happen and story is on dev soha and sona with new generations and ish won't be there that's what is planned what do u think sweetz

    1. I hope Ish ends up in the hospital and dies and then we can leave the show since they don't plan to end it.
      BTW!! Thank you for sharing your personal story and making us realize the importance of our mothers in our lives. After reading your comment, I went to hug my mother and thanked her for being there for me. So thank you again for sharing that heart wrenching story.

    2. That would be awesome. Except if Ishwari dies, Dev will remarry for sure out of guilt. Since Sona said no. He will marry anyone (more than likely that girl from that distressed family) to wipe out his mother's deed and his guilt in one swipe.

    3. Let's see... Finally things are getting interesting

    4. I want to see a DEV redeemed --- or Sona moving on! After all the hours we spent on this show :)

    5. Inteha ho gayee intezaar ki...

      Aayi naa kuch akal Bhaiya ko saat saal mein bhi...

      Yeh humein hain yakeen

      Gadha woh hain nehin...

      Phir bhi kaam karte hain,

      Gadhe jaise hi... Lol...

    6. Nice poetry there.... Are you sure he's not a donkey Tia? I think we are seeing a donkey in human flesh....

    7. Gadha nahin hai ---- ullooo hai !!

    8. Jo bhi hain, dimaag wala insaan nehin hain, itna to pakka hain. Lol. :D

    9. Chalo na meri na aapki... Lets go by what Sona calls him and what Tia calls him... Puppy that is kuttay ka bacha.... Ulla ka patha is also fine as long as Ishwari gets the credit.... ;)

  28. Let's see revamp or leap umm seems interesting but leap turned disaster

    1. I agree - hope it is a revamp --- and Dev redeems himself!

    2. I hope this rumor is untrue. So the writers and makers refuse to just fix the story so that it comes back to the original plot and choose to complicate the already nonsensical story to what end? Do the writers realize that they govern how the characters play out? Why revamp when they could just redeem the characters and end on a happy note?
      If it's about making more money they can always do a new season with a new plot ... and give the actors the ability to come back if they choose to.
      urgh ... they took a really good concept ruined it in pursuit of trps ... took a leap to get rid of all the open tracks they were too lazy to conclude, ruined the leap because of actor scheduling issues and to show nonsensical tashan and now this why ... just why. Why not end one plot and start a new season with a brand new plot? The forum writers come up with better stories than these so called show writers and makers.

    3. Arre yaar, har baar emotional blackmail wala story? Kitna pity party karte hain yaar? Pehle Maata ki bimaari se break up. Phir bete ki bimaari se patch up. Poore hosh mein, apni marzi se, bina kisike force ya blackmail mein aake, faisla lene mein inko kya problem hain?

    4. Honestly ---- I think that either CVs are totally dumb or haven't been paid !!!! What else can explain this crap?

      The show had not invested even in clothes --- they thought they can kaam chala-o ?????

      If you don't have a tight script --- you obviously can't plan for actor schedules .... simple! I would ONLY recommend three options :

      A) plan for dev to grow up
      B) plan for sona to move on with Jatin
      C) plan for both of the above!

    5. Not that anyone cares for anything we recommend !

    6. I agree. Please add my vote to your recommendation. Not that my vote matters. But what the heck. It's worth a try. Lol.

    7. Add get back keechu Bhaiyya at least and a good girl for jatin ๐Ÿ˜

  29. Is it true that the show is going to be revamped with another leap? What the heck with the story writers? So that means Dev won't be redeemed in this season as well and will go separate ways and meet again after 15 years? What kind of a love story is this? I think I am not suitable to watch a daily soap with these meaningless extensions to keep the show going. I better of watch a movie and be happy with a happy ending or meaningful ending. I wish someone makes a movie based on the initial story line of this show with brilliant ideas from some people that I have read here and in the forums previously.

    1. why do they need a leap at all? they JUST TOOK A BLOODY LEAP! It didn't improve the story in anyway ... they had so much content in the pre-leap version. They still have content but the writers refuse to be creative, now they should just kill the 3 leads... seriously.

    2. Hain? Another leap? Yeh leap karke kya ukhar liya bhai? Mamma's boy still Mamma's boy, Maata still blackmail ki guru... Ek bachha bhi paida kar liya. Phir bhi Maa-beta jahan pehle season mein that, abhi bhi wohi atke pare hain. To doosri leap maarke kya ukhar lenge? Inki gadi to kabhi aage badegi nehin. To phir?

  30. It is originally on Wattpad, a site for reading books for free! But, if you don't want to download the wattpad app, you can purchase the paperback version on Amazon. It is 'Storm and Silence' by 'Robert Thier'.

    1. Thanks Ananya. I don't know what is Wattpad. But I have Kindle. So I will get it from Amazon. :)

  31. fandw - for once I felt bad for Dev in fridays' episode but then I got reminded of this mom and son duo who were so unfair to Sonakshi. He expects Sonakshi to say ok for him to move on but he cannot digest the thought of her moving on with someone. Anyway so far whenever Dev and Sonakshi promised each other on something the opposite happens.

    1. Yep. It's not as if their promises are worth anything.

  32. Missed out on all the good discussion. Damn just got permission to use my gmail account. Who made that stupid malware? And can anybody tell me how I can be logged into this page without having to do it every single time I visit here.

    1. You can use your Gmail log in option and log in using blogger option. :)

  33. Missed out for just 12 hours and you leaped to 15000 + views. Interesting lady from Canada your fan base is spreading. Congrats ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿพ

  34. New spoilers.
    Story going to focus on Dev-Sona-Suhana and no negativity....good.

    Sona is going to be jealous and furious....tell me something new. I have seen her getting jealous of natasha...oh pls!!!

    Next one is Ish asking Dev to marry the girl whose marriage was stopped due to this robbery....give me a break...that girl must be atleast 15yrs elder to Dev...and for a crime Ish did, why shud Dev ruin his life. I dont have any issue if the writers show the cliched problem but I expect them to show the solution which is not cliched and more mature like when Dev realised he loved Sona, he went ahead and spoke to Natasha first , broke his engagement and then proposed Sonakshi. That was a perfect example of how cliched situations were differently oortrayed with a better solution in krpkab. I hope they show something to cheer for....its long due coming from Dev's character....

    Gadha, ullu ka patha...pappu dixit ...so many names of antaryami devrath dixit.... I hope you dont get to celebrate one year anni of Dev being a pappu dixit...the above scene was in last year June-mid. Till now Dev has only done ullugiri...I hope he breaks the shackles before coming june atleast!!!

    1. If Dev again goes yes Mummy, I swear I will write his funeral in my post. Get your own life partner and leave Maiya's pallu, lallu ram.

  35. Happy Mother's Day to all! Wonderful message on motherhood Tia and lovely pics too. I realize that I am late in catching up on the review. But I wanted to watch the epi and gather my thoughts. I am not sure whether our interpretations match completely, but I am here to rant and just get it out of my system.
    After Thursday's episode I still wanted to reserve my judgement on Bhaiyya and the show itself until his conversation with Sona had played out completely. Because even after watching Ishwari in all her glory , making grilled fish out of Bhaiyya and Bhaiyya readily taking the bait, my ridiculously optimistic mind kept telling me that the makers would surprise us this time.However , Friday's epi has effectively dashed all such hopes. It is quite obvious that Dev does or rather did have hopes of getting back together with Sona at some point in future , if not now. Now , I do not expect Dev to reveal all this to Ishwari (although Maiyya has guessed as much ). But like you mentioned in your last post , he need not have succumbed to it. Because this was not about Ishwari (like many other things that were not about her ).This is a decision that would directly impact Soha besides Dev. How effortlessly did Ishwari triviliaze Dev's concern for Soha , while on the other side the brash and boastful Baba Bose calmed down and agreed that under no circumstances should Sonakshi compromise on Soha's upbringing and well being. While the general tendency is to compare Ishwari's ultimatum to Dev, to Bijoy extracting that promise from Sona , I see these two things in sharp contrast to the other.Ishwari's guilt that she could not facilitate a happy family life for Dev is a PLOY , while Bijoy's desperation to stop Sona from repeating the same mistake is very REAL and VALID. I am no fan of Bijoy's brash behavior and when he packed his stuff to leave the house , it almost looked like he was also trying to make this about himself just like Ishwari (Saurav's outburst at the wrong time and for the wrong reason may have contributed to it). But his desperation and outburst was not the result of his need to control Sona's life. Its true that he hates the Dixit clan but this reaction was the result of Sona's confusing behavior , his wife and son ridiculing his genuine concerns and also possibly from guilt . Guilt, that he had failed as a father once already, in protecting his daughter from a heart break. Sonakshi's promise put him at ease, although Sona herself looked positively pained while making that promise. She does have a tight leash on her feelings this time and would not let her heart rule over her head. While on the surface, it may have looked like a promise given to mollify Bijoy , her willingness to give it came from a place of acceptance that Dev could never be his own person . And until and unless that happened , the possibility of her getting back with him is next to nil. Not surprisingly for Sona, Dev's "mummy ne tumhare liye mera rishta bheja hai b'coz mummy thinks I need a life partner " offer only served to reaffirm that belief. I was thoroughly impressed by the calmness that Sona maintained throughout their conversation, except for the time when Dev asked "what about his hurt" at which point I thought she would have given him an earful . But that dumbfounded "Are you kidding me?" look that she gave him worked just as well. Also when she finally said "humara raasta alag alag", she did look a bit crestfallen. For now , I am happy with the stand she has taken . But given the makers' penchant for drama and their inclination to turn Sona into a fangirling saviour/super bahu , I am not sure how long this will last.
    More on Bhaiyya later! Sorry I am not done yet ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    1. Lol... Go ahead and let it out. I know what you are feeling. As you can see from the comment section, we have been venting quite steadily. Lol. :D

  36. Oops! Looks like I missed out on all the good discussion.

  37. "So ok Sonakshi, do u want to get back to me? Otherwise I have to find another life partner as mom wants me to otherwise she won't talk to me. " wow Dev atleat now grow up man if not for sonakshi atleast for youself and your own good mental health. This is no way devotion to your mom this is called craziness supreme.

    1. I know, right? And just like in Shimla, Bhaiya does not understand just how insulting his offer was. Like I said, did not learn a damn thing in 7 frigging years.

  38. continuing from above - Dev will have nervous breakdown one day if he continues to fall in his mom's emotional blackmail. So Mr.Dev Dixit, it's in your own interest to grow up from being a 10 year old.

    1. Honestly? Now I get it why Ishwari treats him like a 10 years old. Because he behaves like one. Expecting him to behave like​ a matured adult is futile.

  39. Hi Tia,

    I have been busy lately, so not been able to actively participate on your blog.

    First of all, I loved your write-up on mothers day. You are really lucky to have such an amazing mother and MIL.

    Regarding the show, I have actually stopped watching it regularly. I watch some scenes of the episode here and there and read your updates (bcz they are hilarious and make my day). Frankly, I have given up on the show. It just doesn't hold my interest anymore. So, until the show gets out of this wash, rinse, repeat cycle, I'll just stick to your updates. Thanks for writing these!!


    1. Hi Mauli,

      Thank you for your comment. No, I totally get what you're saying. I am honestly hanging on for all the people who still want to read my writing. Otherwise, as you very aptly said, this wash, rinse, repeat gets annoying after a while.


    2. Thanks Tia for this haven, otherwise we have to think before we discuss about characters or show in other places.

  40. This is a testimony that I will tell everyone in the world. i have been married for 4 years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman had a spell to take my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2 years until i meant a post where this man Zuma Zuk have helped someone and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my love Husband home and believe me i just send my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48 hours as he have told me after doing everything he asked me to do, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids and that is why i am happy to make everyone of you in similar case to meet with this man and have your marriage fixed His email: spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com whatsapp him on this +15068001647..... thank so much Zuma Zuk.


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