Tia's Thread - Boston Ivy!!!

Yesterday I talked about Ishwari. Today I will talk about Bhaiya.

You see, if Ishwari reminds me of Velver Glove, Bhaiya reminds me of Boston Ivy. Have you ever seen a Boston Ivy plant? 

This is a plant which is very pretty. But otherwise pretty useless. 

It can't grow on its own. It needs a wall, a pillar or another tree as support system. 

Unlike parasitic plant, Boston Ivy can get its own nourishment. But it can't stand on its own. 

So for that reason, no birds or bees ever make a nest on Boston Ivy.

This plant can't even stand on its own, which moronic animal will rely on it for lifelong support?

Yep, now you are getting where I am going with this.

From the beginning of the show, all I wanted from Bhaiya is to grow a personality. 

I wanted him to grow out of Mamma's Boy, but never wanted him to be a slave to his wife either.

I wanted him to be a real man with his own personality and decision making power. You know, like Jatin and Bijoy.

However, as usual, Bhaiya will always remain a spineless, clingy and forever needy Boston Ivy. Pretty as a showpiece, but of to no use to anyone otherwise.

But just like some people prefer empty headed trophy wives, our Behena's taste runs towards zero personality trophy husband. 

As I always said, there is no accounting for taste!!!

EPISODE: The episode starts with Soha bumping into Vicky in the living room.

Vicky says that if she walks to fast, the carpet will wear out.

Me: Haan aur carpet badalne ka paisa to jaise tu dega. 

(Yes, and as if you will pay to get it replaced)

Elena comes there and warns him: Vicky...

Vicky says: What Vicky?

Radha also comes there.

Elena asks Soha what happened?

Soha says that she doesn't want to be disturbed. She has to take a big decision.

Radha asks: What decision?

Soha says whether her Papa should remarry or not.

Radha and Vicky look at each other.

Radha says: This decision will also be taken by you?

Soha says: My Papa loves me a lot. So he said that if he is unhappy alone, that's not good naa?

Elena says: But Soha, Dev Bhai's marriage...

Radha stops Elena: You shut up, huh? 

Then she says to Soha: Soha, your choti dadi thinks that your Papa should get married again for his life. But...

Soha asks: But what choti dadi?

Radha says: But only when your choti dadi finds out a girl for your Papa.

Soha thinks then smiles: I have decided.

Radha is surprised.

Soha says: She doesn't take more than 5 minutes to take a decision. 

Then she runs away.

Radha says: She is very fast. I wonder what she is thinking...

Elena walks away from there and of course let's her gossip partner know about it.

Me: Hummm... That's what I do if I see a massive sale to let my friends know about it. So they can rush and get the loot before someone else buys it.

I just never thought that choosing life partner is the same process. Buy it before someone else does.

Sona comes out of a washroom I think. 

Soha comes running to her. 

She says: Mamma, Papa asked me to take a decision and I took it.

Sona asks: What decision?

Soha takes Sona with her. She wants to tell her Papa, Mamma and Dadi at the same time.

She makes both of them sit on a bed.

Ishwari does certain signal behind Bhaiya's back. 

Me: I think Maiya has already convinced Soha. Her expression looks way to confident.

Ishwari asks: So what did my doll decided?

Soha says: Dadi, I want my Papa to be the happiest Papa in the world. And you can't be happy alone, naa? So I thought you should get married. Because if you are not happy, then no one else can be happy either, naa?

Bhaiya and Behena look at each other. 

Ishwari is super happy with Soha.

She tells Sona: Sonakshi, she has really taken after you. I have never seen such a smart girl before.

Behena smiles.

Soha interrupts: But I have a condition. 

Ishwari asks: What? 

Soha says: Whoever marries my Papa, will be my Choti Mamma naa. And only my Mamma and I, know my Papa better. So only my Mamma and I, will go looking for Choti Mamma. No one else. 

Ishwari is even happier to see her plan is progressing in the right direction.

Me: Or so you think, Ishwari.

But honestly, this is the most outlandish proposal I have heard right after the outlandish proposal of a kid moving to another city with grandparents if her divorced parents don't live together. 

But then Soha is a kid. So that's expected. 

Where have the adults locked their brain?

Ishwari says: Really? That's what you want?

Soha says yes.

Ishwari says: Now I will say, she has taken after her grandmother.

Me: Oh don't worry. She is completely your replica, Ishwari. She also thinks she is doing a favour to those whom she manipulates. 

Ishwari says to Soha: Did you think your Dadi will get just anyone to marry your dad? No. Now I have decided. Until Suhana and her Mamma finds her choti mummy, there will be no marriage.

Soha says: Good. Then I am happy.

She then says to Dev: Don't worry Papa. Mamma and I will find the best girl for you. Won't we, Mamma?

Sonakshi fake smiles.

Soha gets up: Okay bye. I am going to tell this news to Golu. He is upset. He is my brother so I should pacify him.

Soha leaves.

Me: Aren't you getting the feeling of watching something utterly absurd here? No one is giving any consideration to the fact that which family will be fine with the daughter and ex-wife of the groom coming to check out their girl? That's the height of insult. 

Not to mention, Bhaiya is as usual mute in front of his Mummy except giving panic reaction. Pathetic!!!

After Soha leaves, Ishwari sits down. 

She says: Look kids. We don't always get everything in life. We all have to compromise. Once I made the mistake of forcing my decision on you. I won't make the same mistake again. You two don't want to live together. So be it. But don't live alone. I know what you will say. You will say that you are happy alone. You don't feel anything missing in your life. You think that you have seen life. But I have seen loneliness. Today Soha is young. But when she grows up and moves away, then we parents won't be with you. Then this loneliness will bother you. I don't want Dev for you to live like this. If that happens, then wherever I am, I won't be in peace. Sonakshi, you have promised me. I trust you. I fold my hands in front of you.

Sonakshi jumps: Aunty, please don't do this.

Ishwari: Sonakshi, please don't say no. 

Bhaiya: Maa, I am not ready for all this.

He walks away.

Ishwari signals Sonakshi to go after him.

So Behena follows.

Ishwari is happy.

Me: Okay a few points to consider here.

1. A marriage for only companionship only works when both sides have the same expectations and none of them want love. 

If any of them wants love, it doesn't work.

2. Marriage definitely doesn't work when one person in that marriage is pining for someone else. Bad idea all around.

A man or woman can live in a loveless marriage. But not when their life partner is in love with someone else.

3. What Ishwari said today, I had said when Soha first proposed her parents to live together. They might compromise for Soha, but when she grows up and moves away, then what? 

4. You don't always get everything you want in life. But you have to figure out whether you got everything you need. Because as long as you get everything you need, that's more than enough for most people. But when the needs are not met, then people can't live any sort of life.

If Bhaiya truly needed Behena, he would have spoke up. 

But unfortunately he wants Behena. But doesn't need her.

The same with Behena. She wants Bhaiya but she doesn't need him.

Hence, none of them are making any effort.

Need is like hunger, thirst, cravings.

Want is like that purse on sale. 

You need your needs fulfilled. Wants you can live without.

Anyhoo, Bhaiya is standing by a pillar. Behena comes there and calls his name.

He starts to walk away. Behena keeps calling his name.

He barks at her: What is it?

Behena: I think we should talk.

Bhaiya: Really? I don't think we should talk.

He starts to walk away...

Behena: Come on Dev...

Bhaiya: What is it, Sonakshi? I think I should stay alone.

He walks away again...

Behena: You ran away saying exactly this 7 years ago, running from a problem, Dev.

Bhaiya: Nothing has changed. I haven't changed. Then why are you stopping me? I want to stay alone.

Me: Precisely. Every time a problem arises that Bhaiya doesn't want to face, he runs. And he will do exactly that every time. Why are you surprised?

And Bhaiya, you have already agreed to marry someone else that day, remember? Why are you showing attitude as if this was not your decision?  

Behena: I can't leave you alone like this, Dev.

Bhaiya: You left me 7 years ago. Now leave me alone and go away again.

Behena keeps calling him.

Me: Hain? Wait a minute. As if 7 years ago, you went after Behena? I didn't see you checking up if she is dead or alive while you were screwing women in random hotel rooms. So why this tortured attitude? Had Behena been visiting men in random hotel room, would you buy into her I-was-heartbroken-so-I-needed-sex-to-get-over-you excuse? So just let your drama rest.

Suhana comes to Ishwari's room. 

She asks Ishwari: Dadi, why did you tell me to lie? Lying is bad. I never lie to my Mamma and Papa.

Ishwari asks her to come with her.

Ishwari takes her to the temple and says that they will ask forgiveness from Baby Krishna that she made a little child lie. 

Ishwari shows Baby Krishna and tells His story. She tells that He also used to lie to his Mother.

Soha wonders: He also used to lie?

Ishwari says that His lies were like him - innocent. Which was good for someone else like my doll's lies. Your one lie will bring your Mamma Papa closer, beta.

Soha: Really Dadi? 

Ishwari assures her: Your Mamma Papa have forgotten their way to each other. If we tell them a lie so that all of their ways become blocked, then what's wrong with that?

Soha says: When we block their ways, they will have to take the way we make for them and they will have to walk together.

Ishwari praises her intelligence.

Soha: Dadi, you are sure that then Mamma and Papa will live in the same house?

Ishwari says: Yes. When we are together, then this will happen. You will be by my side, naa? 

Soha nods.

Ishwari says: Then for everything else, God is there.

They fold hands in front of the temple.

Me: Ishwari, I am trying to make you understand since you are not getting it.

You are hoping that your lies will close their ways except to each other. That might force them to walk to each other. But how will you ensure that the decision they took in distressed circumstances will actually make them walk side by side for the rest of their life?

You can lead a horse to water. But you can't make it drink. 

The initial problems which caused their break up, still remains as before.

Bhaiya's inability to face problem and be any kind of support, Sonakshi's wish for an equal life partner, their inability to resist influence from outside etc. So what makes you think that they can be together happily for the rest of their life if only somehow you can get them married? 

Love is not something like instant noodles that you add hot water and it's done in two minutes. Love is something you cook in slow cooker where each element gets it's proper time to change and evolve and slowly gets to the perfect taste and consistency.

But you won't understand me now. When you plan backfires, then you will get it. And then if Soha asks about your promises, you better have something ready for her. Otherwise, she will be pissed off to be a part of your failed scheme.

Soha says: Dadi, did you see my acting? How I said that I need time to think and got Mamma?

Ishwari: Yes, how did you think about looking for Choti Mummy? 

Soha: The thing is Dadi, I love drama. You just watch what else happens here.

Ishwari laughs.

Me: Yep, Soha takes after Ishwari.

Bhaiya, in his room, is behaving like a girl from Orthodox family who has been told to marry whoever her parents select instead of an adult grown up man totally capable of saying no.

Behena is walking as if in daze towards her home as if just two days ago, she didn't already told Bhaiya to marry someone else and be happy so that they can make a new beginning as friends. That makes me think that she must be more worried about her new job as matchmaker than actually losing Bhaiya.

At Bose house, everyone is enjoying something on the TV (I bet not this show considering how much they are laughing).

Asha sees Sona. Ronita asks Sona to come and join them.

Sona says she is tired so she starts to go up.

But Ronita brings her back to the couch to join them.

Sona sits with her lemon sucking face. Asha notices her face. 

Sona asks Saurabh to reduce the volume a bit.

Saurabh says: You just came now. Enjoy naa. 

Saurabh and Bijoy are still laughing the loudest.

Sona gets up angrily and grabs the remote from Saurabh, shuts off the TV and goes upstairs. 

Me: Sona is behaving like a jerk. If she doesn't like the volume, she could just go up. But why did she shut off the TV and walk away? It's good that a pathetic sample like her isn't in my home. Otherwise I'd have told her to stop behaving as if the world should always revolve around you. 

Asha says to Saurabh: Are you mad? Didn't you see she was upset?

Me: Again, why is it anyone's business that she is upset unless she says something? No one has time to keep staring at people's faces. Just because she is despo and in lau with a pathetic person, that's not someone else's problem.

Saurabh stammers some excuse. 

Bijoy is still laughing.

Asha says: Why are you laughing?

Bijoy says that he knew that this was just one day drama at Dixit house. Definitely Ishwari has said something.

Asha says: She is upset and you want to prove your point now?

Bijoy: It's not about proving my point. I want this fight to happen because our daughter will then be away from them.

Asha: It's useless to talk to you. Laugh all you want.

She leaves from there.

Me: Bijoy, you honestly let it go. Your despo daughter and pathetic family will get what they deserve. You enjoy your show. 

Asha comes to Sona's room where she is standing by the window mooning over the moon.

Sona says: I am fine.

Asha says: Lier...

She drags Sonakshi to the bed. Sonakshi lies down on her lap.

Asha asks what happened?

Sona says that Ishwari wants Dev to marry again. And this time she wants me to find a girl for him.

Asha says: I know. Elena told me. 

Bijoy hears everything from outside and gets happy: Finally, Dev Dixit's chapter is out of my daughter's life. It seems since coming back from hospital, Ishwari ji had her brain on straight. Brilliant.

Me: I wish, Bijoy. But your daughter is the type of victim who keeps asking for more.

Asha asks: Are you tensed about this?

Sonakshi: I don't know Maa whether I am tensed or confused or tired.

Asha: You still love Dev, no?

Sonakshi wrinkles her brow and gets up: What?

Asha: Do you still love him?

Sonakshi: Maa...

Asha: The answers you had been giving me until now, I have memorized them. Maa, nothing can happen between us. Whatever we are doing, we are doing for Soha.

Sona: Maa, it's not that. 

Asha: Then what is it? You sweared on your Baba's head, is that it?

Sona: No.

Asha: Then is it that you don't want to give Soha false hope?

Sona: I don't know. Why are you asking the same question again?

Asha: Okay. Don't answer the first question. But tell me what is the relationship between you and Dev?

Sona: He is Soha's father. 

Asha: That is his relationship with Soha. What is your relationship with him?

Sona: We got married 8 years ago. So he is my ex-husband.

Asha: That was 8 years ago. What is your relationship now?

Sona: I don't know. Dev says that we are great friends. I am his best friend.

Asha: What do you think? Is he your best friend? 

Sonakshi gets irritated and walks away.

Me: And I am irritated too. 

Asha, here's the deal. Why Sonakshi is his best friend, we get it. She has always supported him and helped him with his mother and everything. Why should he be her best friend, pray tell? What has he done for her? Nothing. 

I know what you want her to say or do, but there's a difference in loving someone and being in love with someone.

When you love someone, you want them to be happy. It's hard to think that they have other priorities, but it's fine as long as they are happy.

Some people do have this kind of relationship with their ex. That doesn't mean that they don't feel a sadness about what may have been. It's just that they know that they are not suited for each other.

But when you are in love with someone and you think that they are moving on, you can't sit still and think about it. You cry, scream in agony because you can't imagine your life without them. 

Sonakshi may always love Dev because he was her first love and father of her daughter. But she is no longer in love with him as per her reaction. 

If we think back how she was when she broke up with Bhaiya and how she cried in agony every day compared to now, there is huge difference.

And even if CVs happen to show that Sonakshi really is behaving like before, it would only seem that she is behaving like the spoilt kid who wants the toy someone else wants. 

Asha says: Sona I know that you only have a friendly equation with him. But is he really only your friend? Because if that's so, then why are you having so much problem with him having someone in his life? If it was Jatin, then you would have ran around looking for girls for him. Sona, stop lying to yourself. You are just hurting yourself in the process. Sona, now you answer my first question. Do you not love Dev, anymore?

Sonakshi looks on.

Me: Asha, stop. You have to get out of the fairy tale world. Do you see Bhaiya anywhere trying to win Sona back? Have you thought that Bhaiya's marriage can't happen without his consent? Then why are you trying to convince Sona that she loves Bhaiya even though his commitment to her is all in his speech and never in his deed? What kind of mother wants her daughter to be with a guy who doesn't value her?

Sonakshi says: No. I don't love him. He is Soha's father and as such I can respect him and care for him. But I can't love him. And if you expect me to forget the past and only think of good memories, then that's not possible. When I think about good memories, bad memories crowd back as well. And I don't want to bring all those past baggage and get back in Dev's life. I can not love Dev Dixit and that's it. Okay?

Asha smiles and asks: Really?

Behena looks at her.

Me: This lady doesn't know when to stop. Does she? Had Bijoy been talking to her even after hearing what she said, she'd have told him to back off. Because apparently one should treat their adult kids like adults. Except no rules she sets applies to her. 

Here's the deal, Asha. It's not like I don't still think about Fried Chicken. But when I remember the bloated tummy and ache, I think my current diet is better for my overall health. After all, I can't keep my family happy if I am sick. Can I?

Now, if KFC happened to change the recipe and made the Fried Chicken lighter, then may be I could give it another try. But they are still using their original recipe which made me feel sick. So the outcome will be the same. 

That's the problem with Bhaiya. Now let Behena take a smart decision for once in her life and stop brainwashing her.

At Dixit house, Radha is fretting with Vicky. She says that all their plans are failing. Now Ishwari got a bad plan and also took her granddaughter in that plan. Now that little kid will find a girl for her Papa. 

Vicky laughs.

Radha asks him why is he laughing.

Vicky says that he has heard this the first time that someone's ex-wife and daughter find a girl for him. 

Me: I agree with you useless Vicky. I have heard such outlandish idea for the first time as well. In fact, I am pretty sure, no one has heard such outlandish idea ever in their life either.

Radha is still fretting. Vicky tells her not to worry. He says that let Sona look for girls and Ishwari make her plan. Because when he enters in their plan, then it will go blast. 

Radha is assured that her Red is onto his black deeds.

Me: No reaction. They are on their proper character. Everyone else does palti.

At Dixit house, Bhaiya gets a call. It's Behena. He disconnects the phone. But she calls again. He cuts her call again.

Then she sends a text that she is waiting for him on his bike.

Bhaiya comes out and Behena chirps: Hi...

Bhaiya: Didn't I say that I don't want to talk? That I want to be alone?

Behena says: You are alone. That's why Maa wants you don't stay alone your whole life. 

Bhaiya: I don't want to talk about it.

He is about to run when Sona grabs his hand: Don't talk. But you have to get married.

Bhaiya: Who gave you such huge right on my life?

Sonakshi: You did.

Bhaiya: I did? Miss Bose, I have taken a lot from you. But never gave you this right. 

Sonakshi: Wrong, Mr. Dixit. You have called me friend. And I have watched "Maine Pyaar Kiya". So if you have become friends, then you will have to keep it.

Bhaiya: Then you are doing this for friendship.

Sonakshi: Of course. Don't be so selfish. Think about others. Think about Auntyji.

Me: Now wait a minute. Who the eff marries for someone else? That's a shitty excuse. He can take whatever decision he wants. Stop being Asha, Sonakshi.

Bhaiya: Who will think about you?

Behena is taken aback and eyelock.

Behena: Me? I will think about me, who else will think about me? I can think about myself and also can think about others.

Bhaiya puts both his hands on both side of Behena and turns on smoulder: Miss Bose, don't you think that you are thinking about me a bit too much?

Eyelock again.

Behena: I have thought already. You will get married.

Bhaiya: I can't do this.

Behena: Why?

Bhaiya: Why? I can't give the place to someone else which I once gave to you. 

Eyelock and romantic tung tung in the background.

Me: Oh really? Is that so, Bhaiya? Well, then you have made a decision (not that you have any record of sticking with your own decision). Why don't you go to your Mummy and repeat this same sentence? All this dialogue are such a waste in private in front of Behena when it can be said to the person concerned. Go say it to your Mummy. Your Mummy knows Behena doesn't want to marry you and you don't want to marry anyone but Behena, so she will have to give up the idea to force marriage on you since she doesn't want to repeat her past mistakes. Problem solved. 

But I doubt you have any guts today like you had none way back then. All your dialogues are as usual is in front of Behena to impress her. But when it comes to claim the same in front of your mother, your spine gets the consistency of mashed potato. 

That happened during infertility track and that's the same case now. Who in their right mind will rely on you?

PRECAP: Ishwari asks Radha if she brought everything with her.

Radha says that all these girls have been hand-picked by her. She wants Ishwari to take a look.

Ishwari says that there's no need. What is not going to happen, what's the use talking about them?

Me: Overconfidence is often the sign of fall.

Bhaiya tells Ishwari that Sonakshi made him realise that he can't spend his entire life alone. So he is ready for marriage.

Ishwari is shocked.

Me: I am not. Bhaiya was never very firm on his decision. In fact, every time he takes a decision, I expect him not to stick by it. 

Besides since he had been doing everything a married man does except the responsibility the last 8 years, then what's a little marriage? 

He might as well get married and become someone else's headache.

By the way, Ishwari, do you recall my advice yesterday on your ill-fated plan? Well, you better figure out what you want to tell Soha.

And as of Sona, if I were her, I will never marry a man for whom I am an option. Not that I have much hope from CVs to keep her self-respect intact.



  1. Tia, Dev=Boston Ivy....just perfect.

    Dev cnt seem to remember any bad memories...it means he knew all long she was never at fault.
    Still his anger. Even now, he lets Sonakshi know that he wants her, still loves her....but has Ishwari or Dev ever realised what is Sonakshi's problem?
    Asha is just soo irritating, how can I expect Dev-Ish to think of Sonakshi's feelings when her own mother doesnot know how to heal her daughter or what she is going through...like Ishwari sees through Dev, Asha shud have ideally understood the situation and talked to Dev about winning her trust..but NO...she is busy shipping...how I hate her these days.

    Sona-Asha talk was good. Sonakshi clearly said what her problem was. Even if she denies its not love, anyone can understand why she says so when she referenced her bad memories. She cant forget them and risk another chance of giving that right to DevD. Even I understood her dilemma but not Asha...Loved Bijoy. I just adore him so much.

    I liked Dadi-poti scene bcoz of the actors...it was scene. But logically it was so fantastical..no words on why and how these things happen. Soha doesnot miss her mom...Boses?! What about one week arrangement...looks like Dev is busying with Soha all the time, all conveniently forgot Soha is missed by the Boses?! Weird very very weird. If Dev-Ish are fit, why is she still staying at IN.

    These days krpkab makes the least sense. But some scenes do touch a chord.

    1. I totally agree with you. In fact, I'd say except Bhaiya and Behena scene, everything is in place. Bijoy is as usual my favourite and Asha is intolerable.

      Ishwari wants Sona to take the step so that her son doesn't have to. Asha also wants Sona to go begging to Dev who always gave her long speeches but never had the guts to claim openly that for him she is the only way. There is no other option for him.

      Then why would Sona will run after a guy whose words have no value, commitment is flimsy, not at all dependable or trustworthy and is known for never keeping his promises?

      Mad or what?

  2. Sonakshi doesnt need Dev.
    I guess Dev being the Boston Ivy needs her. But prefers mummy darling to get him his toy. This time mummy is not alone. His daughter is involved too.

    I seriously dont wan this to get resolved without Dev himself doing absolutely nothing...well, CVs never will show this.

    First,Ish,then Soha, then Asha-Elina and now Dev, all just want Sonakshi to realise she loves him....dont these stupid ppl know she never stopped loving him. Its only trust and assurance of her place in his life that she wants...why is it so difficult to understand!! Even if all succeed and she realises she loves him still...will that be enough for her to go ahead and give him a second chance this time? NO. She will think twice before committing this time, that is where Dev needs to work.

    This is just so silly.

    1. Yep. Bhaiya wants everything without lifting a finger. But when you don't even bother lifting a finger, you don't even get charity. And here we are talking about love.

      Sona's fear is justified. Bhaiya is exactly the same person who made a fool out of her every time she trusted him. Then why bring the same fate on her head?

  3. Even though I have issues with the sensibility of the show, these days I like the show more ...all the actors are playing it beautifully and some scenes are too good.

    Today's dialogue by Sona so perfectly described her feelings..."I cant love Dev"...she never said she doesnt love him...its her brains which hold her heart in place, fear has made her heart reside in the safety cocoon of her intellecatual head...she cant afford to love Dev bcoz thats too expensive if it backfires this time...twice bitten, thrice shy...LOL

    But still Asha did nt get it. Great. I loved Sonakshi's dialogues today. I hope somone, atleast Jatin shows them both the right path. The others r acting kiddish.

    1. Yep. You are right. This can't and don't are two different things.

      I don't love someone means that they don't love them.

      But I can't love someone also translates to is that I can't afford to love someone because they will only hurt me and it's not worth it.

      That's the difference.

  4. It's totally unfair to say dev has not done anything for sona. Was dev doing time pass in saurabh marriage? Anyway I am very happy with ishwaris plan. Now both of them will feel heat and come about with their love for another openly.

    1. Yes. He was doing time pass in Saurabh's marriage. What did he do in Saurabh's marriage beside taking the blame for the theft? Which was neither necessary nor required. Had Bijoy came to know about the theft, so what? If he was willing to accept Dev despite him breaking his daughter's heart, he would have accepted Ronita too because she was innocent. Bijoy never blamed someone else for other's fault. He is not an unfair person.

      Compared to that Sonakshi has saved Dev's family over and over. She saved his mother's life many times, she tolerated insults day after day for him, she saved Riya from Ayan, she saved Ishwari's honour. When it comes to that comparison, Dev indeed has done nothing for her.

      I am glad you are happy. But I am not happy with this track at all. When someone needs outsiders to understand their love, it's not true love. It's the same love one feels when the toy they no longer want, their parent wants to give to another kid and suddenly that becomes their favourite toy.

  5. I am sorry but I didn't like the part where mata Shri teaches soha to lie to her parents

    What ever the justification - you don't drag a child emotions into this!!

    1. I agree. I didn't like Ishwari teaching Soha to lie giving her assurance that her parents will be together because of her lies. Now Bhaiya has agreed for marriage. What will she tell Soha now? That sorry, I know I said your parents will come together. But not your mother has convinced your father to marry. So why don't you and your mother go around rejecting girls until your father likes one of them. Then you can stand by me to welcome your choti Maa. Great!!!

  6. Hi Tia, how is the crapfest? Is it still intolerable or has it changed like the friday's episode?

    BTW, nice write up there

    1. Thanks. Nope. Now we are back to Ishwari executing her plan except she underestimated Sonakshi's determination and overestimated Bhaiya's capability to stand up for his so called love. In short, it backfired. She also roped in Soha as partner to get them together promising her parents being together. That's another person who is going to be pissed off at Ishwari now.


  7. Love the post tia.
    Why do i feel that bhaiyya finally is trying to grow spine and he has decided to teach both ishwari and sona a nice lesson.

    U think i am expecting too much ?

    1. Lavanya, aapke muh mein ghee shakkar. I hope so. I had been praying for Bhaiya's personality for so long. Let's hope CVs are listening. P.S. Could you tweet this suggestion to CVs please? Because Bhaiya has been annoying me with his stupidity recently.


    2. Seriously .. sonakshi is irritating me with her hypocrisy.. what makes her thi k she has the right to say no when it could make bijoy happy and dev has to get married becos it will make ishwari happy and he should not act selfish... such a dumbo i tell u. I will be cheering every tear that drops from her eyes from now on ..i just loved the precap.. dev had a smirk at the end when he said he is ready for the marriage... i am sure he is going to put both ishwari and sona in a tough spot. I wonder what would ishu tell soha now.. good atleast soha will learn a nice lesson that it is not OK to lie

    3. Exactly. That's what I wrote too. Why does she gets to live her life as per own terms? Why is she being selfish and not marrying Jatin then?

      Like I said, she also wants to impress Ishwari so she is forcing Bhaiya to do what she is not prepared to do.

      That's why I said, I wanted Bhaiya to grow a spine, not change one master/Goddess with another.

  8. The most irritating person in the episode was Sonakshi. Kya hai yeh when nobody could force their decisions on her how can she do it on Dev. What right she has got to decide something so important in a person's life when she has already seen the consequences. Does she realLy think that Dev will be ok with all this even after him confessing that he still loves her, pagal lady. I am really pissed off with her drama. Her brain is out of control she parked it somewhere. She now needs a physiatrist than Dev.

    1. Exactly. I totally agree. What kind of woman pushes a man to marry another woman knowing that he is still hung up on her? How could she force Bhaiya to ruin another woman's life? What kind of person does that? And for what? Just to win Ishwari's approval? WTF...

  9. Kitna rota hai ye aadmi, mummy ke saamne bolti band aur baki sab jagah patar patar. His habit of showing love to Sonakshi only in private has still not gone. Anywhere outside he can't keep her respect even today. Sorry but this kind of love is useless to anyone with even an ounce of brain.
    Again what was the need to bring in kids, only for make them look more stupid, because that's what cv's have made these innocent kids into.

    1. Yep. Bhaiya could have spent 10 seconds telling his Mummy that he won't marry anyone except Sona like he did when Ishwari had told him that Soha and Jatin are getting married instead of whining for so many hours. Really, he could have spared the drama.

      And the way they are showing adults using kids and kids using adults for their own purpose are mind boggling to watch.

  10. I am going crazy. Really I just stop for a second and look frantically wherever I see a word starting from 'J' in your update.

    I miss Jatin. 😣😣😢😢😢

    1. Me too. I think he got fed up with their drama and ran away.

  11. Saw the last part now. What was Sonakshi doing? Did she take Asha's reference to friendship with Jatin too seriously? Ye kya ho raha hai? If she truly knows Dev she shud be bothering about the girl he will marry. She has no right to spoil any other person's life.
    The two Dev-Sona neve cease to behave like kids when it comes to Maate ke orders...I'm fed up!!!

    Dev blurts still infront of only Sona...momma aayegi, bolti bandh...still the same after 7 yrs.

    I doubt except the clothing nothing has actually changed in S2....remarriage will also be a disaster...my wak heart cant take another leap with loads of tashan!!

    1. Yep. I mean it I knew that one of my friends have feelings for me, I will never push him to marry someone else. Because the other girl might ask me that why I did not tell her that her husband/fiancé has feelings for me and why did I then brought his alliance for her? And all her complaints would have been valid. Because I'd be equally responsible for ruining her life.

      And don't even get me started on Bhaiya. He is still the same moron. Lavanya thinks that Bhaiya might be in mission to teach Ishwari and Sonakshi a lesson. If that happens, good. However isn't saying no and refusing to dance to their tunes are much easier option than making elaborate plans involving other innocent people?

  12. Just saw BD video on twitter. Dev Gunda looks much better than this new clean shaven Dev with checkered suit and bow tie. He definitely, desperately needs a haircut. By the way why do this production house has bad choice of clothing.

    1. Yes, I saw Bhaiya's new look. But he still needs a hair cut. Soon he will have more hair than behena otherwise.

  13. LOL! Boston Ivy!! Perfect ... just perfect. I really don't understand what is so difficult for Dev in saying no to Ishwari for the second marriage. I mean Sonakshi said the same thing to Bijoy so decisively! Why not our hero! He remains the same tongue tied boy in front of his Momma. Anyways lets see how this drama unfolds!

  14. From what I understand by stalking, people ,in general, like Dev getting back Sona this way. The way Dev loves Sona, I mean the jealousy route is far more alluring than actually winning her trust or doing something constructive. So, I understand thats what is in store for us.

    The PH cant dare any other route or mature way when audience want it as such. I understand here that we get to watch what the majority wants..kind of story is driven by majority in TV democracy.
    In short, this is why people get hurt when the show is criticized.

    1. I know, right? I so wanted Bhaiya to win over Bijoy and Sona by being caring, loving and supportive. I wanted him to tell her that he is not going anywhere and he will never give up on her. But alas, he does nothing for her that costs him anything personally.

      Honestly, for a man who constantly whines that Behena left her, he left her way too many times and never fought for her. On the other hand, she fought for him even against his Goddess mother. That's why Bijoy is completely justified in thinking that Bhaiya is just a selfish guy and he will only hurt Behena.


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