Tia's Thread - Hide and Seek!!!

Dear CVs,

Since all my talks isn't helping our eyeballs being burnt with hideous choice of fabrics, I thought I'd use visual demonstration.

Allow me to demonstrate Petite fashion.

These are chic petite fashion, tailored to fit more slender build.

These fabrics are wool, wool blend, light cotton mix to make sure a woman looks fashionable at work place and at the same time look professional while it's breathable quality makes the outfits wearable in all season even in the sweltering Delhi heat.

These includes, but not limited to, Boot leg/wide leg/slim fit trousers (cropped or full length variety), pencil skirts (knee length or mid calf length for more modest people), dresses or shirt dresses with medium or long sleeves which can be rolled up later as the day gets warmer, smart cropped blazers which is fitted and not oversized like the one you provided in summer camp etc. 

And of course scarves, jewellery and minimal make up to amp up the style quota. 

Now the following material, on the other hand, is pure cotton and intended to be used on the bed to lie on.

See how much the cat is enjoying lying on it? I am sure it has high thread count to make sure you get a good night's sleep. In fact, I even matched the colour with Sonakshi's dress. Put a few oxidised silver jewellery on it and it's a match!!!

But it's not intended to wrap around the female lead and call it a dress regardless of how many accessories you use to make us believe that it's actually something else.

If you had said that Sonakshi got up in the morning and decided to wear the bed sheet to work, I'll believe you. Because that's exactly what it looked like. 

Don't believe me? Well, why don't you re-watch the hideous confusion on her?

We will have to watch it again today after all. 

However, if this outfit is being donated after this episode, may I recommend kid's charity to be the recipient? They always need more bed sheets for the baby cribs. It will be put to good use.

EPISODE: The episode starts with Ishwari getting ready to leave for her interview. She feeds herself yogurt and sugar for good luck and talks to herself: Until now you used to send your children feeding them yogurt and sugar for exam. Now it's my turn. And what do they say in English? All the best? All the best, Ishwari.

Mamaji comes there and asks whom is she talking to? And where is she going all dressed up like this.

Ishwari honestly answers: Bhaiya, I am going for a job.

Mamaji starts laughing. Ishwari feels awkward.

Me: Mamaji doesn't do a single thing, not even household chores and is pretty much as useless as his whole family. So when he hears about someone wanting to do work, he finds it a joke. 

Mamaji says: Kachori, since you got your daughter-in-law and son back home, you started to joke as well. I know that you are going to the temple. If you are going, then also pray for me.

Ishwari agrees.

Mamaji: Pray to God to give good thoughts to my wife and son. Please

He leaves.

Ishwari thinks to herself: I was going to say the truth to Bhaiya. How could I lie? But he didn't believe me. It's good though. I will tell everyone about it later.

Ishwari checks watch: Oh God, I am late. I just came to have yogurt and sugar.

She hurries on.

Radha stops her way then: Jiji, where are you running to?

Me: And the black cat also crossed your way, Ishwari... You aren't getting this job for sure. Might as well look for another one.

Bhaiya and Sonakshi also comes there.

Mamaji says: Let her go. She has to go for her work.

Everyone gets shocked. Ishwari feels worried.

Sonakshi and Dev say together: Work?

Mamaji says: Yes, work. God's work. She is going to the temple. She was joking.

Radha laughs: You are even joking now in the morning?

Sonakshi offers: Maa, shall I drop you?

Bhaiya says: Who will drive then? Suhana?

Mamaji laughs.

Sonakshi looks at Bhaiya in mock anger.

Ishwari says: You don't worry. I can go on my own. 

Radha says: She must have some secret talk with God. Why do you keep getting into everything? 

Then changes her tone: I mean, Jiji might want to go on her own, naa?

Ishwari hurriedly says: Yes, I am feeling like going soon with the driver.

Ishwari runs.

Mamaji says: She is gone.

Sonakshi and Bhaiya look at each other.

Me: Ishwari's first step towards independence once again. Last time she had to be independent to raise her children, this time she wants to be independent to make herself productive. 

Why do I get the feeling that Bhaiya and Sonakshi will have same reaction as Soha and Golu with Bhaiya being completely against the idea of Dev Dixit's mother being a domestic help and Sonakshi being in complete support?

Radha gets a call and she picks up the phone. It's Asha.

Asha asks for Ishwari. 

Radha says that Ishwari is not at home. But she can tell her what she wants to say. Radha will tell Ishwari when she comes home.

Asha says: It's nothing urgent. I just called for no reason.

Radha says: Okay, as you wish.

She was about to hang up when Mamaji asks for the phone to talk to Asha.

They exchange pleasantry.

Then Mamaji congratulates Asha on her book. He says that he has started to read her book.

Asha gets shocked: You have started to read it? But the copy Ishwariji had, I brought it back with me. Then...

Mamaji says: No, no. I bought the book from the market. The English is very difficult. So I am reading it slow. But I will finish it soon. Then I will read it to Ishwari.

Asha gets worried and says: Look Bhaisaab, that version is the wrong one. I will send you the right version. Until then you read other good writer's work. I will send you my book soon.

Mamaji says: No, no. Ashaji. I read books very less compared to newspapers.

Asha says bye and hangs up the phone.

Me: See? That's the tangled web lies weaves. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to fix. Now what will you do Asha, the all rounder?

Asha looks at Bijoy sitting beside her: Bijoy, we have a problem. We have to change the book in Ishwariji's house.

Bijoy says: Don't tell me. You wrote the book. You deal with it.

Asha pleads: Please Bijoy. Okay, let's make a deal. You get the book and after that I...

Bijoy asks: What?

Asha: After that I will tell you everything about the neighbour.

Bijoy smiles huge and leaves from there.

Asha says: Thank God.

Me: Wow, Asha. Isn't it funny that when you are in need, which person you look for help. Yet when he is in need, you are no where around for help or support. 

Bhaiya is standing in front of a door. Doesn't look like Nikki's door. So has to be Riya's door since Neha is in USA.

He is about to knock but he is scared. So he calls Sonakshi. She asks if he met Riya.

Bhaiya says: Sonakshi, I am standing outside Riya's home. But I don't have courage. I won't be able to do it.

Sonakshi says: If you can't do it, then no one else can do it Dev. She is your own sister. She is your Riya who always listened to her brother. She is upset. But when you will go in front of her, you will see that her anger, her sadness will all disappear. And if anything left, then you will handle them. You will, won't you?

Bhaiya nods.

Sonakshi says: If you shake your head on phone, how will I know if you are saying yes or no Mr. Dixit?

Bhaiya smiles hearing his lines back. He says: Now I can ring the bell.

Sonakshi says: Okay. Good. I believe in you Dev and I love you.

Bhaiya smiles and says I love you too and rings the bell.

Me: This is exactly how a husband and wife work together. A couple don't always do each other's job. But they are each other's biggest cheerleader. 

They each do what they have to do while the other boost them up, encourage them, dust off their knees if life makes them fall and send them back to the battle to fight back. 

There is no bigger cheerleader for a husband then his wife and there is no bigger cheerleader for a wife than her husband. 

Loved this scene. I'd have been mad if Sonakshi went on her own and started fixing this.

Ishwari is standing in front of a tall building and feeling nervous.

She calls her new BFF Asha.

Asha asks how was the interview?

Ishwari says: I couldn't give the interview.

Asha asks: Why? Why couldn't you give the interview? Are you feeling alright?

Ishwari stammers: I am fine. I mean I was fine when I left home. I was very excited too. I thought it would be easy. But everything is big here, Ashaji. Such a tall building and so many people work here. I couldn't do this. So I left.

Asha says: Ishwariji, office buildings are like this these days. They called you for an interview means that they must have seen something good in you. You don't worry at all.

Ishwari: Then what do I do? I sat at home for 20 years and the world moved forward 40 years, Ashaji. Is my time over to do something on my own then?

Asha: One minute Ishwariji. First of all, you are Ishwari Dixit. You are not Dev's mother, you are not Suhana's Daadi. Will you loose your dream because of a little problem? If you try to do something new after all these years, you will feel scared naa? You can't give up like this.

Ishwari: You are right. I am not those people who gives up too soon. It's good that I faced reality on the first day. I have understood my weaknesses. I don't want to work in such a huge place. I want to work in small places. 

Asha: You have tried to do something new after so many years. You have taken the first step. You will definitely reach your goal. I believe in you, trust you.

Ishwari smiles and hangs the phone.

Me: This is why good friends are so important in all walks of life and specially as we grow older. Because when we are young, we get busy with family life, career, hobbies etc. But when we grow older and our children become independent, we need our friends to be by our side to again be ourselves and find our new passion, new interests. 

That friend can be anyone, brother, sister, best friend, sister-in-law, next door neighbour whoever. But we all need friends.

Speaking of friends, why did Sona chuck out her best friend after finding Bhaiya? Where is Jatin and why Sona does not once ask about him?

Ishwari comes to Sona who is sitting on the window sill and doing something on the laptop. 

She hurriedly closes the laptop seeing Ishwari.

Ishwari sits on the window sill as well and says: Either you are again doing something for me which you don't want to tell me or...

Sonakshi says: Or?

Ishwari: Or you are trying to find out something about someone.

Sonakshi avoids answering: Leave that. You tell me what you were up to?

Ishwari says: I was up to what?

Sonakshi says: You told everyone that you were going to temple. It takes you one hour to come from temple. Besides you bring sweets box from temple. But I didn't get that today either.

Ishwari stammers excuses.

Sonakshi says: I know. I have returned and you have given me all the responsibilities. And you have a lot of time now. 

Ishwari says: Yes, the time just doesn't pass. 

Sonakshi: So now that you have so much time, you should do something naa.

Ishwari eagerly says: Yes, that's why I...

Sonakshi: That's why you went to meet your friends naa?

Me: Tell me something. Is there a ban in this house in listening? I mean no one listens anything. They just keep assuming and talking over people. Sonakshi, let her finish. Why are you making an ass of U and Me by Assuming?

Ishwari is taken aback but tries again: Humm... Sonakshi...

Sonakshi says: Maa, you don't have to tell me anything. Whatever you think is right, whatever makes you happy, you do it.

Ishwari thinks that this is not the right time to tell her about her job and Sonakshi thinks that this is not the right time to tell her about Lakshya.

They both decides to remain silent.

Me: At least both are hiding something. Although, Sonakshi is hiding something Ishwari needs to know before she finds out from somewhere else. It's about ehr daughter and it's her right to know. But Ishwari is hiding something about her own choice which has nothing to do with Sonakshi. 

I think Sonakshi needed to prepare Ishwari before she finds out in a public place and gets shock of her life. After all Nikki and Lakshya live in the same city and Delhi is not a huge city.

Bhaiya comes home and into his room.

Sonakshi asks him eagerly: Did you meet Riya? Talk to her? Tell me what happened. Is she upset? I will talk to Riya.

Bhaiya says: I talked to Riya. 

Sonakshi smiles.

Flashback shows.

Riya hears the doorbell. 

She tells someone (Must be her child): No chocolate. Finish your homework first.

She looks through the spy hole and sees Bhaiya. She is shocked and emotional. She whispers: Bhaiya...

Bhaiya calls Riya from outside.

Riya whispers: Dev Bhaiya came to meet me?

Bhaiya says from outside: Please forgive me... I am sorry, Riya.

Riya opens the door crying. They look at each other a moment and then they hug.

Both cry emotionally.

Bhaiya says: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I came here, naa...

Riya says: No Bhaiya. No need to say sorry to me. You came here. That's enough for me. 

Bhaiya says: I stayed away from you for so many years. Now I will not go anywhere.

Just then a cute little girl (kind of looks like Soha) comes there and calls Bhaiya: Mamu...

Bhaiya looks at Riya. Riya nods. 

Bhaiya cries.

Riya says: Aru. Do you know when Aru used to see your pictures, she used to ask me who is this. 

Aru says: Mama, you never came to meet me. Mamma and I missed you a lot.

Bhaiya laughs and cries at the same time.

Riya, always being the sensitive one, notices Bhaiya's expression. She says to Aru: Aru beta, now Mamu is here naa. Now he won't go anywhere. He will always be with us.

Bhaiya gets down on his knees in front of Aru and says: I am sorry beta. I didn't come to meet you for so many years. But now I won't go anywhere. Now I will stay with you. Okay?

He hugs Aru.

Flashback ends.

Sonakshi smiles huge: You are very different. You know, you are very special, Dev.

Bhaiya says: Sonakshi, I could not find courage to face Riya all these years. I thought that she will be very angry with me and won't talk to me. But when I went there, she was waiting for me. For all these years, she was waiting for me. Now that I met her again, I realised how much I missed her.

Sonakshi says: I think our loved ones are like magnet. Even if we go far, we don't need to do much efforts to bring them back in our lives. You go to them and they come to us. And today you went there and erased all differences.

Bhaiya is very happy: Sonakshi, you have to meet Arohi. You don't know how cute she is. Do you know she knows everyone here? She knew that I am her Mama. She was so happy to meet me, you know? I missed so much. 

Sonakshi: Now you won't miss anything any more because we will never leave Riya alone. Isn't it?

Bhaiya hugs Sonakshi.

Me: This whole scene was adorable. I always thought that between the three sisters, Riya was the most sensitive one and is most likely she is more hurt than angry. She is also easily led by other people. 

Nikki is, on the other hand, more worried about acceptance. If she gets acceptance for her relationship, she will come back. She is also young and is easily influenced by someone she considers a parental figure aka Neha.

They were both hurt. But their hurt might have turned to anger when they talked to Neha who always had a grudge against Ishwari and Bhaiya.

Neha's grudge isn't unjustified. But her demands sometimes were. Like Ishwari and Bhaiya in season one, she had a victim mentality and always blamed others for her past and demanded special consideration, yet took no initiative to turn her life around. She expected good luck and happiness to jump on her lap or Bhaiya and Ishwari to provide her those in exchange of her past. 

I still feel that Neha will be the hardest nut to crack.

Next morning, Soha comes to Ishwari and says that she will skip and Ishwari should count.

Ishwari agrees and then says: What is the time? Aren't you being late for school?

Soha says: Dadi, I have no school today.

Ishwari is shocked: Huh? Why is school off today? And where is Golu?

Soha says: Golu is still sleeping because today is vacation day. Because we have party today at our home.

Ishwari is surprised: We have party? Why?

Sonakshi and Bhaiya come. They touch her feet.

Ishwari blesses them but asks: Why are you two here? Do you have off too?

Soha says: Dadi, this was Mamma and Papa's plan.

Ishwari asks: Why?

Bhaiya makes excuses: Arre Maa, the whole family is here. So that's a reason for party, no? So we thought to celebrate.

Ishwari asks: But...

Sonakshi says: Maa, all preparations are done.

Just then Elena comes: Sona, the foods are ready.

Sonakshi says: Good.

Ishwari is looking more surprised. Then Mama and Mami come dressed in nice clothes.

Ishwari says: Everyone is dressed up. Someone tell me what is going on?

Sonakshi says: Maa, Dev said naa family day. So family day.

Ishwari wags her finger to Sonakshi: You are hiding something from me. This is what you were doing behind my back in the computer. Who is coming? Tell me...

Just then Riya calls from the back: Maa...

Ishwari turns and sees Riya is standing with her husband and daughter.

Riya says: You made your daughter into a guest?

Ishwari runs to her calling her name and hugs her. Everyone comes to the door.

Soha stands in front of Aru.

Me: Identical looking face and build, identical hair style - yup. They look like cousins alright...

Ishwari says: You came home? I can't believe this.

Riya says: Now get used to seeing us here because my brother and sister-in-law have invited me here.

Ishwari hugs Riya again.

Mamaji says: That's enough Ishwari. You give all your love to your daughter? What about the granddaughter?

Aru greets Ishwari as Nani. Ishwari caresses her. 

Ishwari blesses Aru and says: She has grown up so much. I saw her a few months ago when she was small.
Mamaji asks Riya's husband: Kabir beta, how are you?

Kabir says he is fine and asks about them.

Ishwari says: We are very well. Now you guys came home. Nothing can be better than this.

They all smiles.

Soha asks Aru: How old are you?

Sonakshi says: Soha, she just came. No hello or Namastey, straight to how old are you?

Soha says: Sorry Mamma.

Then she turns to Aru: Sorry, Arohi. How old are you?

Everyone laughs.

Soha says: If I don't know age, then should I call Arohi as elder or younger how will I know?

Riya tells Aru: Aru, this is Soha didi. She is older than you. So you will refer to her as elder.

Aru says: Hi, Soha didi.

Soha says: Hi Aru. Let's go and play with Golu.

Aru says: Mamma, shall I go?

Riya allows her.

The kids run off.

Dev greets Kabir and says sorry for not meeting him for so long.

Kabir says: It's okay, Bhaiya. Let's start now.

Mamaji, Kabir and Dev go in.

Elena comes to Riya and hugs her: I am so happy to see you. 

Then she leaves to go check on the food.

Radha greets Riya and hugs her.

Ishwari asks everyone to go in.

Sonakshi is still standing by the door.

Ishwari returns back and asks Sonakshi why is she standing on the door like a gate keeper? She takes Sonakshi with them.

Me: It was a cute re-union scene. Everyone is happy to have Riya back.

At Bose house, Asha is pacing.

Bijoy says: Asha, you keep telling me what's the point pacing back and forth? Now look at yourself.

Saurabh comes running: Maa, your book has become superhit. All reporters are waiting for interview outside. What are you doing here with Baba?

Asha feels worried.

Bijoy says: One minute. What do you mean? Where else will she be if not with Baba?

Saurabh says: Baba, let it go. I will call the interviewers in. Maa will give interview.

Asha stops him: Saurabh, no need to bring anyone here. I don't want to give any interview.

Saurabh: What's the big deal about giving interview?

Asha says: Don't you know what's the content of the book? The interviewers will ask twisty questions, I will get trapped. I don't want to give any interviews. You tell them that I have left Delhi.

Bijoy: Yes, that's right. Let's do that.

Saurabh: What? Why are you supporting her in this? Those people can write anything about you. Your literary career will be over. This is your first book...

Bijoy says: And what if Asha's fear is right? Then what?

Asha nods in agreement. 

Me: She should have thought about it before submitting a book without proof reading it. Asha, the book has got printed and sold. Do you really think that refusing to give interview will save your behind?

At any point of time you could have come clean in front of your daughter and let her use her Wonder Woman persona for her own family for a change. But you didn't. Now not only you will pay for this, but also Sonakshi will pay for this. 

You know this is also Karma. You always pretended to be the the wisest person in Bose house whose words are diamonds of wisdom. Now you will be publicly proved to be the dumbest of them all. What goes around, comes around. 

Bhaiya and Kabeer discuss GST on the dining table. 

Then Kabeer jokes: Three things no one ever understood. Wife's mood, Dr. Lewis's method and GST.

Everyone laughs.

Me: I thought it was Dr. Lewis. Who knows? It was confusing.

Riya notices Sonakshi standing away watching everyone with a smile.

Riya comes to her: Bhabhi, I should not have talked to you like that that day on the phone. I am sorry.

Sonakshi says: It's okay. You were right at your place.

Riya says: You are always right. I just wanted to make Bhaiya realise his mistakes. Bhabhi, Maa told me how you had been trying to talk to us three sisters. Thank you so much for that.

Sonakshi holds her hand: It's okay... You...

Just then Ishwari calls them: Riya, Sonakshi. Come here. Have dinner. You can chat later. 

She makes Sonakshi sits by her: Today you will eat in front of me. I will watch. No dieting today.

Sonakshi says: I will eat everything. Don't worry.

Mamaji tells Riya: Give some food to Riya as well. She is looking weak.

Riya says: Yes, Mamaji. Even if I get fat, you will always see me as weak. 

Mamaji laughs and hugs her: Beta, that's my love. I am very happy to see you here. See how much everyone is happy to have you here?

Ishwari says: Now just my Neha and Nikki should come home. Then my family will be complete.

Radha: Why not, Bhabhi? Whatever you want will come true for sure.

Elena: Sona has already started her research. So it will definitely come true.

Sonakshi feels worried.

Mamaji says: Let her come home. I will pull her ears first.

Riya feels awkward. That means she knows about Nikki.

Ishwari: Yes, you pull her ears. What's the point of staying in hostel in the same city? Her home is here, but still...

Riya interrupts: Maa, no one will feel sad today. Because today is happy day.

Ishwari says: No I am not at all sad. I am just very happy. 

Riya whispers to Sona: Bhabhi, did you meet Nikki?

Sonakshi nods.

Riya says: That means you know that she...

Sonakshi nods and says: And Dev too...

Riya looks at Bhaiya worriedly.

Me: Methinks, next mission is Nikki. But Bhaiya already has made up his mind about Lakshya. So it won't be as much of a cakewalk as Riya. Because Nikki is completely loyal to Lakshya and her relationship. Lakshya also seemed loyal and caring to Nikki so far. 

But if Bhaiya becomes Bijoy Bose, specially without standing by Nikki like a rock like Bijoy had been with Sonakshi, his side will always fall short in front of Lakshya.

As per the makers, the birth to adulthood times don't matter to women. They start counting time from adulthood. Like Sonakshi didn't give a damn about Bijoy's contribution until adulthood, I doubt Nikki will give a damn about Bhaiya's contribution until adulthood.

PRECAP: Bhaiya complains to Sonakshi: He has no manners to talk. How will he take care of Nikki?

Sonakshi says: Like he had been taking care of her until now. They understand each other very well and I think they should be together.

Bhaiya: Sonakshi, it's not as if I don't understand this. But live in? How will we explain the concept of live in to Maa? She won't be able to tolerate this.

Me: It's not whether Ishwari will be able to tolerate this or not. It's whether she got any choice or not. Parents usually don't have choices in children's life once they become adult.

If she wants her daughter, she will have to accept Nikki with her relationship and so do you. So you have to change your stance about Lakshya as well.



  1. Nice selection for business/working woman. The creative's does not do proper research...just give stupid justification of 7.5 months pregnant. I was so shocked see reply from creative. It was so unprofessional comment. After reading their comment understood level or standard of their understanding. To some extent eri's tantrum on dressing. This might make them draping her with lot of clothes. I am not interested in dressing. But story wise they ruined and no more can connect.

    Today episode was boring with bakwas dialogues. How dev can say Riya.. will stay together always. Hope they don't mean they live together..
    Instead of this cvs could have concentrated on sona's 7 years story...just in 2 letters they finished her struggle of 7 yrs. Cvs are biggest foolish I must say.

    Betwn I am into sharica thread these days. That is lot more interesting than serial.

    1. What? Erica's tantrum on dressing? She had worn much shorter dress during modelling. I have seen pictures of them too. I think CVs are using Erica to hide their low budget.

      Oh hell no. Bhaiya will never make Riya move with him. Because he is a traditional man. He is more likely to buy a huge property by his home for Riya. But move his brother-in-law at his home? Not bloody likely.

      I don't know anything about Sharica thread. I don't listen to rumours so don't know for sure if they are dating or not.

    2. After seeing her off screen dressing.i feel it is bcoz of her. She was a model and belong to Catholic. She should not hv problem in wearing any kind if dress. But these days her off screen segments making me doubt on her.

      Regarding sharica..it could be just rumour. But I am having fun reading their gossips.

    3. I have seen her off screen clothing. They did not look puritan to me. However, see this. I don't think CV's excuse will work.


      Google Erica Fernandez Ninnindale to see how gorgeous she looks in modern clothes.

    4. I had watched that movie..she looks gr8 in that. But now she has changed her style. Even I hv seen her modelling. She looks really hot.. don't know who is making reason..

  2. Right comments on sona. She could atleast sometimes be shown to have some concern for her maiden family . the screenplay is monopolized by the Dixit family
    And the person who gives lines to sonakshi, trust me dumbest lines. She seems to be so eager to solve Dev's problems. She should chill a bit. It's as if she does not have any life of her own. Come on. She was checking Nickys fb profile. Wat the eff was that. The could have shown some scenes of Dev sona and soha. But devakshi behave like a couple and soha is growing somewhere in the background.

    1. Arre forget checking on family. Her mother, the woman who practically dropped her on Bhaiya's lap got a book released which she had been dreaming about since season one so practically forever, did she even once call to congratulate her? Elena got hold of her book, she went around excited sharing it with everyone, Ishwari and Mamaji also congratulated her. But Sonakshi? Who the heck gives a damn about old family when new family is here?

      She found time to harass Bhaiya's sisters, but didn't have time to make a call to Asha to congratulate? How much you are willing to bet that she will be the first, other than Asha to celebrate Ishwari's job?

      Like I said, ungrateful selfish woman.

  3. Terrible screenplay. They are obsessed abt dixits.

    1. That part I understand. After all, all main leads is in Dixit house. But if they are showing Asha becoming a published writer, they will also have to show her daughter is giving any damn about her achievement. Otherwise the daughter looks totally selfish. Not to mention her supposedly best friend, Bhaiya, who once left with the only people he cared about, didn't even bother to find out how Asha is doing either. So he also appears as an user.

      And they are supposedly the "other" son and daughter of the house.

      The moment they left Bose house, both became again obsessed with Dixits and Joan they are like who Boses? I mean if Saurabh had called Elena to tell her about Asha's book being published, won't he have called Sonakshi too? His own sister?

      And if Ishwari and Mamaji know about the book, won't it stand to reason that Sonakshi should know if too even if we forget Bhaiya being the eternal selfish user?

      But did she once congratulate Asha? If she had called or visited her family since leaving with a so on suckers, she'd have known about the fiasco and could help using her money. Getting the sisters back is important, but it isn't urgent. They are not in trouble. But if Asha's book circulates with the writings about her newfound relationship status, it will cause more harm to her relationship.

      But of course, who gives a damn about her own family. She won't get her Wonder Woman cred by helping her own family, naa. Because that's a duty of a family member. So she doesn't give a damn.

  4. Agree with u Tia.
    Erica's wardrobe is an issue. She clearly dislikes what she's getting to wear. PH is issuing unprofessional statements defending the designer. I pity Erica. Not sure how much is true regd her wanting to wear all fully covered dresses. Even then, the pics you posted above makes a lot more sense than the garb they r asking her to wear.

    Epi wise, it was ok. I was happy to see most of the episodes.
    Though, I still hold my grudge against Riya. As per her own statement, she said she was behaving that way to make Dev realise? I'm surprised how things have turned out to be all nice and positive , not that I'm unhappy with it, it feels little too unreal and out of place , if I sit and think over it.
    Rest, I was happy with the new Devakshi team, reunion of family,Bijoy Bose :)

    1. I think it's all a bs from production house. As you see from one of the pics, Erica is wearing sleeveless blouse with chiffon saree and looking more age appropriate and not a grandmother. So it's not a stretch to imagine her wearing a more age appropriate outfit. That toga style bed sheet was the most hideous of all. I couldn't even look at the outfit despite how pretty she was looking.

      I think CVs didn't write the correct dialogue. They should have made Riya said that she was just waiting for Dev to come to her, instead of her wanting to teach Bhaiya a lesson. Because that would have made more sense based on her reaction. I didn't see her teaching any lesson to Bhaiya at all the way she jumped into his arms the second he came. It was more like she wanted her brother to her her, not anyone else.

      However, I am enjoying the team work. And of course Bijoy Bose is as always my favourite.

  5. I know leads are in bose house, but this cheer leading to ish by all the other characters kind of passes me off. It's as if others don't exist. Dev's lack of respect towards bijoy, sona's obsession towards the sisters, come on they are married and settled, it's not like they are on the streets and her total lack of love and responsibility towards her own family. Come on every human being has priority towards their own kith and kin. What they are showing is push posh. This is what I meant when I said they are obsessed with screenplay. Even maami gets screen time and to say nonsense just coz she is a Dixit.

    1. CVs are always obsessed with Ishwari. Is mein naya kya hain? If we expect anything else, we are stupid. The way they absolved all her misdeeds is the biggest proof.

    2. I am OK with Ishwari. I mean she apologized profusely. But the way sona always says 'UT right in ur place creeps me out. In that way hate crimes can also be justified'

    3. I have no problem with Ishwari any more. In fact since she has changed, she is turning out to be a better character than Asha. But a. her turn was too fast without just cause and b. at least CVs showed Ishwari to have changed.

      But the way they have turned out Sona and Bhaiya - one is Mother India and the other is whiny baby. It's really annoying to watch.

  6. Yeah there are lots of shows with lots stupid tracks. But watching this show I always feel a heightened sense of unfairness. No wonder the favourite of the show is bijoy who is sidelined always.


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