Normal Vs. Natural!!!

There is a misconception in the society that what is normal is also natural and vice versa. 

But that's not the case.

In some societies homosexuality is not normal. But look in the nature (as in animal kingdom) and you will find that it's natural. But since it's against so-called social norms, people are against it which is in fact none of their business.

The same way, in some societies, being an unmarried mother/father is not normal. But it's certainly natural.

Again, if you take the concept of marriage, in human society, it's normal. But it's not natural since nature didn't create this concept. We still follow it because in human society, it gives structure. 

Survival instinct is natural. But harming someone for one's own gain is certainly against social norms and hence not normal.

I can give such many instances which are normal but not natural or is natural but not normal.

In my opinion, parenthood is natural. Even animals take care of their young.

But assigning genders as the best or worst option for parenting is not natural by any definition.

The problem in our society is that we are very fond of fitting into moulds. 

We push a woman into one mould and push a man into another and if the product within doesn't fit in the mould, we take out the sword of judgement, censure, pressure, blackmail and try to cut out the not-fitting part of their personality.

But if the individuals are forced to leave a part of their personality behind, just so the they can be squeezed into the mould, then they remain the rest of their lives an incomplete person.

This is not a life any person should have to live.

A man can have paternal instinct and trust me, maternal instinct is not anyway stronger or weaker than paternal instinct. 

Yes, women bond with their baby in the womb while men bond when the child becomes a reality. But saying that the bond with the mother is more than the bond with the father is an insult to all those great single (or married) fathers who take on the parental responsibilities.

No woman is born knowing how to raise a kid. In fact, I know a few who can't take care of babies if their life depended on it. 

But that doesn't make them any less a woman. 

All women learn by making mistakes and finding out what works and what doesn't through out the course of their child's life. 

Men can do the same as well. They will make mistakes, fail, learn, then try again. All they need is the opportunity. 

A child should be able to go to either parents if they need anything. They should not assume that their father is there only to fetch their mother while their mother handles everything.

Depriving men from the pleasure of raising their children will be denying them the bond mothers enjoy. And that will be grossly unfair and a huge loss to entire mankind.

EPISODE: The episode starts with Bhaiya waiting with pen and notepad.

Sonakshi comes there.

Bhaiya says: Shall we start?

Sonakshi says: Yes. Actually you are looking like a student.

Bhaiya: Yes, now tell me what to do. 

Sonakshi: Yes, I will show you. Come on.

Sonakshi then proceeds to show where everything is and how to take care of Shubh by doing it herself while Bhaiya is taking detailed notes including video reference for massage technique. 

She also answers all the questions Bhaiya is asking.

Sonakshi says: One more thing. You read a lot of books on pregnancy. Now read a book on babies. 

She gives him a book.

Bhaiya takes the book: Okay.

Sonakshi: You wrote everything naa? 

Bhaiya: Yes. I did. Now Shubh tell Mamma to get ready to go to office.

Sonakshi asks: You will be able to do it naa?

Bhaiya: Yes. When a student has teacher like you, he will always come first. Don't worry. I will definitely win the best stay at home daddy award. Now you go and manage office.

Sonakshi smiles.

Me: See? Bhaiya is learning so well. He will be able to do it. I have no doubt about it. If you keep telling someone that they will fail before they can even start something new, then how will they succeed. Sonakshi should tell Bhaiya that he can do anything and encourage him. That will drive him to be successful.

At Bose house, Sourabh is feeding his daughter. Ronita is sitting on the bed.

Sourabh: I wish there was someone to take care of me just like that. It would have been something else.

Ronita: Why are you saying like this? When you go to work, I manage baby naa? And you will see that Dev Jiju said that he will do it in excitement. But when he has to do it in reality, then he will realise that it's not easy.

Me: Ronita, nothing worth achieving is ever easy in this world. You think going to work and earn a living is easy? It's not easy. The same way managing the house and children are not easy. 

If women can go to work and manage office, why can't men manage home and children?

You are sounding really sexist.

Sourabh: I am understanding this very well.

Ronita: But people are different naa. Look, we hadn't decided anything. But still we are doing this mutually naa? And see how well I am training you to manage the baby. Dev Jiju might fail, but you won't fail. That's my guaranty.

Me: If Sonakshi supports Bhaiya, then he won't fail either.

Asha tells Bijoy: I am not saying that they will fail. But I know what works for children and what doesn't. You won't get it. 

Me: My goodness. Had Bijoy said to Asha that he understands what works and what not and she won't get it, people would have called Bijoy a sexist pig.

But Asha is sexist to the t, but no one notices it because it's a woman being sexist to a man.

Bijoy: Asha I can bet you that they won't fail. If I win then you have to take me to our 10th honeymoon. And if I fail, I will take you.

Asha: Bijoy, I am very upset and you are joking. 

Me: Why the eff is she upset? Honestly? What is her problem.

Sourabh says: Thank God, she fell asleep.

He lies down on Ronita's lap.

Ronita says: Okay, let's bet on something. I am saying this arrangement will fail.

Sourabh laughs: I will bet you on that. That can't happen. Dev and Sona can never fail.

At Bijoy's room, Bijoy says: Asha, I bet they will prove you wrong whether you bet on it or not. 

Asha makes faces and says nothing.

Me: How strange, isn't it? When a man is trying to help out his wife and also wants to enjoy his children, the women who claim to be sensitive and loving souls are against it.

But men are standing by him 100%.

The same way, when a woman wants to be a career woman and be successful as much as men, women drag her down while her husband wants her to continue to be successful.

I hate to say this. But the reason why us women are where we are and still fighting for equality in 21st century are because of us women more than chauvinist and sexist men.

Had women boosted each other like men do, women would have been much closer to gender equality than they are right now.

At Dixit house, Mamaji sees Ishwari fretting in her room. He comes in.

He says: Ishwari, you didn't sleep yet? Are you feeling okay?

Ishwari: Yes, Bhaiya. I am okay. My waist is hurting a bit. So I could not sleep.

Mamaji: Should I apply balm? You will feel better.

Ishwari: No, I have balm. I will apply it myself and go to bed.

Mamaji: If the ache was just in your waist, you'd have applied balm and had gone to bed. But you are tensed.

Ishwari: No, Bhaiya. It's nothing like that.

Mamaji: No Bhaiya. You said it and I believed you. You are tensed about what will people say, what will happen to Dev's kids. You are thinking that, aren't you?

Ishwari: Bhaiya, I am more concerned with my grandkids than what will people say. Shouldn't I have questions in my mind about this? You tell me. 

Mamaji: Hummm... You should worry Ishwari if Dev's decision is wrong. You should worry if this harms the kids in anyway. But you have to give Sonakshi and Dev a chance. If you don't give them a chance, how will you understand their point of view?

Ishwari: You are saying that I must understand their point of view, that means you think that what they are doing is right? Bhaiya, in this whole world, no one can take a mother's place. Dev was being stubborn. But Sonakshi could have made him understand naa? Bhaiya, the kids are so young. They need their mother. And you are saying that Dev will manage them.

Mamaji: I don't know that, Ishwari. But all I am saying is trust them. I am proud of their thinking and action. He wants Sonakshi to get ahead. Very rare people can do it. If they are unsuccessful, they will understand. And Suhaana and Shubh are their children and they won't let any harm come to them. 

Now come on, it's too late. So go to sleep. I don't think you need any balm.

Mamaji leaves.

Ishwari goes to bed.

Me: Ishwari again started her "mother" chant. I honestly think that once Bhaiya becomes successful, he should clarify that there is no difference when it comes to raising kids between mother and father. May be then she will stop her mother goddess tendencies.

At night, Sonakshi wakes up to see that Bhaiya is pacing and peeking into Shubh.

Sonakshi: Are you nervous?

Bhaiya: No.

Sonakshi: Really? Then why are you pacing around the room like this? 

Bhaiya: I got up to check on Shubh.

Sonakshi: Okay. Now come to bed.

But Bhaiya is still standing.

Sonakshi gets up: Come on. Sit down.

She makes him sit on the floor.

Bhaiya: Why are you making me sit on the floor?

Sonakshi says: What were you singing that day when massaging my head? 

She starts singing and massaging his hair.

Bhaiya shushes her: Shhh... What are you doing? Shubh will wake up. Aren't you sleepy? Go to sleep. I don't need massage.

Sonakshi: Shush. I will decide if you need massage or not. You are looking so stressed.

Bhaiya looks at Sonakshi.

Sonakshi: Why did you turn your head?

Bhaiya: I want to talk to you, that's why. I am so nervous. I don't know if I will be able to do it or not. What if I can't do it, then what will Shubh say about me? What will Suhaana say about me? That I am a failed father?

Sonakshi: Relax. Dev, when I was nervous yesterday, you were pushing me. Now that we have gone against everyone and took this decision, you are being nervous? Dev, we have to prove that in spite of reversing the roles, we will be able to do it the best.

Bhaiya: Are you sure?

Sonakshi: Humm... Dev, you were asking me naa whether I trust you or not? Now you also have to trust yourself, Dev. And being nervous is good thing. But that doesn't mean that I will continue massaging you and you will sit here quietly. Come on, let's go to bed.

Bhaiya: I am not Shubh. I am Dev.

Sonakshi: You behave like Shubh.

Bhaiya: Massage a bit more naa. I am enjoying it.

Sonakshi says: Humm... I have three kids, not two.

Bhaiya smiles.

Me: You know, Sonakshi. What you did today is what you should be doing every time anyone questions Bhaiya's capability to raise children. 

If you encourage him and boost him up, no one can make him loose.

Next morning, Bhaiya is in the kitchen with the troop of helps: Is everything ready? From today, I will decide what will be made at home and who will take what for lunch.

One of the helps says (I forgot his name): There's still time for good morning.

Bhaiya: I will decide when it will be good morning. Put one roti and salad in this lunch box.

Help says: Lunch? But lunch is ready. 

Bhaiya: Ready? Okay, then whose lunchbox are these? Sonakshi, Suhaana, Golu, Elena and Vicky. Okay. 

He runs to the guy who was cooking something: What are you doing?

The guy says: Boiling potatoes.

Bhaiya: Potatoes? Don't put too much potatoes in vegetables. Too much calorie. What will you do after boiling potatoes?

The guy: Peel them.

Bhaiya: What will you do after peeling them?

The guy: Bhaiya, then I will put it in tadka.

Bhaiya: Okay, do it.

Mamaji comes to the breakfast table and is impressed: Oh wow... So many awesome breakfast in the morning? Thank you, DK.

Me: Uh, now I remember. DK.

Mami: I didn't even give you bonus. Why so much effort?

DK: Mamiji, I didn't get bonus. That's why I didn't do all this. 

Mamaji: If you didn't do it, then who did? It's looking like festival.

DK: Think of it as festival, Mamaji. Because all this was done by our Dev bhai.

Mamiji: Dev?

DK: Yes.

Sonakshi comes to the table. She asks DK to do something which got cut in the upload. So don't know what she asked him to do. But probably serve the food. 

Mamiji: We will do it. But let us come out of the surprise first. Dev took the responsibility of the children, so that you can work. But beta, he even reached the kitchen for you. That's not right. Now don't know what else is going to happen?

Me: Wow, he even reached kitchen huh? The way Mami is saying as if Bhaiya reached his personal hell. The same kitchen women reach everyday so that people can eat. Men also eat. But them reaching the kitchen with their own free will is apparently cause for mass mourning.

What would Radha say if she had seen my husband cooking every single breakfast (and not the same one either. Different ones every day) when recently my cousin and her family came to visit us from India? 

Probably the same reaction as my cousin who said that my husband should get noble prize for that. No one offered me noble prize for making dinner every day.

Why can't Sonakshi answer back? She looks utter stupid 

Mamaji: Arre, Radha. Even I have never done it. We should praise Dev for his efforts.

Mamiji: But Dev, all this...

Mamaji shuts her mouth.

But Ishwari comes there with morose expression. 

Mamaji starts eating and says to Ishwari: Ishwari, you also come and eat.

Ishwari sits down sadly. 

Mamaji enjoys the food.

But Ishwari's expression is like the sky has fallen because his precious son entered the kitchen.

Me: Keep in mind, she praised Lakshya for the same reason who helps out her daughter in everything.

Bhaiya went to the kids' room to wake them up.

Suhaana asks for five minutes. Golu also doesn't want to wake up. He asks for seven minutes.

Suhaana also asks for seven minutes.

Bhaiya starts tickling them. The kids wake up giggling.

Suhaana says: Papa, tickling is not allowed. You will get punished for this. 

Bhaiya: What?

Suhaana: Let us sleep for five minutes.

Bhaiya finally gives in.

He leaves.

Sonakshi sees him and asks if the kids are ready.

Bhaiya: Actually they were being stubborn. So I let them.

Sonakshi: Oh God. They do it everyday. Why did you listen to them? They will be late with this five minute excuse.

Bhaiya: Don't worry. I will wake them up after five minutes and drop them off to school.

Sonakshi: 8:30. I am being late. Wake them up fast.

She gets a call from Dada and she says that she is on the way.

Sonakshi asks: You will be able to do it, won't you, Dev?

Dev: Again the same thing? I will manage everything. You go.

Sonakshi is about to leave and trips. Bhaiya as usual catches her in his arms.

Bhaiya: If you are late, then you will be late because of your '90s romance.

Sonakshi: I didn't do it deliberately. Who does romance like this?

Bhaiya puts his arms around his neck: This idea of romance is not bad either. 

Sonakshi: Dev.

Bhaiya: Sonakshi.

Sonakshi: Dev, you. You wake up the kids fast. Five minutes is over. They will be late. And I am getting late too.

Bhaiya: One second. What do you say? You are forgetting something. 

Sonakshi: Oh yes.

She kisses him on the forehead: And I also fed Shubh, okay?

Bhaiya: I remember this lesson. Bye teacher.

Sonakshi leaves.

Bhaiya smiles and gets to work.

Me: I really really liked their partnership minus Radha and Ishwari's sky is falling expression.

Sonakshi sits on the car and closes the door on her dress. She keeps on pulling and it tears. She has to change now.

She goes in.

Me: Duh!!! You could have opened the door and release the dress.

Bhaiya is putting Golu and Soha's school bags together. Vicky and Elena come there.

Elena: Bhai, can I help you?

Bhaiya: No. Only notebooks have to go in. Everything is done.

Elena thanks him.

Vicky says: Shall I drop them at school?

Bhaiya: No, Vicky. It's my department. I will drop them. You don't worry.

Elena thanks him again.

Vicky says: Bhai, I forgot to tell you that one of our project is happening at Chandigarh. Their distribution is in there. So I was wondering if you came with me...

Bhaiya: No Vicky. I am sure you will handle it.

Elena: Bhai, I have a photo exhibition in Ambala. I was going to say no. But now I am thinking since Vicky is going, I can go with him.

Bhaiya: Yes, I think that's a good idea. You will get a vacation too. I think you should go.

Elena and Vicky are happy. They say thanks and leave.

Me: You know, these two were never around the kids. Even their own kid. Bhaiya took care of Golu. No one then said that Bhaiya won't be able to handle the kid. Now that he is doing it for his own child, everyone is there to discourage him. WTF?

Bhaiya notices Ishwari is standing: Maa, why are you standing there? You didn't even say anything.

Ishwari: No, I was watching you doing work. You are not used to all this. If you want you can ask me for help.

Bhaiya: No, Maa. You taught me that one should do their chores themselves and if I don't do it, how will I learn? If I get stuck, you are there naa. Did I say something wrong?

Ishwari: No, you didn't say anything wrong. I know you can't do this. What's the need to turn the tides? I don't understand your strange decision.

Bhaiya: Maa, nothing is easy. But nothing is impossible either. If we don't try, how will we know? You don't worry, Maa. It's only for few days. I promise everything will be fine.

Ishwari is still sceptical.

Radha comes to take her to the temple. She asks her to hurry or it will get crowded.

Ishwari doesn't want to go just in case Bhaiya needs help.

Bhaiya tells her to go. He says that he will manage everything.

Radha says that moon can come out in sun's place. But Ishwari can't miss temple. She urges her to go.

So Ishwari reluctantly leaves.

Me: Today reminded me of the time when Sonakshi asked Bhaiya do share the chores when they first got married. Ishwari eagerly did all the chores on his behalf and Bhaiya was very happy to get her help.

But he understands marriage and partnership better now and he really wants to learn how to take care of his children. So today, he wanted to do it on his own. 

I am so proud of Bhaiya today.

And hello Ishwari Maataji, please remove your morose expression. It's getting on my nerves.

Bhaiya comes to the kids' room: Suhaana, Golu are you ready?

But they are still sleeping. 

Bhaiya: They are still sleeping? They didn't even get up. DK, DK...

DK comes running: Yes, Bhaiya. Did you call me?

Bhaiya: What did I say? Wake them up.

DK: Bhaiya, we woke them up and they went to brush their teeth. 

Bhaiya: I will send you away today. 

He shakes the blanket: What are you doing? You will get me into trouble. Wake up.

The kids get up and they are ready. They were just pretending.

Golu: Bigcha, how did you like our surprise?

Bhaiya: Pranks, my foot. I got heart attack because of you. Come on, eat breakfast fast. I will drop you at school. 

The kids run.

He tells DK: You got saved today.

Me: Very cute scene. I am enjoying Bhaiya taking care of the kids. Shaheer always had excellent bonding with the little ones. 

Sonakshi is working at her office. 

She gets a call. She thinks it's Bhaiya: Yes Dev. Is everything okay? Are you handling everything fine?

But it's interfering Asha: Sona, I was saying that...

Sonakshi: Maa, you? I thought it was Dev. 

Asha: Sona, I called you at night to make you understand. It's not Dev's cup of tea. The kids are not so old that they can be handled easily.

Sonakshi: Maa, after talking to you I talked to Dev. And he said that it will be fine. He will handle the kids.

Asha: But still Sona. Him being with kids and you being with kids are different thing.

Sonakshi: I know, Maa. I trust him. And if Dev could not do it, he won't be able to convince me either. I am right now in a meeting. I will call you later to discuss this.

Asha: Okay.

Bijoy comes there: Relax. What's the big deal? They took a decision. They will manage it. 

Asha: I don't want to come between their decision, Bijoy. But it's easier said than done.

Bijoy: If this is difficult, then if they try, they will be able to do it naa? I have full confidence on Dev. I am thinking that I will go and boost his moral. This is new for him too. I will go and congratulate him.

Asha has the same morose expression as Ishwari.

Me: Had Bijoy went and told Bhaiya and Sonakshi what to do and tried to convince Sonakshi to not give up her career, Asha would have told him that he is interfering and that he doesn't respect his daughter's decision.

Didn't she say the same thing when Bijoy wasn't happy with Bhaiya?

Now what is she doing? She is interfering and trying to change the same daughter's decision.

So fine, it's difficult. So?

Do people give up when things get difficult? 

Didn't she teach Sonakshi to hang on to her marriage regardless of how difficult situation she was facing in that house? Did she ask her to give up? 


But when it comes to Bhaiya, she is all over Sonakshi (not Bhaiya, mind you) to change his decision.

Did you notice that both sides of so-called mother figures are all putting pressure on Sonakshi to change Bhaiya's decision but none had the guts to force Bhaiya to change his mind? 

Bijoy had always supported the right thing. When Bhaiya did something good, he was the first to appreciate him. When he didn't, he was the first to criticise him.

He would have been a better person to raise Sonakshi and Sourabh had Asha been capable of earning money.

Soha and Golu are eating breakfast.

Bhaiya brings their school bag: Here's your school bag. I have packed lunch. You have to finish it.

Bhaiya sees Suhaana with messy hair: Suhaana what have you done to your hair? One second.

Bhaiya fixes Suhaana's hair while Sonakshi is in a meeting in the office.

PRECAP: Bhaiya reach school late with the kids

Suhaana asks the guard to open the gate.

The guard says that he can't because they are late.

Bhaiya says: But there were so much traffic. 

The guard says: Now I can't do anything. 

Bhaiya: Please let them go or they will miss their class.

Sonakshi calls Bhaiya: Did you drop the kids at the school on time?

Bhaiya lies: Yes, I dropped them on time. Now they must be in their class.

Sonakshi: Okay fine.

Bijoy sees that.

Me: I have a feeling that Bijoy won't tattle on him. He will support Bhaiya. 

However, no one should make him feel like a failure because he is still figuring things out. No one is expert on the first day. People learn from their mistakes.

Bhaiya will learn too.

Bhaiya, I am with you. I always appreciate honest efforts.



  1. Expected more taunts to Elena and Vicky. What kind of people they are. Just leave their kid on Dev and go. Instead of helping Dev in this situation , they will leave their kid too ...Itna jo kar raha hain ...yeh bhi kar lega...Hum tho vacation pe jaayenge...I thought there must had been some character growth in these hopeless free loaders when they started living separately and when they came to return those property documents. Think the character growth is only for Dev and every one else is there to take advantage of him.
    BTW , I like your "Me" analysis and agree with most of those thoughts.
    Recently I started watching "Rishton ka Chakravyuh" and am liking it. The plot is quite interesting and the taking is also good. They are trying to create a complicated plot with "Mahabharath" as inspiration.

    1. Seriously, both Elena and Vicky were and will always be freeloaders. There is not a single ounce of depth in them. That's why Elena's demands for career can't be taken seriously and Vicky's claim for masculinity is laughable. Bhaiya is the only character which has come a long way since refusing to fold a handkerchief because he didn't know how to.

  2. I am absolutely loving this new Dev and new Sona.

    I was really happy to see Dev & Sona working together as team. The best part for me was when Sona ignored Ishwari's blackmailing look completely. This has happened for the first time I guess. The cvs have clearly showed that when a husband supports his wife and stands by her, the wife will also get the guts to face her annoying, dominating, manipulating & interfering mother-in-law and still be confident ... however if the same husband makes the wife feel that my mother is goddess and dare you speak anything against her, I will throw you out of my house & life, the wife will always have to live in fear of her mother-in-law.

    I also liked the scene when Sona confidently tells Asha - "I trust Dev .. he will handle everything".

    Finally it is so good to see Dev and Sona living their life on their terms .. and giving priority to their family in the way they feel appropriate :)

    1. Exactly. That was extremely important for Sonakshi to support Bhaiya since he is trying to support her. They can't live their entire life as per the two mothers' whims who think they know everything.

  3. Tbh. I just watch the scenes of shubh and ignore the rest. The baby's cute antics are a delight. He's 's the only person who 's not acting.

    1. Shubh is adorable for sure. I also liked Bhaiya.

  4. Agree with Mily.Me n my son both r in love with cuteee he is.
    Though I still cant understand the reason for drastic role reversal when they both cud have been a team like we are in my still enjoying the show.
    These days I'm watching Ye Unn Dinon ki baat hai....initial epis r refreshingly soothing, subtle, the kind of show u wud watch after slogging all day in office and then smile n go to bed...krpkab was such a show at one point of time.
    Heavy rains during dussehra spoilt the fun :(
    Eri is looking fresh but a always Shaheer looks overworked.
    This second season is more about Dev..though I always felt the show was more abt Dev than Sona, now its glaringly so.
    Anyways, this track is atleast better off than many others...less negtivity, and for a change something good without over-the-top kind of melodrama.

    1. Hey gauri,

      Even I watch yeh Un Dino ki baat hain. It's quite a nostalgic ride.

    2. That's true. Bhaiya and Ishwari are CVs' favourite characters. They highlight them in one way or another. Bhaiya could have easily have gone to work late after taking the kids to school and Sonakshi could have left early and handled the kids until Bhaiya came home or vice versa. At least that's how normal working people work it out.

      There was really no need for Bhaiya to turn home maker. But CVs wanted to show Bhaiya as new age man. Oh well. That's fine I suppose.

      If Bhaiya really wants a complete break from work, he should be able to do it. But Asha, Ishwari and Radha need to back off. It's none of their business.

    3. Yeah true what pisses me off is the interference of these 3 ladies and sona's indifferent attitude. She's become insipid nowadays.


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