Status Quo!!!

Society is a man made reality. When human being first came into existence, there were no such thing as society.

It is necessary to have a society where you have community and friends and advisers and a sense of shared sense of belonging and acceptance.

However, society can't be stagnant. As we all know, when anything is kept stagnant, rot begins to set.

A successful society is the one which evolves with changing time.

Yes, in the old days, women used to stay at home and raise children and men used to work. But it was not because men were incapable of raising children. But because no one gave women work in those days.

Just like women proved by going into workforce that they are as capable of handling work life as men, if given an opportunity, men can also prove that they are just as capable of raising children as women.

Yes, it will reduce the concept of mothers being all rounder and fathers being major goof-ups. But it's about time that false myth is crushed in front of reality.

A child who are raised by two parents who are not restricted by their duties of their gender will grow up believing that they can do anything in life whether to go build a career or raise children, irrespective of their gender.

What else could be better for a child than to believe that their only limitation is themselves and not their gender? 

Imagine a future, filled with children of all gender, who believe they can do anything, achieve anything and not hindered by pre-imposed societal restrictions. What a glorious future that will be for the country they live in and for the world which will be theirs to lead!!!

EPISODE: The episode starts with Sonakshi telling Bhaiya: Dev, I have decided something.

Bhaiya: What?

Sonakshi: That I won't go to work. I will leave work and be with Shubh and Soha.

Bhaiya is shocked: How did you take such a huge decision suddenly?

Sonakshi: This was not sudden, Dev. I thought about it a lot and this is best for everyone. 

Bhaiya: Sonakshi, you got such a big Govt. project. How can you think like this? Do you think your Dada can handle this entire project on his own? This company belongs to both of you. So you should not leave it right now.

Sonakshi: Dev, I said naa. I thought about it a lot and this is best for us all. 

Bhaiya: Sonakshi... I just feel that this is a huge decision. You should think again.

Sonakshi: Dev, you think from my point of view. I have no other option. Shubh and Soha need me. 

Bhaiya: Hummm... Let's think some more.

Sonakshi lies her head on Bhaiya's shoulder.

Bhaiya thinks but Sonakshi falls asleep.

Me: I have a feeling that Sonakshi will give same bullshit advice to Soha which Asha gave her. But won't give the same advice to Shubh. I always knew that Sonakshi keeps going to Asha for advice because she is more like Asha than Bijoy.

In Vicky and Elena's room, Vicky asks Elena: What happened?

Elena says: Nothing. I was just checking some emails. What is it? Tell me.

Vicky: Do you think what is going on in this house is normal?

Elena: Means?

Vicky: I mean Bhabhi is going to work.

Elena: No. I mean...

Vicky: Exactly what I am saying. Children need mother the most. What is a mother's job? She should stay at home and take care of her kids. What is a husband's job? He should go to office, earn money and take care of the family.

Elena: Vicky, Buaji and Mummy are worried because they are worried about the kids. Shubh is so young right now. 

Vicky: Why are they so worried, you tell me? They are worried because children need their mother. That is normal and this should be normal. Right? I know that women have to leave work and sacrifice their career. But the money us men earn, who do we earn it for? For family, naa? Whether dreams are achieved or not, people should fulfil their responsibilities. 

Me: What is Vicky's problem? What Sonakshi and Bhaiya do, that's their business. 

Besides, the money women earn are just as valuable as the money men earn. Like general pay grade, the money women earn doesn't get reduced by one zero when you take it to the market.

The way Vicky is talking as if Sonakshi earns $100, she will get the value of $80.

Sonakshi wakes up: I don't know when I fell asleep. 

Bhaiya: Relax, he is fine. 

She goes and checks on Shubh. He is sleeping.

Sonakshi: What are you doing there? Let's go to bed. When he wakes up, we will know.

Bhaiya: Even if we fall asleep, we will keep on thinking what this mister is up to. That's why I have decided something.

Sonakshi: What?

Bhaiya: That in our society, when a child is born, always a mother has to sacrifice. But we don't have to follow the rules of the society.

Sonakshi: Means?

Bhaiya: Means that I will leave my business from tomorrow. And you will join your business. I will stay home and take care of the kids.

Sonakshi: You definitely need sleep. Go to bed.

She goes to bed. Bhaiya follows her.

Bhaiya: Arre, listen to me. Dev Dixit doesn't joke in so late at night, Miss Bose.

Sonakshi: It's Mrs. Dixit for you.

Bhaiya: I am serious. Vicky can manage my business. He is ready for it. But you? No one can replace you.

Sonakshi: Are you joking?

Bhaiya: Sonakshi, I am not joking. I am serious. I am not going to work from tomorrow and that's final.

Sonakshi: Okay fine. Let's go to bed and we will talk tomorrow morning. Okay?

They lie down.

Bhaiya says: You still think naa that I am joking? But that's not the case. You must also think that I am saying this because I am sleepy. But that's not it. I woke up after a long time, Sonakshi. I always kept on running. I had just worked ever since I was a child. Whatever I wanted to achieve in business, I did. Now it's time to slow down. I want to concentrate on my family. I should take care of them.

Sonakshi: Whatever you have achieved in business, that's outside work. But managing home is different. It's very difficult.

Bhaiya: If it's different, then it's good naa. I will enjoy learning it. 

Sonakshi smiles.

Bhaiya: You know me. I am a fast learner.

Sonakshi: And when the world comes to know that Dev Dixit became house husband, then?

Bhaiya: Then what? May be I will be become inspiration for a lot of people. They will learn for me. For that matter, no one will say anything to me. They are scared of me. Besides, what matters is what my family think about me. I don't care what the world says. Sonakshi, when Suhaana was born, I was not with you. I could not help you. When I got this chance again, I can't lose it. I can't live in guilt my whole life that when you needed me, I was not there for you. Besides, I already won Businessman of the Year award. Now I want to win Best Husband and Best Father award.

Sonakshi smiles. Bhaiya smiles too.

Bhaiya falls asleep.

Sonakshi keeps smiling looking at Bhaiya.

Me: Bhaiya, you have really impressed me. Now the fact that you impressed my by taking a decision which when women take, people think it's just natural, tells me the importance of this decision. 

You have chosen to go against the status quo. But no one forced you to do so. That's not only a necessary step but it will fulfil the void you have felt by missing out on Suhaana's childhood. Now you will live what Sonakshi has already lived.

This is a win-win situation if you ask me.

Why can't a man want to see every step of his baby's life just like a woman? 

People tell women who opt for a career that she is being selfish and what kind of mother won't want to see her child grow.

Yet when a man takes the same decision for the same reason, those same people call him names.


Does a father feels any less love for his kids than a mother? 

Kudos Dev Dixit!!! Kudos!!!

Next morning, Ishwari calls Dev to have breakfast.

Bhaiya says: No Maa, I have come to get something from the steriliser. 

Elena says: Bhai, you sit. I will do it. 

Bhaiya: You sit down. Actually I have decided that from today, I will do everything for Shubh and Suhaana on my own.

Everyone is shocked as if Bhaiya said that he is going to change nappy for the neighbour's kid and not his own.

Ishwari says: Arre, Dev. What are you saying? We are here naa. We will do it. Come, you sit.

Bhaiya: No Maa. I took a decision.

Ishwari: What?

Bhaiya: Maa, I have decided that from today onwards, I will do all the work at home and take care of the children. Sonakshi will manage her business and I will manage home.

Everyone looks as if Bhaiya announced that he is getting sex change operation.

Only Elena doesn't look shocked.

Radha: Dev beta, if you do house chores, who will manage office?

Bhaiya: From now on, Vicky will manage the entire business.

Vicky was drinking juice. He chokes on it.

He gets up: Bhai, what are you saying? How can I manage the entire business?

Bhaiya: Vicky, if you try, you can do it. 

Me: Hain? Didn't Vicky say that he was managing the whole business when Bhaiya was in depression? Now why is looking so shell shocked?

Ishwari: What are you saying?

Bhaiya: Maa, I have decided. I am not changing my decision.

Ishwari stops him: Dev, if you don't need us in your decision, then it's fine. But what kind of decision is this? Husband will stay at home and manage kids and wife will go to office and work? Do you think this is a joke? Just because you are new generation, it doesn't mean you will change the rules of the society. Look men and women have their own place in the society. They have their own responsibilities. The society's rules are made for a reason. That's why your decision is completely wrong. For you and for the children.

Me: I am trying to understand, why a father taking care of children is wrong. I am not being able to find one reason why Ishwari can come to that conclusion.

The way she is talking, it seems as if Bhaiya proposed that the children should be taken care of by the local criminal.

I don't know if she thinks her son is not capable of taking care of his own kids or she is thinking that her daughter-in-law is so much more skilled than her son that she can be successful in business like her son and even manage household better than him.

If you ask me, she is insulting her son by doubting his capabilities.

Mamaji says: Ishwari...

Ishwari: Bhaiya, am I saying anything wrong? You should make them understand. 

Radha tells Mamaji: Say something...

Mamaji: Dev beta...

Dev: Maa, which society are you talking about? Who makes this society? We do, right? Who makes today's rules? We do. These rules can be changed. Maa, let me try. I will do everything. Do you think that I can't take responsibilities of the children? Maa, you think what we are doing is wrong? Then fine. Let us make mistakes. If we don't make mistakes, how will we learn. You taught us that. You don't have even this much trust on your children?

Bhaiya leaves from there.

Ishwari and Radha make faces.

Ishwari: What is this talk?

Me: Bhaiya, I am hurt and offended on your behalf. Why such unfair attitude to a father? Did Ishwari ever doubt that Riya won't be able to take care of her daughter? Then why such doubt on her son?

First she doubted that Neha, Riya and Nikki won't be able to manage the family. So she only educated her son.

Today she doubts that Bhaiya won't be able to take care of his children like Riya is doing. 

What is this snobbery directed to one's own children only because they belong to a certain gender?

I thought Ishwari got over her gender snobbery. But guess not.

Radha tells Ishwari: Jiji, we trust our kids. But that doesn't mean that our children will turn the tides of the society? When people come to know this, then what we will have to hear? This is not right that our kids tell their decision and we will have to nod yes to that. No Jiji. You should not be silent. Okay, fine. They should take their own decision. But this thing is like something stuck in our throat.

Forget Dev, what will people say about your daughter-in-law? They will say that she started managing her business the moment her child is born. And your son has to leave his business and manage kids. Jiji, you should talk to Dev and explain that one can't raise children like this. Initially everything is fine, but children will suffer naa?

Ishwari: Bhabhi, you said what was in my heart. I wanted to say Dev exactly that. I wanted to tell him that life can't run like this. Their decision seems completely wrong to me. But you know Dev, naa? Once Dev takes a decision, how difficult it is to change it?

Me: Oh Good Lord. What was the excuse Ishwari presented initially? That children comes first. So parents should take care of the children. 

Now suddenly it's not the children's welfare that's a concern anymore. It's how the society perceives the family. So I will have to assume that children's welfare was never the primary concern to start with. Otherwise, who cares who takes care of the child as long as they are taken care off?

Ishwari is again interfering where she should not interfere. How does she know that her son can't take care of the children? And if he can and is willing to do so, then what is her problem? The children are being taken care off.

Radha always incites Ishwari and Ishwari is always eager to swallow everything she dishes out.

And more than that, Bhaiya wants to spend time with his children and watch them grow up. Ishwari wants to deprive her son of that pleasure for society? What kind of mother is this?

Golu and Suhaana are playing.

Suhaana is pretending to put make up and Golu is pretending to work on his laptop.

Bhaiya comes there.

Golu says: Offfo, Suhaana can't do anything properly. I am so tired of it.

Suhaana: I forgot that I left cooker on the gas.

Golu: Go and check fast. It's boiling. You can't remember anything. Where's my tea?

Suhaana: I am bringing it.

Golu: How long does it take to make a cup of tea. Bring it fast.

Suhaana: Here's your tea.

Golu: The tea is very good.

Suhaana: Thank you.

Golu: Where is my lunch? Did you pack it? And where's my tie? I am getting late for the meeting.

Suhaana: Okay, I will prepare everything. You first go and get shower.

Golu: It will take me only two minutes. Take this. 

He hands over the pretend tea cup to Suhaana.

Golu: I am going to get a shower. Give me my towel.

Suhaana: I am bringing it.

Bhaiya smiles at their play at first. Then he thinks.

Me: I know what you are thinking and you are right. You don't want your children to grow up with a specific role in mind. They should be able to do and achieve everything. And the examples start from home.

Elena comes there and says: Bhai, I want to talk to you about something.

Bhaiya: Elena, if you came here to tell me that my decision is wrong, then I don't want to hear it.

Elena: No bhai. I didn't come here to tell you this. I came to tell you that what you are doing is awesome and it's really brave. To go against the social norm is not easy. You are stepping back for Sona which is really rare. 

Bhaiya: This is so rare, may be that's why people are having trouble accepting it.

Elena: I know, but...

Bhaiya: Sonakshi and I are partners. We talk about equality. If we don't think each other as equal then how can we expect the same from others?

Elena: Bhai, not all husbands are understanding like you...

Vicky overhears. So he steps in: What do you mean? I am not understanding? Should I sit at home?

Elena: Vicky, that's not what I meant.

Vicky: Elena, I understand your taunt. If we both sit at home, who will manage office?

Bhaiya: Vicky got a point.

Elena: Then the point is also that when you start to go back to work, then logically Vicky should stay at home.

Vicky: You know this is all because of what you have done. Now because of this, every husband will have to do this. Everyone has a choice and this is my choice to go to work. Our kids also know that this is the right balance.

Bhaiya: Yes, Vicky. No one is forcing you.

Vicky leaves in a huff.

Elena: Who am I expecting this from?

Bhaiya: Elena...

Elena: Sorry, Bhai. But I wish Vicky was like you too. Whether anyone supports you or not, I will support you.

Bhaiya smiles.

Me: Elena, Vicky is not wrong either. Had you been a full time working woman who earned as much as Vicky, then sure. You two could have sit down and come up with a solution. 

But the fact is that you work part time and not very dedicated to your career either. So Vicky staying at home makes no sense in your case.

For example, my husband is a director in a company. My salary is 1/3 of his. So it makes sense for him to earn the big bucks and me to take care of the kids because we don't have handy baby sitters. Although, I will continue my work once we have children, but I won't pursue the money trail because I know what is the maximum I can earn with my education and experience.

However, had the situation been reversed, had I been the more qualified (or as qualified) and wanted career as bad as Sonakshi, my husband would have taken a step back and I'd have chased the big bucks.

It's all about practicality. It's about maximising the opportunity based on respective skills. Think of it as team play. You always play on the team's strength to maximise your chances of winning. It's not about gender roles, it's about playing on your strength.

If my husband is a better cook than me, then does it make sense for me to cook just because I am a woman? 

If I am a better driver than my husband, does it make sense for him to drive everywhere just because he is a man?

Sonakshi is playing with Shubh.

Ishwari comes there.

Me: And interference starts.

Sonakshi tells her: Maa, look how much he is playing. He was laughing so much just now.

Ishwari: I didn't know you will come out with this meaning from what I told you yesterday. Otherwise, I won't have said anything. Come baby, come to me.

Ishwari takes Shubh from her.

Me: Now what can I say? May be you will learn your lesson and not interfere next time? Hummm?

Sonakshi: Maa, I am surprised myself that Dev wanted to do this. I tried to make him understand a lot but he is not listening to me.

Me: What? Sonakshi, seriously? Your husband is supporting you and you are behaving as if he is doing something wrong and you are not being able to stop him? 

You are an utter failure of a wife just like your mother. You two never support your husband.

He told you that he worked all his life and now he wants to enjoy the children. Yet, you are pretending in front of Ishwari as if it's a crime for Bhaiya to want to be with his children. 

Shame on you, Sonakshi. Shame on you.

Ishwari: Sonakshi, he took a decision and you listened? I don't know if this decision you two took together. I just know that this decision is wrong. It should be corrected while there's still time.

Me: Why isn't anyone asking Ishwari WHY this decision is wrong? Forget society. Her primary excuse was children. Then why isn't anyone asking her WHY a father can't take care of his own children?

Sonakshi: Maa, believe me. I tried very hard to change his decision.

Ishwari: If Dev took this decision naa, Sonakshi. Only you can change this decision. You are mother of these children. And when children are young, they need their mother. Otherwise think, in the whole world, men would have sat at home and raised children. But that's not the case. Why not? There must be some reason naa? Sonakshi, you two don't take the decision only to change the rules of the world. 

Look, beta. It doesn't mean that you should take each other's place to support each other. 

Me: I am trying to understand Ishwari. Correct me if I am wrong. But didn't you stepped into your husband's place and earned a living to support your family? Did you think before making Neha as caretaker of the younger children that only a mother and no one but the mother can take care of her children?

And if you truly believe that, you should have re-married and let your new husband play the "man" role while you took care of the children.

So why didn't you? How dare you step into a man's role?

Sonakshi: Maa, I agree... But...

Ishwari: But you still don't want to do what I want to do. Make Dev understand...

Sonakshi is silent.

Ishwari starts playing with Shubh.

Me: I am utterly pissed off at Sonakshi right now.

I don't think she can be redeemed in my eyes anymore. She didn't support her husband and his decision to look good in front of her mother-in-law. She is just like Asha whom I hate. 

At Bose house, Ronita is lying on the bed. Sourabh carrying his baby brings fruits for her.

Ronita says: Thank you.

Sourabh says: Did you hear what Dev babu...

Ronita says: I heard it.

Sourabh: How did you feel?

Ronita: I think this is best for him.

Sourabh: There are people who manage children and work and there is my wife who only has to manage her baby. But she is still lazy.

Ronita glares at Sourabh. He looks sheepish.

Ronita says: How did you like their decision?

Sourabh: Brilliant. Superb.

Ronita: So you are being brilliant too. You are also managing the child while I am chilling. 

Me: Ronita, it's not the same. You are doing nothing. That's not the same as changing tasks with a partner.

Bijoy says: Asha, I am feeling proud hearing about Dev's decision. He took such a brave decision. How many people are there who can take such decisions?

Asha: It's a very different thinking. It sounds respectful when you hear it. But...

Bijoy: But what?

Asha: It's not the right decision in practical.

Bijoy: Asha, you are thinking negative for no reason. You will see, this will turn out to be the best decision for them. Whatever Dev is doing, he is doing it to support Sona. 

Asha makes faces.

Me: I had always said that Asha was regressive. She proves it over and over. 

Why does she think this won't work? What reason?

She has no answer for that.

Ishwari, Radha and Asha are chanting that this decision is wrong. But no one yet gave a valid reason as to why this is a wrong decision. 

That just proves that this is not a wrong decision. Just their thinking is regressive and they are unable to stop interfering in things that doesn't concern them.

In fact, I am sure when the first woman decided to go to workplace and earn money, a lot of people called it the wrong decision and also said that she will never be as good at a job as a man etc etc. 

But she went and succeeded. Today, women in the workplace is not a rare sight.

If more men decided to raise children, may be one day no one will say that a child needs a mother more. But they will say, a child needs a parent, any parent.

Vicky is in his room.

Elena comes in the room.

Vicky says: Elena, what are you trying to do? Why are you trying to make me look less in front of Dev bhai's eyes?

Elena: Vicky, I am not trying to make anyone look less in front of anyone. I just wish that had you supported me like Dev bhai, then I could achieve a lot in my life professionally. I got trapped in Golu's responsiblities. Because you never managed Golu's responsibilities.

Vicky: What could you have achieved? There would have been five or six assistants under you. But could you have earned more than me? No. Life is lived by money. And not by talk and experiments. And this gender equality agenda Dev bhai and Sonakshi bhabhi is trying to promote, it won't work.

Elena: Vicky, I didn't want to say this. But I have to say it today. You are a male chauvinist. 

Vicky: Elena.

Elena: Don't shout. Dev bhai is giving the complete opportunity for Sona to achieve her dream and you are telling me what I can achieve and what not?

Vicky: I am talking reality. And you are calling me male chauvinist? Yes, I am male chauvinist. And if you think I will leave my job and take care of home for you, don't even think about it. I want to live and win. But not as a woman.

Elena is shocked.

Me: Neither is right here. 

Vicky is right. Elena could not have earned as much as him with her photographer's earning. 

And you do need money to live your life.

As I mentioned before. A marriage is like a team sport. If one in that team runs fast, it makes sense that that person will utilise their skills where its needed. 

Elena might have wanted a career. But she was not as dedicated to her career as Sonakshi nor as qualified. 

If she wants, she can still have her career. Golu no longer needs her since Bhaiya is staying at home. So go and get your career. Who is stopping you?

In terms of Vicky, he is forgetting that gender equality works for Bhaiya and Sonakshi because Sonakshi has as successful business as Bhaiya. She is also as qualified as Bhaiya.

And Bhaiya is willing to take care of his children. So it's none of his business what they decide for their life.

Sonakshi is standing by the window in her room.

Bhaiya comes there: What are you thinking standing in the thinking corner?

Sonakshi mumbles...

Bhaiya: I know what you are thinking. I just asked you for no reason.

Sonakshi: Dev, it's not possible for me. It's too complicated. I won't be able to do it.

Bhaiya: That's why you want me to go away from Shubh? Selfish?

Sonakshi: Dev...

Bhaiya: Okay. Let's do one thing. You also leave work like me. We will both stay at home and raise the kids together. Okay?

Sonakshi: What? How will that work? We will both sit at home? You are being stubborn.

Bhaiya: What can I do except being stubborn, Sonakshi? You already experienced this and now when it's my turn, you are eyeing my opportunity too.

Sonakshi: What do you mean I am eyeing your opportunity? I am thinking that what everyone is saying is...

Bhaiya: They are right, isn't it? That I should go out and work and you should stay home and take care of kids. Actually, I know what is bothering you.

Sonakshi: Dev, what if we fail in this experience? What if you can't manage the kids?

Bhaiya: You have doubt on your husband?

Sonakshi: No. But when it comes to the kids...

Bhaiya: Sonakshi look, I know what we are doing, it's different. May be even difficult. But trust me. If we can manage to do it, we will become an example for a lot of people. And everyone will understand. Even Maa. And I know that if you are by my side, I can do everything. You trust me, Mrs. Sonakshi Dixit. 

Sonakshi smiles and nods.

Me: I still don't know why they are behaving as if, if this doesn't work, they can't change the decision. It's not as if they are signing life bond. If Bhaiya can't raise children or change decisions, then they can always switch. This is not written in stone.

You try something and then evaluate if this approach is a success. 

What's the big deal? 

Does every woman born knowing how to manage children? It's not written in female hormone which only women inherit. They learn by trial and error.

Bhaiya will also learn by trial and error. So what?

PRECAP: Sonakshi is showing how to take care of Shubh and Bhaiya is taking video for reference.

Sonakshi asks: You will be able to do it, naa?

Bhaiya: The kid which has teacher like you, he will come first. You go manage your office. Isn't it?

Sonakshi smiles.

Me: And this is how a true partnership works. And Sonakshi, be the supportive wife he deserves. Who the eff cares of what the world thinks. For a woman, her husband should come first just like for a man his wife should come first. This is the commitment you made so honour it.



  1. I. Must say after watching today's episode Ishwari is quite tenacious. This woman never let's go. She 's wasting her talent here and now that she has Ashas pseudo sensible advices, they will make one lethal team.

    1. Exactly. Ishwari should learn from this and stop interfering. Asha is no better. Worse team ever.

  2. I had tweeted durjoy and the others. He has liked some of my tweets.

  3. I can understand the guitar sona is feeling. But I can't understand her blind loyalty to ish. Isn't this intervening unnecessarily.

    1. Sonakshi's blind loyalty to Ishwari never made sense to me. Just like Asha, she shortchanges her own husband.

      Bhaiya was right. He wants to do it, Sonakshi wants to work. Why is Sonakshi being a bother because of what Asha and Ishwari said?

    2. Yeah this attitude of sonakshi 's what I don't like or can accept. Hw can she let ish micro manage her life. Had bijoy done the same everyone Asha, ish and everyone would have murdered him. I mean i like what they are attempting but the execution lacks credibility.

    3. Exactly. Since Bijoy has seen that Bhaiya is not taking good care of his daughter, he didn't interfere in their life even once.

      But Asha who gave lectures on Bijoy interfering in Sonakshi's life, never stopped interfering.

  4. Hey Tia...Happy durgashtami and shubho bijoya

    Neck deep in work and krpkab new timings not suiting me...7PM is too early for a working mother to spend time on TV shows. So I watch it with my kido at night.

    These days too busy with new project hectic that just now saw the last 3 epi of krpkab.

    Feelings for Ish-Asha continues. Still love Bijoy Bose as always...need to tweet to Durjoy saying thanks for keeping his character in tact thru out the show.

    Devakshi...these days they r what I always wanted them to be. Precap is sooo sweet.

    In India, to be a working mother means u got to have support of hubby. Indirectly, the saying does...behind every successful working mom is a supportive hubby...haha

    long weekend...I'll peep in to comment on last 4 epis.

    Stay blessed...and once again happy dussehra.

    1. Thanks hun. Happy Durga Puja to you too. The new time is a bit odd for me too.

      I absolutely agree with you. It's not just in India. You need a supporting life partner regardless of your gender if you are a working parent.

      Even men who work needs a supporting wife to be able to be successful.

      Ishwari and Asha are as usual interfering and Bijoy is as usual a strict believer of equality.

      Asha pretends to be a liberal but she is the most regressive character on the show. Even more than Ishwari. Because Ishwari is capable of change. Asha thinks she knows everything.

      Sonakshi is portraying traits of Asha which I can't tolerate. Specially today when Bhaiya said that he wants to be at home. He has worked all his life and now wants family time. Why is she pushing him to go to work just because everyone is saying so?

      How would she feel if someone forced her to go to work with she wanted to be with her children?

      I didn't like Sonakshi at all today.

  5. Even I think 5 months is too early a time for a mother to leave her baby, but what I'm not liking is the way sona, ish and Asha are behaving. Ish is obviously interfering. Asha with her God complex thinks she knows better than everyone. And sona, she is one blind follower of these tow ladies. This decision should have been the baby's parents. But here everyone except them are calling the shots.

    1. hi Mily,
      if you think leaving a child at 5 months is early for a mother, let me tell you i left my son in infant care when he was just 7 weeks old. All that matters is the nourishment of the baby, ( as in breast milk) , a proper care taker who can look after their needs regularly. if these are in right place,then the baby can stay with anybody. It doesn't really matter. what should be important, is the mother's health condition ( both physical and emotional).

      Today's technology can take care of nourishment part ( like breast pumps, special freeze bags to store breast milk upto 3 months etc)we need to have a right person to feed the child at a timely interval, that's where the care comes in. It can be a baby sitter, an infant care provider, a household help( maid) , grandparents or even your siblings. As long as the person knows what is to be done and how it needs to be done and when it is to be done, problem solved.

      Honestly speaking no woman is a born mother just because she has a uterus. she learns along the way, the same applies to father too. He does not become a father just because he donated his sperm, he too learns.

      I loved Dev when he said, they can never be perfect parents, they can only be good parents providing the necessities and being there when their kids need them. This is a great growth in his character and kudos to the team for this progress.

      Coming back to woman herself, foremost thing is you need to love what you do, just like you cant expect a newly wed girl to be always thinking about her husband leaving behind her job at hand, same applies here, you cannot keep missing your baby while you are at work. even at home, you will still continue with your daily chores, its just that probably your kid will be in the crib while you are in the kitchen, where as now he/she is at home, while you are at your work. she needs to be at that emotional level where she understands this basic fact and should stop feeling guilty.of course her physical health should good enough to endure whatever is her job requirement ( like long hrs of standing, exposure to travel, blah , blah blah )

      What i am loving the most in this season, is the character graph of Dev, from a man who lost his married life trying to please his mother, to a great lover and a pathetic husband, to a man taking reins of his marital life...... wah what a tremendous progress. I am so in love with this character that i have no words.


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