Happy Halloween!!!

Hi Everyone,

Wishing all of you a very Happy Halloween!!!

Last week's schedule for update.

Today's episode: By tomorrow night. I am busy tonight until late.

Tomorrow's episode: On Thursday night/Friday night.

Thursday's episode: Friday night/Saturday.

All times are in Toronto time as in EST.

Until then, feel free to write down your thoughts here.

EPISODE: The episode starts with Ishwari and Radha coming down the stairs. 

Soha comes running: Dadi, Choti Dadi... Come soon.

Mamaji asks: What happened, beta?

Radha asks worriedly: Is everything okay?

Soha: Everything is okay. Shall I tell you a good news?

Ishwari: What?

Soha: Papa is going to be live on radio.

Everyone becomes pleasantly surprised.

Mamaji: Wow... That's great.

Ishwari: One minute. Is this true? My Dev is coming on radio?

Soha: Yes, Dadi. Papa is going to be on radio. It will be fun. Let's go and listen. 

Radha: Wow. Our Dev will be in radio?

Soha says: I will go and inform Dida and Dadu.

Radha nods.

Soha runs to make the call.

Asha picks up the phone.

Soha says: Hello Dida... Switch on the radio fast. Papa is going to be in the radio.

Asha: Really?

Soha: Please let Dadu, Mamu and Mami know too.

Asha: Yes. I will tell everyone and we will listen to the show together. Okay?

Soha says: Okay bye.

Radha giggles at Soha's enthusiasm.

Ishwari jokes: Tell everyone in the world. Let's go and listen to the show.

Radha agrees: Yes. Let's go.

Me: It's very true that every girl's first superhero is her father. Ever since Bhaiya won her over, Soha had been his biggest cheerleader. There's no one happier than her at his success and his achievements. 

May be that's why fathers are so close to daughters. 

Sonakshi is at work. She thanks someone on the phone and hangs up.

Sourav comes there: Sona, I have a good news. The reply came out for the RTI we had filed.

Sonakshi: And...

Sourav: And the news is that the grant and subsidy state had budgeted for them, they never used to get it.

Sonakshi: Then that means we are on the right track...

Sourav: We are on the perfect track.

Sonakshi: There's another news. 

Sourav: What?

Sonakshi: I got a call from CMO's office.

Sourav: CMO's office? Why?

Sonakshi: Because they are very happy with our work and he was saying that there are other projects where we might be needed.

Sourav: This is the best. That means we will get reply to our letters faster.

Sonakshi: We won't need that.

Sourav: Why?

Sonakshi: Because now we can talk to him directly and discuss our ideas with him.

They hi-five.

Sourav is very happy: I mean. There can't be any better news than this.

They laugh.

Me: So in short, Sonakshi is achieving success by leaps and bounds. 

Bhaiya is in the radio station with Shubh.

He asks: What are you watching, Shubh? You are in new place? Came for a tour?

Couple of employees of the radio station sees Bhaiya with Shubh and smile.

Bhaiya: Look Shubh. Some people are here to greet you. Say hi...

He picks up Shubh's hand and waves.

One of the female employees say: He is so cute naa.

The other employees say: Who? The baby or his dad?

The first one says: Both are very cute. 

Shubh spits out milk.

Bhaiya: What have you done, Shubh? One second...

Bhaiya wipes his face.

Just then the RJ comes: Hi, Mr. Dixit.

Bhaiya says: Hello.

The RJ says: I am RJ. Sorry it took me so long to get here. There's too much traffic. 

Bhaiya: Even I am sorry. Shubh got himself dirty.

RJ: No worry, sir. Take your time. We have five minutes to go on live.

Bhaiya says: Okay.

While he cleans up Shubh, the RJ gets ready to start the show.

At Bose and Dixit house, everyone is listening.

Me: Did anyone inform Sonakshi though? Not sure if she is listening.

RJ continues: I know you have heard it many times, but I am seriously seeing for the first time any dad to do all this.

Bhaiya: This is also first time for me. Shall we start?

The RJ says: Yeah. Let's start.

The RJ greets the listeners: Hello Delhi. I am RJ Heer and like always, I will introduce you to someone who has inspired. Yes, today in Success Mantra we have the very famous Dev Dixit.

The show continues and little Shubh watches his dad with big round eyes.

Me: Vidvaan is just a bundle of adorableness. 

The RJ asks the listeners to give feedback on the show over the phone or on their website which is open and then ends the show. 
She turns the live button off and says to Bhaiya: Mr. Dixit, I have taken a lot of interview of famous and successful people but this was really different and really amazing.

Bhaiya: Thank you so much for inviting me. Thanks a lot.

Then he says to Shubh: Shall we go?

Shubh starts whimpering.

Bhaiya says: Oh dear. It looks like his diaper needs changing.

The RJ says: No worries. You can change him here. The studio is all yours.

Bhaiya thanks her.

The RJ leaves.

Bhaiya checks Shubh's diaper: Arre, diaper is clean. Then why you were crying? 

Shubh starts grabbing things and kicking his feet.

Bhaiya: Okay okay. Don't touch anything.

Shubh kicks the live button on. And suddenly the RJ's voice comes on air.

Bhaiya gets nervous and gets up from the chair: What is going on?

The girls who are at work but the only job they have is hanging by this studio wonder: Who is in the studio?

Me: Ummmm... How? RJ's don't record their greeting like that. They conduct the show from start to finish. That's their job. Have you ever seen a news reporter recording only their initial greeting? Because they will be conducting the whole show anyway. So what's the point? 

Anyhoo, apparently even the radio show organizer doesn't know that the same program by the same girl can't possibly be live right after the actual program ended.

So he announces the first caller.

Bhaiya panics: Excuse me. What is going on? Shubh, what have you done? Someone help me.

The first caller says: Hello.

Bhaiya also says: Hello.

The guy on the other side says: I am hearing baby noises. I didn't know Miss RJ, that you have a baby.

Me: First of all, brainless idiot, a man's voice said hello, not to mention a couple second ago you heard a man panicking on air. And you are asking if MISS RJ has a baby. This voice is sounding like a woman's voice to you?

Secondly, you heard Shubh's faint voice, but not Bhaiya panicking with clearly man's voice?

Thirdly, never have I ever, heard someone referring a RJ as Mr. or Ms. RJ. RJ X,Y, Z yes, but never Mr. or Ms. RJ. Ever heard anyone referring to a doctor or engineer as Mr. Doctor or Ms. Engineer? RJ is a profession, not a name.

At Dixit house, Radha, Soha and Ishwari are laughing.

At radio station, Bhaiya mumbles: No. I am not RJ. I am just a man who came here with his baby.

One of the useless duo who is still hanging by the booth says: We have to stop this.

The other one says: It's already on air. How can we stop it in the middle? 

Me: If you two actually bothered to work, you'd know how any live show is stopped. It's called advertising. You know those stuff with jingles that pays you to run the show?

The man says: I have heard after a long time that a father is spending time with his baby at work. Even I am missing my daughter. I wish my work allowed to bring my daughter with me because I hardly get to spend time with her.

Bhaiya: I can understand. It's hard to balance work with home.

The man continues: My son is so dependent on my wife that my wife had to leave her job. I wish my job was like yours, then my wife wouldn't have to leave her job. Hello, are you listening?

Bhaiya: Yes, I am here and I am listening.

At Nikki's home, her friends call her and asks her to come fast.

Nikki: What happened? Why are you screaming?

Her friend says: If you hear, you will also start screaming. Listen to this. Your brother has such a good voice.

Nikki says: Have you gone mad? What are you saying?

They say: Your brother is on radio.

Nikki: What?

Her friend says: Yes, see this.

Nikki looks at her phone.

Me: See? Radio hain, video thodi hain? Nikki dekh kya rahee hain?

(See? This is radio, not video. What is she looking at?)

Bhaiya: It's really terrible. I think along with women, even men should get paternity leave. So that they can spend time with their children. Because as much as a child needs his/her mother, he/she also needs his/her father.

Ronita throws a flying kiss to the radio.

Nikki listens surprised.

Me: You are absolutely right, Bhaiya. Both parents should have the right to decide whether they will take maternity leave, paternity leave or half and half? 

In Canada, you get one year parental leave. So a mother can take one year off without losing their job, a father can take one year leave or they can divide it up in any combination of months like 6/6 months, 9/3 months, 8/4 months etc.

Recently one of my male colleagues took about 7 months of parental leave when he had a baby because his wife has a high profile job so she wanted to return to work. 

His wife took five months off starting from ninth month of pregnancy to the first four months of the baby's life.

Bhaiya: What you just said made me feel guilty. 

The guy asks: Why?

Bhaiya: Even I never gave my male employees this kind of leave.

The guy asks: Who are you by the way?

Bhaiya: I am Dev Dixit.

The guy says: Really? The Dev Dixit?

Some dude shows up by the group who is listening to Bhaiya outside the radio booth: Sorry guys. I am late. Who is handling the show?

Bhaiya says to the caller: Thank you for making me realise that along with women, even men should get paternity leave. Now even I will offer paternity leave to men along with women.

Shubh gurgles.

Bhaiya: Okay?

Everyone is happy in Dixit house.

That other dude says: Who is this in the booth? And with a kid? He has screwed up my show.

Me: Oh hello. You screwed up your show by coming late. Did you think your live listeners would have hanged around for you? They'd have changed the radio station already.

The first RJ, RJ Heer, stops him: Let him do it. He is doing good.

Bhaiya continues: I will make sure that both my male and female employees get parental leave. I think every father with small children should get this leave. Because children need their father as much as their mother.

The employers and employees who are listening to me, I'd request them to cooperate in this. So that even fathers can spend time with children. That way we can bring change in the society.

Sonakshi, Sourav and Vicky are also listening.

One listener says: What is he saying? Leave to raise kids?

Another listener says: He is right. Who will raise our kids? The neighbours? And my neighbours are already very bad.

Everyone in Dixit and Bose family are happy except going by the expression, Asha.

Me: Why am I not surprised?

Nikki's friends say: Nikki, please introduce us to your Bhaiya once.

Another friend says: I am going to take my resume and go to him.

Nikki: Shut up. He is my brother. And he is much older than you and married with two kids. Okay?

He friends say: We have no expectations, swear to God. Please...

Nikki smirks.

Me: Ladies, we have no expectations from you either. Better work on your self-respect before your parents stop having any expectations from you.

Bhaiya gets another caller: Mr. Dixit, I'd like to share something.

Bhaiya tells him to go ahead.

The caller says: I am handling my daughter since one year. My friends think I am womanly and they say this is woman's work.

Bhaiya: Look, people will say what the have to say. But the way you are supporting your wife in raising your child, I don't think there's anything can be manlier than that.

Ronita appreciates it. Asha is still sipping tea with gloomy face.

Bhaiya continues: And if your friends still say something, you can give them diaper challenge. And now that I got a chance, I'd like to share something. If a man is helping his wife to manage his home and children, we should not demotivate him. We should encourage him. So that more men do this. We want a safe world for our children and for that this is necessary. If the society has equality, then a lot of things will improve.

Me: Ai ai ya!!! Bhaiya, what a bouncer. Asha, are your ears burning? Bhaiya neatly put you in your place and that too on live radio. Hi five Bhaiya. Let the regression stew on their own garbage. 

Bhaiya continues: If a husband helps his wife, they share responsibilities, they motivate each other, then society will change. Kids learn from us. So teach them the importance of equality. There's no difference in men and women. People say sharing is caring. So share with each other and care for each other. Your wife also has a life. She also has dreams so support her so that she can achieve them. I am assuring you if you support your wife, then you can't even imagine how much support you will get.

That's why sir, continue to do what you are doing. Because what you are doing is absolutely right.

All listeners clap. Bijoy is smiling proudly. Vicky thinks.

Me: Everyone is happy/proud, except Asha looks like someone yanked out the self-made pedestal from under her feet.

If you ask me, it was about time.

Bhaiya gets more calls.

He says: Champ, just some more calls. Okay?

He expertly handles the switchboard which made him panic couple of minutes ago: Tell me what can I do for you.

Me: Tell us how someone to from panicking about the wrong button being pressed to expertly pressing the right button in a matter of two minutes? And can I apply this trick to learn driving?

Soha says to Ishwari: My Papa is World's best Papa.

Ishwari hugs her and says yes.

Someone in radio station says: We don't get as many calls all week as we are getting now.

At Bose house, Bijoy says: Asha, Dev did amazing job. Now Sourav can take Sounita to work.

Asha makes "you are insane" face.

Ronita claps: Wow. If that happens, I will be completely free. Then I will get membership in my favourite salon and go for spa everyday.

Me: Ummm... No. Bhaiya talked about equality. That means, if he takes Sounita to work, you will also have to start working and handle some chores in the house. Equality doesn't mean one person does all the work and the other gets to do nothing. Look up the meaning in dictionary.

But I knew this was going to be Asha's response because she is that kind of woman. 

Sourav says to Sona: Dev babu is world's best husband. You are very lucky.

Sonakshi smiles.

Sourav: But you know what? He is not the world's best brother-in-law. He bothers me a lot.

Sonakshi asks: Why?

Sourav: Didn't you hear now Ronita will hear this and she will send Mishti to work with me. Then office, Mishti, work...

Sonakshi smiles: You have such a sweet little daughter.

Sourav: Yes, that's true. She is my lonely little girl. But I don't know how to handle her. I mean a little bit, but...

Sonakshi laughs.

Me: A couple of things to consider Sourav.

1. Ronita can only send Mishti to work with you, if she does all the housework like cooking, cleaning, washing, grocery shopping etc. Otherwise, she can't. Because Bhaiya spoke about equality, remember?

2. Had you and Ronita actually bothered to learn from Ronita's mother how to handle a baby instead of running her off, you won't worry that you can't handle your own baby. She was strict. But at least she tried to turn you into parents who are confident about raising a baby and not bumbling morons like you usually behave around your baby.

Your mother doesn't bother to teach you anything because as per her, you are a man so by default you should only get services provided to you by her, then your wife, then your daughter or daughter-in-law and then by your granddaughter. 

Exactly opposite of what she expects Sonakshi to do. 

Nikki returns the phone to her friend and wipes her tears.

Her friend says: Nikki, you are very lucky to have a brother like him. 

Her other friend says: Yes, Nikki. I never heard any man talk like that. Your brother is special.

Nikki smiles: I know. My brother is world's best brother.

Her friend says: I wish after hearing your brother, other boys get some sense too.

Nikki: If people start to understand, then a lot of things can change.

Her friends say: Please introduce us to your brother once. All of our life will be set.

All the other friends start pleading.

Nikki finally says: Fine. I will text him and ask him to come here on the final day.

Everyone gets happy: Yay. Let's go and tell everyone.

They leave.

Nikki says to herself: I am proud of you, Bhaiya.

Me: Hold on just a moment. How will meeting Bhaiya, their life will be set? No really. How? 

Someone please explain to me because I am not getting it.

If they were men, I'd understand their eagerness to work for Bhaiya. But women get maternity leave in all companies. So even if Bhaiya gives them job, it won't be any different for them than any other top companies.

Secondly, Bhaiya is already married. So it's not as if he will be marrying them to set their life. Nor he has single brothers/cousins/friends to get them married off to.

So I am not getting how meeting Bhaiya is supposed to set their life.

Elena comes to Golu: Golu, how do you dirty your clothes so much?

Golu answers: By playing.

Elena says: Okay. Here. Change your clothes quickly. 

Just then she gets a call: Hello. Yes, I remember. Can I call you in five minutes? I will give you brief shortly.

Vicky comes there.

Elena says: Golu, at least wear your clothes. Do I have to do everything?

Golu makes faces.

Vicky says: Elena, do your work. I will make him change clothes. And also have your lunch. Everyone has had theirs. Only you are left.

Elena is pleasantly surprised. She keeps staring. 

Vicky asks: What happened?

Elena says: Umm... Nothing.

Vicky: You are okay, naa?

Elena nods.

Vicky then moves on to Golu: Okay Golu. First I will change your clothes for you.

Golu: Papa, I don't want to wear this shirt. 

Vicky: You don't like it? Okay, we won't wear it.

He throws the shirt away.

Vicky: You will wear what you want to wear. But first we will wash your face. 

Golu says: Okay.

Vicky says: Okay then. Let's go, Tiger. 

He picks up Golu and leaves.

Elena looks at them and smiles.

Me: At one point of time I had thought that Vicky is one of those people who can never improve. But I am very pleasantly surprised to see that he has improved a lot from the arrogant letcher from season one. People can change but for that they themselves have to be motivated.

The family is watching TV. Bhaiya and Sonakshi aren't there. 

The news reporter is saying: As you know, we only present news which is true and the breaking news of the day is how industrialist Dev Dixit has become a super dad. Mr. Dev Dixit has shown the whole world how he is a perfect dad along with being a successful businessman...

Me (*SNORT*): Not kidding. That's the breaking news.

That's my problem with CVs. They simply screw the logic these days.

First of all, it seems like the country must have run out of issues if that is breaking news. If that particular program brought out revolution of change where men are supporting their wives in mass scale, then it's one thing. But just because Bhaiya did a radio program by fluke, suddenly he became the breaking news is a little harder to grasp.

Next thing we know the next breaking news will be, how Mukesh Ambani's son has adopted a stray puppy and announced on radio how stray puppy needs love and suddenly has become the soul of generosity. Seriously?

Secondly, most radio programs are regional. Very rarely they are even national. The radio people hear in Mumbai, even people in Goa sometimes don't hear the same program. The channel might be the same, but the program will be different with different RJs.

Then how the heck Bhaiya showed the "world" how he is a successful businessman and father? 

Are people in Germany watching Hindi radio program these days? 

Anyhoo, Dixit family is very excited to hear this. But suddenly the tv stops working. 

Ishwari gets upset: What happened? Fix it fast.

Mamaji also tells Vicky: Vicky, go see to it. What are you doing?

Vicky gets up.

Elena and Mamaji tell him to hurry.

Vicky goes and fixes the tv.

Then he sits back down.

Mamaji changes to another news channel.

That anchor is saying: At least there's someone who is not lying using Feminism. The truth is in front of us. He is the perfect partner to a woman and business tycoon. Mr. Dev Dixit, you are a rockstar.

Everyone gets happy.

Me: Okay so here's where the logic is going to shit. 

Sonakshi openly said in a TV broadcast which was most likely national because of her Govt. Project, how Bhaiya is a supportive husband who is taking care of the children so that she can be successful. 

Then that program became YouTube viral video. Because of that there were million of calls coming to both homes which bothered them so much that they were willing to force Bhaiya to give up and Sonakshi to sit at home. 

Not one news channel bothered about such a prime example of modern man then. He is a great guy. There's no doubt about that. But that's not the point. The lack of logic in script is the point.

He was doing then exactly what he is doing now. Nothing changed since then except he is better at managing kids now.

Bhaiya goes to a radio channel which is probably showing regional program. And suddenly he is the breaking news, the sparkly moon and the shining star in every news channel? Why isn't million of calls coming now?

How can the same deed can cause such different reaction? Particularly since YouTube and television have larger reach than radio program? 

Everyone becomes happy.

Elena: Wow, Dev Bhai became superstar.

Golu: BigCha is the best.

Sonakshi comes there.

The news continues: Let's take some people's opinion. What do you have to say about Mr. Dixit?

The guy says: No word is enough. We call ourselves hero. But the real hero is Mr. Dev Dixit. I mean what a man.

A woman says: If a woman gets a husband like that, then she won't have any complaint ever. He said that men and women are equal.

Mamaji gets excited: Ha ha... Did you see that? The whole world is giving examples of our Dev.

Me: Not the whole world... No one watches Hindi program except Indians. Sigh... Never mind...

Ishwari nods happily. Then she looks up and sees Bhaiya with Shubh.

She says: Arre, Dev...

Bhaiya says: What's going on? Today everyone is sitting together, watching tv. Is there any movie going on?

Everyone smiles. No one tells him anything.

Bhaiya says: Okay I am going to make pakoda. Then we can all sit and watch tv. Did you know, today Mr. Shubh vomited some milk in radio station. I had to clean it up. He doesn't spare me anywhere.

Ishwari: He is his Papa's pet. He makes him do all the work. 

Bhaiya: I will go change his clothes. You watch tv.

Bhaiya leaves.

Elena says: Dev Bhai doesn't know anything.

Mamaji says: This is what people say that keep doing your work, don't think about results.

Vicky and Elena smile.

Radha says: Enough. You stay silent.

Mamaji gets silent.

Sonakshi says: Look, it started again.

The news channel is now showing the footage of Bhaiya in the radio booth.

Me: Sure. Every radio station have people taking videos within a booth. Who knows when someone brings a baby and the baby kickstarts a breaking news. By the way, that was sarcasm.

Ishwari says: See Bhabhi, how nicely he is doing everything.

Radha: Yes, Jiji. I didn't know he will be able to do it.

The news ends. 

Sonakshi: I have nothing to say. He is just the best. 

Mamaji: Beta, the change he wants to see, he is bringing it himself. He wants to give an example to the society. Today my heart swelled wide with pride.

Sonakshi: Yes, Mamaji. He forced everyone to think and I don't think he should stop here. He should move ahead. Isn't it, Maa? Maa, what do you think?

Ishwari says: You are absolutely right, Sonakshi. He is matching steps with you. He is a dad, but no less than a mother.

Sonakshi smiles.

Me: Ah, I felt such a relief. Finally Ishwari admitted that there's no one superior or inferior when it comes to parents. Both mother and father can raise children equally well. That's what I was waiting for. 

Sonakshi: For me, nothing can be better than this. He changed the definition of upbringing.

Ishwari nods.

Me: No Sonakshi. Bhaiya has changed the mentality. Otherwise, he is giving the kids the same upbringing any other parents give. But he has proved to people that he can do it, regardless of gender.

Radha says: Jiji, this is your upbringing.

Mamaji: You are absolutely right. Ishwari, this is your upbringing that has grown up this way. In fact, because of this you should pat your back.

He pats Golu's back: Haan, Bhai?

Golu pats his back too: Haan, Bhai.

Ishwari smiles.

PRECAP: Sonakshi says to Bhaiya: You should continue what you started. You should take it forward.

Bhaiya: I don't know much about parenting. I am learning it myself.

Sonakshi: But people want this naa that someone should understand them and listen to them. No one can give that answer better than you and you said it yourself that sharing is caring.

Bhaiya is confused.

Me: Me too. What is she talking about?



  1. Tia, a few years ago, I read an article from a woman. I don’t remember the author name, but just remember the content of it, at least the summary. In that she said that she is being discriminated at work. Her complaint was that other females who had kids were treated better than her. That because of her choice not to have children, she was denied these perks. Like flexible timings , work from home, long leave etc. Her argument was that should these privileges be only available to females with kids. Why shouldn’t I get this. I want 3 month vacation just like maternity leave. I shouldn’t be asked why I need the time off when I am not taking care of the baby. What should it matter what I do in those 3 months. But I should be given that time just like others. Even the early dismissal and wfh, I shouldn’t be told that since there is no child who needs you, why do you need flexible timings or wfh. And she went on to write in detail as to how wrong she is treated based on her choice not to have kids.

    The reason I mentioned this is because of Ronita. It doesn’t matter whether she works or not. When you talk about equality, it means equality, no exceptions. The moment you add an exception, it becomes conditional. Hope I am able to convey what I want to convey.

    But if you are adding those extras like you should be working, you need to have a child etc, to get that equality, then men also should be allowed to add their own exceptions. There is no one way of equality. It is not exactly 50 - 50 and may not work for everyone.

    I am not saying that equality is bad or it is wrong or that husband should not support the wife. What I am trying to say is in Dev and Sonakshi’s case, they could both have kept their jobs while taking care of the kids. But because Sonakshi is a hypocrite and is uncompromising, Dev now has to stay at home giving up his business. He talked about wives dreams, but what about his. Did Sonakshi ever even think of him as a person with dreams. Did she ever support him when he needed it, truly without strings attached, unconditionally.

    Somehow the pseudo feminism of Sonakshi is grating me. :)

    1. Shaavi, I agree with you there. I personally think none of them had to give up their jobs completely to raise children. As I mentioned in my post before (I can't remember which one), that nothing has to be one extreme or another. In my opinion, the best solution should be, since they both own a business, one person go early and come home early and the other go late and come late. It doesn't matter who picks what time. When there's two people raising children, sharing work (outside and inside) makes more sense to me. Plenty of people are doing that around the world.

      However, in this show, everything is extreme.

      But, that being said, if someone truly want to quit job and manage home, they should be allowed to do so, provided the other person is willing to take the responsibility to run the household. Bhaiya really wanted to take that responsibility. He said that he worked hard all his life, he wants to enjoy his children now. That's fair.

      My problem was how Sonakshi was willing participant in this until Ishwari or Asha opposed. Then she also turned on him. That's not acceptable. She behaved as if she has a problem child whom she is giving a chance to prove himself although she really thinks he will not succeed. The only time she was happy and proud with him when others appreciated him. All her love and criticism seems to depend on what others think about Bhaiya, not what she thinks about Bhaiya because as we have noticed, Sonakshi has no personality of her own this season. Whatever thoughts she has are channeling from Ishwari via Asha.

      I don't think Sonakshi is feminist at all. What she is, is called convenient feminist. She uses feminism to get her way, but doesn't follow strict equality in all sense.

      Coming to Ronita, what she thinks is equality is actually double standard. She wants Sourav to share everything at home, but she doesn't want to share the responsibility of outside work. That's not equality.

      Just like the woman in your story is not talking about equality. Equality is always similar, but not the same. The difference is that similar situation must be treated the same. But if the situation is different, equality is then subjective to other variables.

      For example, the argument she presented is similar to someone saying that her colleague took one month sick leave because she had an accident, so she deserves one month of sick leave even though she is not sick.

      Or if the company accommodates someone in a wheelchair to work from home, another person can't demand to work from home even if they have no physical disability.

      That's not discrimination because discrimination means two people in similar circumstances are treated differently. But when two people in two different circumstances are treated differently, then other things needs to be considered.

      Will she accept if the company asks her to put on the weight of a child since it's unfair for the other woman to maintain regular hours with heavier weight and physical difficulties of pregnancy while she gets to dance into the building? All fit and healthy without any pain and discomfort of pregnancy? Because then the pregnant woman can claim that she is being penalized for her choice to have children.

      Also, if she gets passed on a promotion or raise/bonus like a lot of women do during their maternity leave or if they have children, then I am sure she will be perfectly okay to let go of her raise/bonus/promotion.

      But I can bet you she won't be. She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

      And that's exactly what Ronita is trying to do. She wants everything without any effort.

    2. Tia, that article was an example of how equality is viewed. How there is lot of tunnel vision associated with it. There are so many things that are justified just because Sonakshi is the one doing it. Like in the above episode.

      Dev is shown to come home with Shubh, tell everyone that he threw up in the radio station, that he is going to go change him and then come back and make pakoras. Here Sonakshi is shown to just sit on the sofa making faces, but not really doing anything else. She was not shown to lend a hand and say let me take him to change. You took care of him till now, let me help you. If that scene was reversed with Dev sitting on the sofa, while Sonakshi coming back from the interview with Shubh and saying the same thing, with Dev not getting up to help, the reaction we see is how rude Dev is. How can he not get up and help her. She was with the baby this whole time and he is such a “zaalim mard”, that he cannot even do such a small thing.

      This bias needs to go. For that, the view has to change. Not everything a woman does in the name of feminism is correct now r everything that a man does by saying he is a man is correct. The change that needs to happen should happen from both genders. With both of them working together to complete each other. Not compete.

    3. I agree with that. Sharing is caring. But it seems that it's flowing one way.

  2. One year parental leave in Canada is great. I had to join my work 2 months after delivery.

    I love this concept of role reversal.

    Sona was a stay at home Mom for 5 months. Next 5 months Dev can be a stay at home Dad. After 5 months they both can figure out and discuss with Suhana as to what works best out for them as a family.

    I wish every country will give 1 year parental leave and both parents can utilize it for a few months each.

    1. I agree. I think baby's first year is crucial and both parents deserve the opportunity to bond with the baby.

      I wish more countries understood and valued parental contribution to the society. Happy parents are happy people who make productive employees.

    2. Unfortunately not everyone in Canada gets a year of parental leave. For example practicing doctors don't. Its actually quite difficult for practicing physicians in Canada, especially if they have their own practice. The costs of running a practice still need to be paid for even if they can't find someone to cover the practice while off. Same for most self employed contractors or small businesses. Canada is still quite far behind many Scandinavian countries in terms of parental leave.

    3. Oh is that so ?

      But even then I would say it is great. Even if 70% of the population gets 1 yr leave it is a great thing.

      Then they can all do like Dev & Sona.

      Sona was a stay at home mom for first 5 months and now if Dev can be stay at home dad for next 5 months, Shubh will become 10 month old by then.


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