The End!!

Hi Everyone,

Last week's schedule for update.

All updates done!!!

EPISODE: The episode starts with the last scene of the previous episode.

Sonakshi: Now just tell me good things. What do you like?

Suhaana: There are many things I like. 

Sonakshi: Like?

Suhaana: Like Papa took away all pressure of study.

Sonakshi: And?

Suhaana: When I fell sick, Papa took care of me a lot. He also fought with our teachers for us. He also encourages us to play sports. Papa...

Sonakshi: Okay, enough enough. Papa, papa, papa... How much will you talk about Papa. You just said so many things about only Papa.

Suhaana: Haan. Mamma, you are getting jealous of Papa. Isn't it?

Me: And she hit the nail on the bull's eye. That was exactly the purpose of these questions. That's why I was wondering why Sonakshi is probing about what Suhaana thinks of this arrangement.

And why she kept asking about what she didn't like and then stopped her when she kept listing what she did like.

But Sonakshi, the point is, children don't care who earns the money. They care about who is there when they need someone. 

Which is why, a lot of children are closer to their mother who raises them than their father. It has nothing to do with the mothers being a woman or that somehow women genes are pre-equipped with knowledge of raising children.

It's more to do with the person they count on.

However, if the roles are reversed, and they are counting on their father to be that person, then of course they will be closer to their father. 

It doesn't mean that they don't love their mother (just like loving a stay at home mother doesn't mean that they don't love their father), it means that they are used to going to a certain person for their needs.

It's the same way a child goes to his/her nanny if he/she is neglected by two workoholic parents and the nanny is always there with him/her.

That's why balance is so important. So that a child can always come to any parents at the time of need, both need to spend time and take care of the child.

Sonakshi says: Arre, why should I be jealous? Papa has just started doing it. I had been doing it for eight years.

Soha: Did you know why Papa is super dad? Because you are with him, Mamma.

Sonakshi: Perfect.

She hugs Soha.

Me: Yes, perfect way to save the ego and score a hat trick. Soha has great career in diplomacy.

At Bose house, Asha and Bijoy are at the dining table.

Ronita brings a bowl: Maa, look I made Lauki Raita (Me: Bottle gourd Raita. Don't ask me what it is, I never ate it) today. 

Asha: Wow, that's my favourite. 

Ronita: Try it.

Bijoy asks: Where is Sourav? Doesn't he want to do lunch? 

Ronita: Papa, I asked him. But he said that he will eat after he puts Sounita to sleep.

Bijoy: What? Football said it? 

Ronita smiles and nods. 

Asha laughs: Is he feeling well?

Ronita says: Yes, he is fine. Do you know what he said when I said that I will take care of her while you eat? He said that she is also my responsibility. I can do it too. So it's my lucky day. After a lot of time, I will have lunch at lunch time.

Bijoy: Wow Asha, football broke the record of Bose house.

Asha: I know how this happened.

Bijoy smiles huge.

Me: Asha, it happened because Bhaiya didn't listen to your regressive nonsense and in turn taught your son and daughter what you couldn't teach them - gender equality.

You are welcome.

At Dixit house, Bhaiya is reading a book when he gets a phone call.

He cuts the call: These radio station people... 

Ishwari comes there.

Bhaiya: Arre, Maa.

Ishwari: Humm.. I saw you here so I thought I'd spend some time with my son. What happened? Who is bothering you?

Bhaiya: No Maa. This radio station people are calling me constantly.

Ishwari: Oh. Sonakshi told me. They want you to do program for them everyday, naa?

Bhaiya: Yes.

Ishwari: Then do it. What's the problem?

Bhaiya: No Maa. Who will take care of the kids? Who will stay at home?

He gets a call again.

Ishwari grabs the phone: One minute. Let me talk to them.

Bhaiya looks confused.

She picks up the call and says: Hello. I am Dev Dixit's mother. If you want Dev Dixit to do program for you, then he has some conditions you have to agree on. 

First condition, he won't do one hour but one and half hour of program.

Second condition, he will bring his children. So you will have to make arrangement for that. 

Wait a minute, you listen to everything first. Otherwise you will say that we didn't tell you everything. It doesn't mean that he won't get vacation. He will get vacation when he wants. 

And if you agree to all this, then from tomorrow, Dev will come to radio station. There's no need to bother him again calling him constantly.

She hangs the phone.

Bhaiya is stunned and speechless.

Me: Me too. What the eff was that? No really. WTF? Why the heck Bhaiya has to work for another company being a RJ which he is not-at-all qualified for begging for conditions to accomodate his family life when he OWNS a company he is QUALIFIED to run and can ACCOMODATE his family needs himself?

If he has time, why won't he go do his work? Why would he go to be RJ? 

No really, why?

If someone leaves a CEO position because their family need them, will they then go and take data processing job elsewhere if they can make time for work? Specially if they own the company they quit from? 

I am not understanding these weird illogical ideas CVs come up with. It makes no sense.

Ishwari: See? They agreed to everything I said. So will you go to work from tomorrow?

Bhaiya: What did you do, Maa? How do you know what were my conditions?

Ishwari: I am your mother.

She laughs: No. Bhaiya and Sonakshi told me where these people were standing. So I thought I should show them.

Bhaiya: You dealt with them so fast and they agreed with everything.

Me: Again, why the eff did Ishwari dealt with them at all and why the eff will the radio station would agree with anything for a person who has no RJ experience, skill and wants to take a vacation whenever he feels like? 

I mean, it surprises me that CVs work in an entertainment media to come up with such ridiculous suggestion. Have you ever seen a show to not air because people go on vacation on a whim?

That's why these people work so hard and such long hours because show must go on.

Audiences have very low patience level and the choices are plenty. If their favourite program doesn't air consistently, they move on to another option.

How many people listen to educational program on radio? No, really. Think about the time you tuned into radio and think what you listened to.

1. Music. 

2. News/Traffic Report.

3. Some comedy shows.

No one listens to sermons over radio.

What the eff do the CVs smoke to come up with such ridiculous idea?

Ishwari: What do you think of me? I am Dev Dixit's mother. 

Bhaiya: Now you don't pull my legs.

Ishwari: No son. I am not pulling your legs. I am telling the truth. I am very proud of you. Beta, a lot of people are relying on you. So that responsibility is very big naa. So I want you to succeed in this. Do this job well. My son got this huge chance to bring change in the society.

Bhaiya says: Yes, Maa.

Me: No seriously, are CVs pulling our legs?

Let me clear up something here.

Bhaiya runs a huge corporation and employs a lot of people. Their livelihood depend on his company's success which is not automatic. Telecom is a cut throat industry and it entirely depends on which company is most current and has more sense of the future.

Do you not think that responsibility is bigger than preaching to people over the radio?

Who do you think people will listen to more? A unqualified RJ or a business tycoon who pays enormous tax and creates jobs?

I am not saying the job of RJ is easy or any less. But first of all, it's not wiping the floor which anyone can do it. People actually takes courses for this job and get experience and qualification before being on air. And secondly, let's face it, RJs have only as much power as the radio station and their sponsors allow. 

Compared to business tycoons who have all the power in the world to make changes and influence Government policies.

And when it comes to bring social changes, if Bhaiya allows parental leave as opposed to maternity or paternity leave, build a day care centre in one of the floor of his office where he hires registered nurses, day care specialists, kindergarten teachers/early childhood educators - don't that count as social change?

He can also use his influence to advocate to Govt. to make parental leave mandatory or even make it part of mandatory benefit package for large corporation to have day care facilities.

If the space is unavailable, then making sure employees have reasonable working hours and work-life balance are another way to make a change in society.

And most importantly, living the change oneself also brings change to the society. One doesn't have to preach on air to get results, they can also live the life to present themselves as a successful examples to get results too.

But instead, the solution is for Bhaiya to become an unqualified RJ from business tycoon where he had far more reach and power to actually influence Government and business community who are, by the way, employers of other people. 

Seriously? Are you kidding myself?

Talk about demotion. He went from business tycoon to unqualified RJ and Sonakshi went from nutritionist to business tycoon with success, money and power to make an actual difference.

I am so glad this is over. I am at the end of my patience.

Bhaiya brings Shubh to radio station and does his show: Hello Delhi. Welcome. Specially old dads, new dads and new mummys.

Sonakshi listens to the radio on the way to work and smiles.

Golu and Soha whom she DOESN'T drop at school as she agreed to do, are also listening in a different car.

Vicky is also listening.

Bhaiya continues: Today we will talk about teachers. In fact, this morning when I was getting my daughter ready for school... One second, Shubh...

Me: So should I assume, despite Sonakshi's big words, plans and promises, Bhaiya is still doing everything? I thought it was Sonakshi's job to get Suhaana ready?

Then he continues: When I was getting my daughter ready for school, she asked me a question. She asked, why I only have female teachers in school? Why don't I have male teachers? It made me think, why is that? Don't we have respect for teachers as much? Don't we value teachers as much? In my opinion, it's a very good profession. Teachers make our society. I say that whatever we are today is because of our teachers. What they teach us, we learn that.

Shubh gets restless.

Bhaiya: Shubh, one second. Please stop bothering me for a second. Yes, we learn what our teachers teach us. So let's salute our teachers. This episode is for those teachers who made a difference to the society, taught us something. So sir, ma'am. I am waiting for your call. Please tell me your problems, share your experiences. I am waiting for you.

Bhaiya: We already have a caller. Welcome to super dads. Please tell me your name.

Bhaiya does his shows, everyone listens.

Me: Wow, Bhaiya is now agony aunt. And I am in pain to write this.

Sonakshi thinks about the time when Bhaiya offered to leave his work and raise the kids. She smiles.

Vicky drops Golu and Soha to school.

Me: Point to be noted here, Sonakshi is not dropping the kids to school as she proposed. Turns out, she also doesn't get Soha ready like she said she would nor she sits down and helps them do science homework, again as she said she would.

Vicky says: Both study hard and have fun.

Golu and Soha hug him.

Golu: We have to do one more task.

Vicky gets worried: One more task?

Golu says: Soha and I will salute all teachers today.

Vicky: Our teachers teach us everything and helps us be a good person. So if you just say thanks to them, they will be happy.

Golu: Then we should thank one more person.

Soha: Let's thank him now.

Vicky: Who?

Golu: You, Papa.

Vicky: Me?

Soha: Yes, Vicky chachu. You taught us a lot. 

Golu: You are my Papa, friend and teacher.

Vicky kisses them: Thank you.

Golu and Soha say thank you too.

Vicky says: Okay, now go and study well and have fun. We will meet later, okay?

They hi-five. The kids go to school.

Me: Vicky finally got the appreciation he was craving for. Until now, he used to compete with Bhaiya because he used to think that Bhaiya gets the lion's share of appreciation. But now he knows that he will also get appreciated if he does his part. 

Like Golu, he also had to taste the fruit of labour to get addicted. 

Couple of parents come there and they say: That's great. You tell your older brother that we also got inspired by his words.

The other parents say: We also want to be super dad like your brother.

Vicky says: Thank you.

Me: Again, had Bhaiya done what Vicky is doing, even then, he would have influenced people. 

Some women are sitting in Dixit house.

One of them says: I was saying that she should have joined kitty.

Ishwari feels awkward.

Another one asks: Ishwariji, should we have kitty party at home or outside?

Ishwari: Whatever you decide, I am fine with it.

Just then she says: Oh, Dev's interview is happening.

She switches on the tv.

One of the ladies say: Increase the volume a bit.

Ishwari says: Please keep quiet.

The host says: Today we have Dev Dixit with us who is bringing forward a new thought process. May be that's why he has millions of fans and followers.

Bhaiya smiles.

The host asks: How do you feel when you hear your name at every home? Or did you ever think that your one mistake in a radio station will change people's mentality? We all want to know how it happened.

Bhaiya: I only want to say one thing. Every progress and change happens with a small step. I started it when I asked my partner a question, may I help you. May I help you to manage home? And that question brought me to you. I got so much love and honour. If I can bring even 1% change in someone's life, then I will consider myself lucky.

The host says: We will continue this talk. But it's time for a break.

Bose family are also watching the interview.

A random guy says on tv: I am happy that someone took this step. 

Another guy says: We got a lot of courage because of him.

A woman says: People used to take for granted a home maker's role. May be that won't happen anymore.

Another woman says: Their video got a lot of negative comments. But Dev Dixit and his wife created a new mentality in front of the world.

A young woman says: I learned that to be a good parents, you also have to be a good partner. 

Sourav says: Yes.

The host says: We returned back with the hope that you got answer to your questions from your favourite, Dev Dixit. Mr. Dev, what would you like to say to our audience before leaving?

Bhaiya: We should realize that along with work, our children needs us too and a good parenting is possible when you become a good partner with your spouse. I learned this in my life because my mother taught me this. Today whatever I am, I am because of my mother. 

Ishwari is happy and feels shy at the same time.

Me: That's a very accurate message. One can't be a good parents without being a good life partner. Children are product of an union of two people. But if the two people are not in sync and are odds with each other, then children either feel confused or develop a biased attitude towards marriage and partnership. Which is not good for them in the long run.

Children who grow up in a household where life partners love and respect each other, also respect their life partner because that's what they saw and learned. 

On the other hand, children who see one parent or other are disrespectful and insulting to the other, also grow up to be either a disrespectful life partner or the one who tolerates disrespectful behaviour. 

Ishwari's new friend says: Really Ishwariji, you are very lucky that you got a son like Dev.

Ishwari nods: I am who I am because of Dev. For me, there's no better son and father in the world than Dev. Live long, my son.

At Bose house, Bijoy says: Dev really did a great job. 

Asha: After all, whose son-in-law is he?

Bijoy: Mine.

Me: Precisely. He is truly your son-in-law, Bijoy. And Asha, thank God, he is not your son-in-law as in his mentality is no where near yours. Because frankly, your mentality sucks.

Sourav: Whose brother-in-law is he?

Bijoy: Hurry up. We have to reach Sona's home or she will call us shortly and scold us.

Sourav: What's the hurry? We all have to get ready naa.

Asha: Then go and get ready.

Sourav: Okay, Ronita you get ready. I will get Mishti ready.

Ronita: No, I will get Mishti ready.

They keep arguing on who will get Mishti ready.

Bijoy: What are you doing? You again started your fighting. 

Ronita: Fine. You do it this time.

Asha: Do one thing. You two get ready. I will get Mishti ready today.

Sourav: Maa, I am doing it naa... 

Bijoy: You also want to be Dev Dixit now?

Everyone laughs.

Me: Everyone wants to be Dev Dixit here. Even Sonakshi wants to be Dev Dixit.

Vicky is talking to someone over the phone: Yes, I have seen the sales report. I don't know how you will achieve the target. But you will have to do it. Dev Bhai has set these target. I don't want any problem in this please.

Sonakshi comes there.

Vicky is frustrated: Lalit, we have a very good team. If we try, we can achieve it. Whatever resources you need, take it. Don't worry about it...

Just then Vicky sees Sonakshi. He takes the phone off his ear.

Sonakshi gestures him to finish the call.

Vicky gets back to the call: Yes, so Lalit I was saying that whatever you need tell me. If there's any issue, can me directly. But achieve the target at any cost. Okay? Bye.

Me: He also wants to be Dev Dixit. But at least he is doing a good job these days.

Vicky hangs the phone and asks: Yes, Bhabhi. Did you need something?

Sonakshi: Actually no, I came to tell you that everyone is waiting downstairs.

Vicky: This was the last call. Then I was coming. Quarter end puts too much pressure. 

Sonakshi smiles: No, I understand. Actually, the way you are managing company, we all are very proud of you. 

Vicky feels shy: Thank you. Thank you so much, Bhabhi.

Sonakshi: Okay, come. Dev should be in his way.

Vicky goes with Sonakshi.

Me: Sonakshi is so nice to everyone... But the only person she takes for granted is Bhaiya until someone else appreciates him. 

Downstairs, Bose and Dixit family are watching Bhaiya's interview again.

Ishwari says: Golu beta, you did a good job by recording this.

Bhaiya comes home with Shubh: Oh my family members. What's going on? Why is all these decorations? 

Bhaiya hears his voice. He turns around and sees his interview playing on tv.

Bhaiya: How many times will you watch the same episode? Is this Sholay (classic Bollywood movie)?

Ishwari: But you are there naa. My Dharmendra (One of the main leads in Sholay)...

Everyone laughs.

Me: How many times a mother watches telecast of her son's success?

Just ask my aunt. My cousin is in Canadian Army. The only Indian-Canadian man and an immigrant who joined this profession. So of course all The Breakfast Show had his interview. That was almost ten years ago when I just came to Canada. My aunt still plays the record. 

Golu asks: BigCha, who is Dharmendra?

Ishwari: I will watch it every day, ten times a day. Any problem?

She laughs: That's why I asked Golu to record it.

Suhaana brings a cake.

Bhaiya: Suhaana, what is this?

Suhaana: Papa, this is the celebration of your success. What else?

Everyone stands up and claps.

Bhaiya: Suhaana, what was the need for it?

Vicky: Bhai, can't we even do this for you?

Mamaji: All these efforts were done by kids.

Mamiji: Dev beta, I blew balloons.

Mamaji: Yes, she blew one, even that popped. 

Radha elbows Mamaji.

Everyone laughs.

Suhaana says: Papa, please cut the cake.

Bhaiya: First switch off this tv.

Sonakshi: Okay. So you will show this star attitude to us, huh?

Elena: Sonakshi, he has the right to do so. After all, he is Delhi's best RJ.

Bhaiya: You guys... Okay, let's cut the cake.

He asks Shubh: Shubh, shall we cut?

Bhaiya cuts the cake and Shubh says: Pa Pa...

Everyone gets shocked.

Bhaiya looks at Shubh and then looks at everyone.

Shubh smiles huge.

Bhaiya asks: What did you say?

Everyone gets emotional.

Me: Yep, Shubh's first word is Papa. Because that's the face he sees first thing in the morning and last thing at night, not to mention throughout the day.

That's why a lot of children's first word is Mamma.

Nothing to do with gender, everything to do with love.

Then Shubh says: Ma...

Sonakshi gets excited. She runs to Shubh: He says Mamma...

Ishwari is also excited: My Shubh is speaking. Bhabhi, my Shubh is speaking.

Golu: Yay, Shubh is speaking.

Soha says: Shubh say Didi...

Golu: No, Shubh. Say Bhaiya.

Radha: No, first he will say Choti Dadi.

Me (*SNORT*): Four syllables? Fat chance...

Ishwari also chips in: No, Dadi.

Elena says: Mashi...

Vicky: Not Mashi, Chachi... 

(Mashi - Maternal aunt, Chachi - Paternal uncle's wife)

Elena and Vicky argue on correct name for her.

Everyone laughs at their argument.

Mamaji says: Today is a very happy day. Radha, don't just stand there. Bring a gift.

Radha: What will I give him? Everything is his.

Mamaji laughs: Yes, everything is his.

Bhaiya says: I couldn't have got better gift than this. Thank you. Thank you, beta. 

He kisses Shubh.

Shubh smiles big.

Everyone is happy.

The End!!!

NOTE: Thank you for all your patience and understanding. It had been a hectic few weeks for me. 

To give an idea, 

I sprained my ankle a couple of weeks ago which still hasn't healed. So I am hobbling along with my husband's hiking stick.

I can't take a day off because my colleague is in Philippines visiting family for about a month.

On top of that, I am shopping for house and hope to get one before Christmas which is also the reason my injury hasn't healed yet.

But that's nothing new. I pretty much have record of damaging something crucial in my body before any major event. 

Just four days before my wedding, I lost my voice thanks to Delhi's pollution which infected my vocal cord which I needed to speak to the guests who were flying from all over the world and also to speak my vows.

When I was getting ready to buy a house, I tripped down the stairs and sprained my ankle which I need to walk through the properties.

I am sure when I plan a baby, I will probably knock off my brain. 

Anyhoo, it's been an amazing journey. Thanks for reading my ramblings. 

I will keep you posted on what's going on in my life, if you are still interested.

Otherwise, wishing you a very happy life. 



  1. Hi Tia :)

    Well its like banging head on the wall of start to talk about ladies of both houses but one thing about Dev is really amazing he accepted his flaws and improved & if he believed In something he materialized that thing unlike others & that's what made him stand out amongst all.

    Shubh's speaking his first word was adorable !!! I'll surely miss KRPKAB & you all <3..

    Hope we will be touch for now on !!

    1. I agree Neerja. Of all people, Bhaiya has improved the most. But Ishwari and Radha have also improved. The only people who haven't improved are Sonakshi and Asha.

      Shubh is as usual bundle of adorableness.

      Haven't watched the full episode yet to keep my reactions fresh. I will write what I think after I watch it.

      We will definitely keep in touch. And when I feel like watching some other show, I will post here. Feel free to drop me a message in here or fb. :)


    2. Yes I agree on this point . Ishwari & Radha did change for good :) so did Vicky ! And will surely be in touch ...till then take care :)

  2. Tia, I enjoy your writing, especially your Me part. :). Will miss that for sure.

    A while ago I read about this guy in US. After his college, he decided to open a security company. Like ADT which provides home, office monitoring, alarm systems etc. His parents and friends tried to dissuade him saying that, that was not such a good idea. But he still went ahead with it. By the time he was in his early 30s, he had grown his business to be one with 350 - 400 employees, multiple branches etc. some big company showed interest and he ended up selling it to them. He made a good profit. Using that money he set up trust funds for his children, put away money for himself too. Then did teachers ed certification and started working as a English teacher. He said that he always loved Shakespeare and this was his opportunity to teach the next generation about something that he is truly passionate about.

    Here Dev was shown in radio station with the statement “A few months later” on the screen. :). What the makers tried to do was make him into a kind of saint. It is true that Ambani is powerful and successful. He has the ability to lean on politicians to make change happen. But apart from his family and some friends, most people don’t know his birthday nor celebrate it that way. But people do remember Gandhi or Nehru’s birthday. It is celebrated by one and all in their own way. And they equated Dev in that way. As someone who is an inspiration to one and all.

    Coming to Sonakshi, Dev and Ishwari, Dev and Ishwari have accepted that there is a lot of things they don’t know about. There is lots left to learn. That learning is a lifelong process. Ishwari has truly let go of her goddess pedestal. Hence they have improved. But Sonakshi is still not out of her perfection throne. She still considers herself to know everything and that she is capable of doing everything perfectly. It is her core trait. And as long as she believes that she doesn’t have anything to learn, she will be where she is. She has stagnated herself like Ishwari did in those 7 years.

    Even I am glad that the series is over. The makers just added so many loopholes that towards the end it became just a big mess. :).

    My favorite is Shubh and the kids. All of the kids are adorable and just too cute. :)

    1. Thank you Shaavi. I appreciate you taking the time to read my reviews. :)

      In my opinion, what takes away from the character Dev and his organic progress is exactly what you said the makers have done...

      They tried to show him into a saint who preaches on social issues on radio. But they could have just as easily shown him to make changes in society by opening libraries and charities who help educate parents of both genders on raising kids, implementing equality in the workspace and opening up affordable day care center in his business and across the city.

      Ishwari communication is not just a business. It was part of his identity. It was as much his brain child as Soha and Shubh are his real children. He struggled a lot to make it into a success and powerhouse and in turn, it paid him back by improving the circumstances of each and every member of his family.

      He was and will always be, for me, Dev Dixit, the business tycoon. He could have added a philanthropist tag with that and still would have retained his identity and attain sainthood so to speak. But by making him a RJ which he is not qualified for, took away a huge chunk of his identity in my opinion.

      Also, it doesn't make sense.

      If he really was that motivated to bring changes, he could have joined politics. How many people know even RJ Malishka's birthday anyway? RJ's are only popular locally. So even the overwhelming response doesn't make sense.

      Anyhoo, that's one of my pet peeve.

      Regarding Sonakshi, she not only didn't improve even a bit, but actually degraded over time. She was my favourite character in season one as you know very well. At that time, she was real, vulnerable but very strong emotionally and mentally. But as season continued, the character kept getting more and more arrogant and hypocrite.

      I hate hypocrisy.

      That's why I started hating Sonakshi because I could see traces of Asha in her who thinks she is perfect and treats her husband as someone dispensable in every single major decision of life.

      Anyhoo, I think this show was stretched too long and actor's absence greatly impacted the script and made a lot of things seem disjointed.

      But I still have the first 150 episodes of television classic episodes which are pure joy to watch on repeat. I will keep myself happy with them until I find something that catches my fancy. :)

    2. Tia, Dev was a philanthropist from the beginning of the series. He was shown to open a children’s ward in Ishwari’s name for poor people, distribute blankets on Diwali, give toys and food in orphanage, open that super speciality ward in the hospital where Suhana was born etc. when Dev used his power as a businessman to bring a change like in school when he wanted the new curriculum to be implemented, it was considered as bullying. That he was coercing others to accept his views.

      Now he is not forcing anyone. He is just speaking his thoughts and people are listening to it. He is not forcing his listeners to tune to the station at that time. They are doing it at their own free will. What they did was Ishwari and Sonakshi started with considering themselves as perfect woman. Ishwari lost her perfection with Sonakshi and Sonakshi lost it with Dev and Suhana. But Dev who started with humanity, considers himself flawed and imperfect, who called himself a failure in every way, coming close to being considered as a perfect man. He is still grounded and doesn’t consider himself as god like those 2 ladies did.

      Coming to Sonakshi, I pity the girl who will come in Shubh’s life. :). Because no matter what Dev does, he will not be able to stop Sonakshi from manipulating to keep her place in his life. Also if she keeps with doing what she is doing now in her business like just making diet charts without taking the other things into consideration, she will become obsolete. The only hope for her is to stop considering herself perfect and accept that she has a lot to learn and improve.

    3. Shaavi why do you think sonakshi will be an interfering. Sonakshi will all her I'm perfect attitude never struck me as selfish like ish. Actually that was my problem with sonakshi, cvs made her so selfless so that ish could do her likings that she ceased to b human.

    4. Mily, the makers showed Sonakshi as selfless in the beginning. But along the way she became exactly like Ishwari. In the ending episodes she was shown to stand exactly in Ishwari’s place as the later was in the beginning of the series series. The very fact that s asked who is better, mom or dad is proof of that fact. When she asked that question, what she wanted to hear from Suhana was that she was still the best. But instead Soha started praising Dev which made her unhappy. She needed that ego boast from Suhana same as what Ishwari needed from Dev.

      Ishwari has accepted that she is faulty and flawed. But Sonakshi hasn’t. She will continue to ask for that ego boast from Suhana and Shubh. Suhana will get married and go to a different home, but Shubh will bring his life partner to IN. And she will behave exactly like Ishwari. She will want her place not compromised, which is what Ishwari did. In the end Sonakshi was shown to be the replica of Ishwari.

    5. Sona did not ask Suhana who is better mom or dad. She asked Suhana which arrangement she likes better - Stay at home mom arrangement or stay at home dad arrangement. Big difference !!! In fact when some major changes happen at home the kids should always be asked if they are liking the new arrangement or not.

      When Suhana started complaining about what all thing she did not like about Dev handling the home, that time also she stopped Suhana from telling too much compain & asked her "Ok now just tell me all the good things"..... didn't she ?

      No. Sonakshi is no where close to Iswari. Like Mily said Ishwari had ceased to be a human. The kind of treatment Ishwari gave to Sonakshi right from the time she came as her bahu till the infertility was cringe worthy.

      I wish Suhana was not born or would have been Sona's adopted kid. And after the Khatri track Ishwari would have accepted Sonakshi as she is.

      I agree with Tia that Sonakshi is like Asha and Dev is like Bijoy. So Sonakshi's bahu will be treated like a queen just like Ronita. Right from day one Ronita was able to cook anything she wanted for the family and do whatever she wanted. Sonakshi was not even allowed to peacefully prepare kachoris without hearing that ridiculous lecture from Ishwari.

      Ronita loves Asha more than her own mom. And I agree with Tia that Asha is a better mother-in-law than mother. Asha has been excellent mil to both Dev and Ronita. And Sona will also be excellent mil like Asha.

    6. Yeah I don't like sonakshi esp in the end of season 1 and completely in season 2.She lost her personality the moment she entered back ish novas. Even with all the saccharine sweetness, the mil dil bond of ish sona did not work for me, call it the ludicrous writing, I found it forced and never organic. Had sona been a shown as a regular woman and not such a veritable saint, it would have been easier to watch.

    7. Anonymous, let’s agree to disagree. From where I see, I feel Sonakshi is a replica of Ishwari. For all that she pretends, she is no different than her. Sonakshi’s every action mimics Ishwari. And yes, when Shubh and Suhana will fall in love with someone, she will behave exactly like Ishwari. No doubt about it. :)

    8. Sona always loses her personality and turns into selfless lamb every time she is in 'lau' with Dev. She only gets her personality every time Dev throws her out of his life/house.

      Her saccharine sweetness looks ridiculous especially with Ishwari, Radha & Vicky who do not deserve it at all.

      Even after 7 yrs, when Ishwari met Sona near office lift, she taunted her that about not having kids. Ridiculous !!!

      After Khatri track it was very easy for Ishwari.

      Ishwari already got her'waaris'. During Bose dinner track she came to know very well that her son still madly loves Sona. She already was indebted to Sona who went out of her way to deal with Khatri. So boom !! Get back her waaris's mother and make both Dev & Suhana happy.

      The way Ishwari treated Sona during fake pregnancy & infertility was cringe worthy. She showered all love when she was about to get her waaris and then treated her like a 'sh*t' when she came to know Sona was infertile.

      Thats why this Ish - Sona bond does not make any sense. I would have preferred it if Sona would have had no kids.

    9. Very true. Ishwari was always a selfish woman. Her bond with sona does not make any sense for me coz of the same reason mentioned by you.

      And tbh I just don't like the way she treats shubh as some kind of personal trophy. Her interest in shubh goes beyond that of a grandson, maybe it's because he's a boy and ish sees her second Sahara or whatever in him. This woman is incapable of loving selflessly, that's what I hated it when she was glorified.

    10. Sure Shaavi. Let's agree to disagree.

      For me Dev is exactly like Bijoy and Sona is exactly like Asha. I do agree with with Tia on that (and I also do agree with cvs on that who have said it through the dialogues. Cvs have made Asha say that Sona is exactly like her. And the cvs have also made Dev say that he is exactly like Bijoy)

  3. I agree with you alot and sometimes I agree to disagree with you. But I always make it point to read what you write. Thank you for religiously taking the time out to write. It has been a delight to read you. Thank you, Tia.

    1. Thank you, Noor. I really appreciate it. :)

  4. Wow the season was really about All hail dev. Is shaheer really that huge in terms of stardom, that he has a whole show pandering to him. I stopped watching the show coz it was not creativity, but a fan tribute to an actor.

    1. And I think between canonizing Dev and Ishwari as Saint are where the show failed. Shaavi is right. They tried to turn Bhaiya into some kind of modern day Messiah to all social issues and that took away the human qualities. They did it with Ishwari in season one destroying Bhaiya in the process (he appeared weak and spineless, not to mention pathological lier) and they did the same this season and last season with Bhaiya destroying Sonakshi in the process who appeared cold, heartless and selfish woman.

    2. Cvs never really gave much importance to sonakshi. Her emotional curve was never important. She was just a prop for cvs to tell dev ish story. They just added the romantic angle and glamorized it to get the viewership. So in the process to glorify ish, they had to show sonakshi as a selfless lamb, how else would a lot of scenarios would have played out, if sonakshi was actually strong, independent and intelligent.

    3. Precisely. And because of that the magnificent Sonakshi Bose from season one became her own caricature in season two and three.

  5. I just now watched the pappa scene,must say it was shot very badly. The voice over of the kid sounded pretty fake and seemed like some adult kids impression of a kid. Kids don't straightaway make such big sing song words. They just gently mutter the syllable.

  6. Last episode left me bad taste.. it proved krp was never about equality. The way dev credited only eshwari...i felt back to square one. Also mami said everything is belong to shub again cvs proved male child is everything. I must say ridiculous ending.

    I am happy major audience stopped watching this crap. Even on YouTube it's only 100k +, first few episode had million views. I am just happy that major audience rejected this s2 which revolved only around dev.

    1. Third that.
      Also agree Dev is like Bijoy ans Sona like I wished Sona wud hav been like Bijoy, she was for a temporary period


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