
Showing posts from September, 2017

Normal Vs. Natural!!!

There is a misconception in the society that what is normal is also natural and vice versa.  But that's not the case. In some societies homosexuality is not normal. But look in the nature (as in animal kingdom) and you will find that it's natural. But since it's against so-called social norms, people are against it which is in fact none of their business. The same way, in some societies, being an unmarried mother/father is not normal. But it's certainly natural. Again, if you take the concept of marriage, in human society, it's normal. But it's not natural since nature didn't create this concept. We still follow it because in human society, it gives structure.  Survival instinct is natural. But harming someone for one's own gain is certainly against social norms and hence not normal. I can give such many instances which are normal but not natural or is natural but not normal. In my opinion, parenthood is natural. Even animals take care of ...

Status Quo!!!

Society is a man made reality. When human being first came into existence, there were no such thing as society. It is necessary to have a society where you have community and friends and advisers and a sense of shared sense of belonging and acceptance. However, society can't be stagnant. As we all know, when anything is kept stagnant, rot begins to set. A successful society is the one which evolves with changing time. Yes, in the old days, women used to stay at home and raise children and men used to work. But it was not because men were incapable of raising children. But because no one gave women work in those days. Just like women proved by going into workforce that they are as capable of handling work life as men, if given an opportunity, men can also prove that they are just as capable of raising children as women. Yes, it will reduce the concept of mothers being all rounder and fathers being major goof-ups. But it's about time that false myth is crushed in fro...